by Carole Epp | Jan 31, 2012 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
NCECA/crafthaus Conference Scholarship Submission FormHow to apply:Copy/paste this form into a word.doc, fill out form and e-mail it to: [email protected] with the reference “NCECA Scholarship.”
Extended Deadline for email application: February 3, 2012
Questions, problems? e-mail [email protected].
Judging Criteria:
NCECA Board member Sam Chung will select one scholarship recipient based on a review of images posted on the applicants’ crafthaus pages and brief responses to a short questionnaire (see application form for details).Scholarship Details:
- Complimentary pass to the 46th Annual NCECA Conference taking place in Seattle, WA from March 28-31, 2012.
- Push Play catalog.
- Shuttle tour ticket, enabling the scholar to get to the conference exhibitions.
- One-year additional NCECA membership once the current membership expires.
- One-year additional crafthaus membership once the current membership expires.
- Prominent blogspace on crafthaus for one year. NCECA provides reciprocal blogspace on an NCECA website.
- NCECA will work with the winning candidate to include him/her in events and meetings with NCECA, staff board and conference presenters.
I. Applicant Contact Information:
Street Address:
City/Zip Code/Countrye-mail:
Eligibility: Application for the scholarship is open to current, enrolled crafthaus and NCECA members (must be current members ofboth organizations) regardless of location or background.Please check:O I am a current, enrolled member with crafthaus and NCECA.
II. Blog
The recipient will receive prominent blog space on crafthaus and the NCECA website geared towards the recipient’s field of expertise. Crafthaus and NCECA expect the recipient to blog at least twice monthly.
Blogging topics and timeline:
- Prior to conference: Introduction to audience, overview of own work, preparations for conference, introduction to conference theme, speakers, exhibitions.
- During Conference: Daily evening updates on conference experience, such as exhibition review, speakers etc. Note: These blog updates will be brief to enable the scholar to fully concentrate on the conference itself.
- After conference: Bi-weekly updates starting with continued, further in-depth conference coverage, then moving on to topic of scholar’s choosing as described in application. Continuation of blog for 6-12 months max.
Answer each of the following questions in 200 words or less:
- What are your goals as a maker and as a writer?
- What kinds of ideas, issues, people and/or work do you want to share through your blog entries?
- What personal attributes make you stand apart from other applicants for this opportunity as the NCECA/crafthaus Scholarship recipient?

III. Images:
Your submission will be reviewed from the images you posted to your new or current crafthaus profile solely! All applicants are strongly encouraged to update their photos on the site accordingly. Add new images or delete images that are no longer relevant.Remember to include media information, measurements and all other relevant information with each photo. Update your crafthaus page with relevant educational and/or updated CV information.TAG your photos with your name, media, and other relevant info!!
Submitted by:_______________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________
Deadline for email application: February 3, 2012
e-mail entry to: [email protected], reference “NCECA Scholarship.”
by Carole Epp | Jan 31, 2012 | Uncategorized
Monday, March 19, 2012 to Friday, March 23, 2012Level: Visiting Artist WorkshopsPrice: LAC Members $600.00 / Non-Members $600.00Lab Fee: $30.00
Students should come ready to try something new, or with a latent idea that is yet to manifest. Dinnerware, teapots, vases, platters, and cups and saucers are but a few possibilities to explore. This five-day workshop will give participants the opportunity to explore and expand their knowledge of form and utility through the use of molds and slip casting. Andrew will discuss different approaches for designing prototypes and making molds, how to formulate slip specific to your needs, and explore how the workshop can initiate new directions in your work. Students should come with questions and ready to stretch their skill, knowledge, and experience.It will be possible to accomplish making one complex mold and/or several small molds. Because of the brevity of the workshop we will cast the molds but the pieces will not be fired.

For more info and to register please visit their
Lillstreet Art Center
4401 North Ravenswood Avenue
Chicago, IL 60640
(773) 769-4226
by Carole Epp | Jan 31, 2012 | Uncategorized

Exhibition runs February 4th to March 11thIntriguing and haunting, this solo show of porcelain sculpture by Michael Flaherty is a sober examination of resettlement in Newfoundland and Labrador.
During his three months alone in the resettled community of French Cove on the Grey Islands off Newfoundland’s Northern Peninsula, Michael Flaherty became fascinated with the remnants of the island’s inhabitants–gravestones, pottery shards and antlers. Flaherty’s porcelain sculptures are a fusion of caribou antler and pottery shard with an interesting twist. The shard portion resembles the decomposing bone while the antler section is surfaced with pottery decoration and pattern. A graduate of NSCAD and University of Regina, Michael Flaherty has maintained an active and diverse ceramics practice for the past ten years. Currently he resides in Corner Brook where he is the sculpture technician at Grenfell Campus, Memorial University.
View more of the work online at Michael
website or see the show in person at:
Craft Council of
Newfoundland and LabradorDevon House Craft Centre
59 Duckworth Street
St. John’s NL, Canada
A1C 1E6
Tel: (709) 753-2749
Fax: (709) 753-2766
[email protected]
by Carole Epp | Jan 31, 2012 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Through a unique linkage, the Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, and West
Virginia University have teamed to offer a comprehensive study opportunity
for students and the serious advanced or professional ceramic artist/potter.
The Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute is considered to be China’s finest ceramics
art and design school. We have teamed to offer a study and travel program in
the Peoples Republic of China where students will have the opportunity to
study with some of China’s most prominent teachers and ceramic artists.
Imperial Blue & White Porcelain Capital of Jingdezhen, Qin’s Terra Cotta Army,
Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City, the hustle and bustle of Shanghai.
Join us for a experience of a lifetime!
China’s roots in ceramic art history are strong and deep. For thousands of
years, Chinese artisans have developed and mastered techniques and artistry
that has set the standard of excellence in ceramics throughout the world.
High fired porcelains, underglaze and overglaze techniques, celadons, copper
reds, temmoku, yaoware carving, ash glazes and tri-colored lead glazes are
just a few of the contributions made by Chinese artisans over the centuries.
Summer Semester 2012
May 24 – June 30
(Dates prices may vary slightly)
6 Credits
Cost: 6-Credits/Tuition and fees: $5900*
This fee covers International airfare, in-country travel, all lodging, food
(an exception being during the Beijing travel portion of the program),
materials, and 6 graduate or undergraduate transferable credits from West
Virginia University.
Fall Semester 2012
September 7 – December 14
(Dates and prices may vary slightly)
12 Credit Hours: Graduate or Undergraduate
Cost: 12 Credits/Tuition and fees $9,900*
6-Credits Studio Ceramics
3-Credits Chinese Ceramic Art History
3-Credits Basic Language and Culture
Participants will be expected to pay for tools not supplied by the program,
brushes, personal acquisitions, and local travel outside of the program.
Students may also be expected to purchase their own meals during the Beijing
This fee covers the entire cost of International airfare, in-country travel,
all program fees, insurance, living accommodations and 12 transferable
credits from West Virginia University.
If you or anyone you may be interested in any of the 2 programs, more
information and applications are available at:
If you have any questions feel free to contact us. Hope to see all of you
in Jingdezhen, China!
Shoji Satake
Assistant Professor of Art
West Virginia University
College of Creative Arts
School of Art and Design
Creative Arts Center
PO Box 6111
Morgantown, WV 26506
[email protected]