by Carole Epp | Jul 29, 2022 | Uncategorized

“Small Matter” is a national juried exhibition hosted by the 437Co Art Gallery, Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction, Colorado. The exhibition is open to all US-based artists 18 years of age and older working in 2D and 3D media. Entries must be original works created within the last five years, and not previously exhibited at the CMU Art Gallery. Artists may submit up to three works with a $35 entry fee. Accepted works will be exhibited at 437Co in downtown Grand Junction, CO from Nov. 28, 2022, to Jan. 26, 2023. The 437Co Art Gallery is pleased to announce that the exhibition will be juried by Pattie Chalmers, artist, and educator at the Southern Illinois University Carbondale. There will be $1,000 in cash awards given to Best of Show ($500), 1st Place ($300), and 2nd Place ($200). The BEST of the show will have a solo exhibition opportunity in the CMU 437Co Art Gallery in Fall 2023 or 2024.
JUROR: Pattie Chalmers ( received her BFA in printmaking from the University of Manitoba in Canada, and her MFA in Ceramics from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.
- Entry Deadline: Oct. 10, 2022
- Notification of acceptance by email: Oct. 24, 2022
- Window to receive works: Nov. 1 – Nov. 12, 2022
- Works Delivered in person at the 437Co Art Gallery: Nov. 7 – Nov. 12, 12:00-5:00 pm
(437 Colorado Ave. Grand Junction, CO 81501)
- Deadline to receive works: Nov. 12, 2022
- Exhibition opens: Nov. 28, 2022
- Opening Reception and Juror’s talk: Dec. 2, 5:30 pm
- Exhibition Closes: Jan. 26, 2023
- Return Shipping or Pick-up for works: Jan. 30 – Feb. 10, 2023
The exhibition is open to all artists 18 years of age and older, living in the United States. All forms of 2D and 3D art are accepted including painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, graphic & digital art, mix media, sculpture, ceramics, fiber, glass, and metal arts. Pieces should not exceed 12” in any direction. Entries must be original works created within the last five years, and not previously exhibited at the CMU Art Gallery. All accepted works must be in the custody of 437Co Art Gallery for the duration of the exhibition.
Full details HERE.
by Carole Epp | Jul 19, 2022 | Uncategorized

“BCCMR is an ongoing project, and is always accepting submissions. If you are a BC ceramicist and want to submit mark images, biographies, or send in a correction, we welcome you to use our submission forms. Don’t be shy.
Please note that we are including marks with unknown makers, as well as makers on whom there is limited information. As such, some entries may be incomplete, and new information is welcomed. BCCMR is a growing project that is operated by volunteers. We are actively fact-checking the biographical entries, but cannot promise absolute accuracy. Please feel welcome to contact us with any concerns, or submit a correction. Note that BCCMR is not a valuation or authentication tool, and is for research purposes only.”
Find out more and add yourself to the registry:
by Carole Epp | Jul 11, 2022 | monday morning eye candy

entre puerperio y pandemia voy materializando algunas imágenes que venían dando vueltas. Me interesa ser cronista de nuestra época a través de estas cerámicas. Hay días que siento esperanza, otros días me levanto apocalíptica. En ese vaivén total voy creando.
esta obra se llama “E – pacheta / Nosotrxs no comemos baterías”, forma parte de la serie “cuerpo/territorio” y deviene de algunas lecturas en relación al conflicto de comunidades andinas con la devastación de los ecosistemas de salares. La fiebre del litio que le dicen.
En el contexto actual global de extractivismo, la obra se propone reflexionar en torno a la tensión natural / artificial y la explotación de bienes naturales comunes entendidos como materias primas, como recursos económicos, expropiables, explotables, exportables, convirtiendo a determinados territorios en zonas de sacrificio. En tiempos de terricidio, hiperconectividad, energías “limpias” y pandemia, ¿cómo cuidamos y defendemos lo común? ¿cómo es posible la continuidad de la vida en los territorios?
Between the puerperium and the pandemic, I am materializing some images that have been going around. I am interested in being a chronicler of our time through these ceramics. There are days I feel hope, other days I wake up apocalyptic. In that total swing I am creating. . This work is called “E – pacheta / We don’t eat batteries”, it is part of the series “body/territory” and comes from some readings in relation to the conflict of Andean communities with the devastation of salt flat ecosystems. The lithium fever they call it. . In the current global context of extractivism, the work aims to reflect on the natural/artificial tension and the exploitation of common natural assets understood as raw materials, as economic resources, expropriated, exploitable, exportable, turning certain territories into areas of sacrifice. In times of terricide, hyperconnectivity, “clean” energies and pandemic, how do we take care of and defend the common? How is the continuity of life in the territories possible?