by Carole Epp | Feb 27, 2014 | Uncategorized

Mythology Meets Archetype is
curated by Heather Nameth Bren, NCC exhibition committee member,
professor, and ceramic artist. It will feature the artworks of Christie
Brown (London, UK), Philip Eglin (London, UK), Michelle Erickson
(Yorktown, VA), Bonnie Marie Smith (Kingston, NY), and Vipoo Srivilasa
(Melbourne, AU). The works in the exhibition will respond to personal,
cultural, and religious myths that have grown out of the desire to know
(or the posture to know) the unknowable. Symbols of the god figure, the
mother figure, the self, and the demon have been used to describe
ancient and contemporary narratives. This archetypal cast of characters
is employed as agents of one’s personal or cultural identity, spiritual
devotion, and even power to control the masses.
Vipoo Srivilasa will be in residence at Northern Clay Center prior to
the exhibition working with community members on a collaborative
project. Stay tuned for more information!
2424 Franklin Avenue East, Minneapolis, MN, 55406
by Carole Epp | Feb 27, 2014 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Born from an idea by János Probstner, founder and former
director of the International Ceramics Studio, the 1st International
Triennial of Silicate Arts was held in 2005 in Kecskemét, Hungary –
expanding the tradition of the National Silicate Industrial Triennials
of the 1980’s into an truly global event.
Organised by the Foundation for Contemporary
Ceramic Arts, the 4th International Triennial will again include an
international competition, an exhibition and an international ceramics
The venues for the Triennial are based in
Kecskemét, a large market town 80 kilometres south of the Hungarian
capital, Budapest. Kecskemét has long been renowned for its support of
cultural events and has a long tradition of artistic endeavour. The
Triennial exhibition will take place in the Kecskemét Cultural and
Conference Centre.
The theme for the 2014 Triennial is “NEW ENERGY”.
The organisers expect artists to use the given theme with complete freedom and innovation.
The works must be in clay, concrete,
porcelain or glass and artists are free to choose the technical methods
and approach to the given theme. The objects must be original works and
not previously prizewinning works in any international competition.
The aims of the triennial are to stimulate
both fine and applied artists to create works which give scope to the
industrial and artistic application of new materials and technologies,
encouraging the widening of directions in 21st century silicate arts.
Application deadline: 30 April 2014
The exhibiton of the 4th International
Triennial of Silicate Arts will be held from 3 August to 7 September
2014 in the Kecskemét Cultural and Conference Centre.
The official languages of the Triennial are English and Hungarian.
by Carole Epp | Feb 26, 2014 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Deadline for submitting applications: March 9th
Find all the details here: