by Carole Epp | May 31, 2007 | Uncategorized

I recently attended an artist talk by Ana Rewakowicz and at the event she had a copy of a book I knew immediately I had to have. Now mind you to put it into perspective, I have to have most books I run across but this one was a particular must-have case. The book, Design Like You Give a Damn: Architectural Responses to Humanitarian Crisis is edited by Architecture for Humanity and is filled to the brim with projects and prototypes from designers all around the world in response to the need to develop housing for displaced people as a result of war, famine or natural disaster.
While I’m still just beginning to make my way through the book, already I’m amazed at the ingenuity of these designers, their passion and their commitement to the needs of others.
I’ve pulled out 2 projects to mention which were chosen due to their material which is of course ceramic!

This first one is a housing project which was designed and developed by Nader Khalili and the organization Cal-Earth ( The houses are 150sq foot buildings that can be built for approximately $625, plus as an additional bonus the communities themselves are involved in the construction due to the ease of building the structures. The book highlights all of the political, economic and technical chanllenges that were faced in trying to get this project on the ground in the communities that needed them.

This ceramic water filter project is by the organization Potters for Peace, who also have a sister organization here in Canada called Potters Without Borders. The primary community they serve is Managua, Nicaragua and they have a program for potters to travel to Nicaragua to do volunteer work in the area. The filters cost about $10-15 and can purify just under 2L of safe drinking water in an hour.
by Carole Epp | May 31, 2007 | Uncategorized
Winifred Shantz Award for Ceramists
Deadline: August 10, 2007
As the only national award for young ceramic artists and potters, The Winifred Shantz Award presents $10,000 annually to an artist to recognize achievement and invest in the future.
The Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery welcomes submissions from Canadian ceramic artists and potters who have been working for a minimum of five years and a maximum of ten years in a productive studio capacity.
This award is designed to allow the recipient time away from the studio, travel for career development, connect with mentors, visit other studios, study museum collections, investigate kiln sites, or liaise with industry to perform research that will further in-studio production. It may also be used for international residencies or symposia. While recognizing that not all ceramists arise from an academic background, this award is intended to assist at a post-graduate level of accomplishment and may not be used for tuition purposes.
The selection panel is comprised of experienced contemporary ceramic artists, potters and curators. This jury will choose one winner and the results will be announced at a gala event at the Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery on September 20, 2007.
Hard-copy applications should be delivered to the Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery by August 10th, 2007 by 5pm. Applications should include:
* 2-page cv detailing the applicant’s accomplishments over the past five years
* Creative Material:
o 20 labelled .jpg images, 72 dpi, maximum 1024 x 768 (height must not exceed 768 pixels). Title each file with a number, your name, and title of the work. (ie. 01.artistname.title.jpg). Save images directly on the CD-ROM without creating folders, and do not submit PowerPoint.
o 20 slides clearly numbered and labelled with the artist’s name
* image list indicating the number, title, date, process and size of each work
* single-page outline describing how the award will be used, i.e. a proposal of the research program and its intended relevance to the applicant’s future work
All submissions will be kept on file at the Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery’s Artists’ Registry for archival purposes and cannot be returned. All applications must be hard copy (email submissions will not be accepted); additional support materials are not required
Submissions should be sent to:
Winifred Shantz Award
c/o Robert Achtemichuk, Director
Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery
25 Caroline Street North
Waterloo, ON N2L 2Y5
The award recipient must deliver a brief report to the Gallery, summarizing the benefits received from the award, no later than two years after the award is granted. Documents outlining itinerary, as well as confirmation by receiving mentors or industrial partners and disclosure of the terms of agreement between partners and the recipient, may be requested prior to disbursement.
For more information, contact:
Robert Achtemichuk
Executive Director
519.746.1882, #231
[email protected]
by Carole Epp | May 31, 2007 | Uncategorized

Lark Books is putting out yet another in their 500 series…
Deadline: July 16
Juror: Linda Arbuckle
Lark Books seeks images of contemporary handmade plates, platters, and chargers to publish in an international collection of studio ceramic work from around the globe. Diverse techniques and styles are desired. Slated for release in Spring 2008, 500 Plates, Platters, & Chargers is intended to inspire beginning and professional ceramic workers, as well as collectors, scholars, and enthusiasts. We accept high-quality transparencies, 35-mm slides, and high-resolution digital images. Artists whose work is selected for inclusion will receive full acknowledgement within the book, a complimentary copy, and discounts on the purchase of books. Artists retain copyright of their work, and there is no entry fee. Entries must be postmarked by July 16, 2007. To submit images of your work for consideration, please go to and look under artist submissions.
by Carole Epp | May 30, 2007 | Uncategorized
5th International Biannual of Ceramics, the City of Kapfenberg, Austria – 6/15/2007
Deadline: June 15, 2007
Topic: Illusion
September 28th – November 11th 2007
A maximum of three works are allowed to be entered to the competition. The works must not exceed the age limit of two years and there has to be an obvious connection between the topic of the biannual (“Illusion”). Only works that have never been entered to take part at any other competition are accepted.
The dimensions of the objects entered have to be of reasonable size, height and weight. In other words, an exhibition at the gallery of the Cultural Center should not take extraordinary efforts for the organizers.
Photographs of the works are required. Please take the pictures in front of neutral background. The minimum size of each photograph is 13×18 centimetres of measure. The photographs can also be sent via CD ROM. A resolution of at least 300dpi is required. Please take the pictures of each work from at least two different angles.
On the backside of each photo taken, please write the name of the artist, the year of production, as well as the title of each along with its measures and forms of technique.
To enter the competition/exhibition of the 5th Biannual of Ceramics the Cultural Center of Kapfenberg requires a package of the following data:
The filled out application form. The list of works entered. The photographs of the works entered.
Please write the password “Keramikbiennale” (Biannual of Ceramics) on your package and send it to the following address:
Stadtgemeinde Kapfenberg
Kulturzentrum, Mürzgasse 3
A – 8605 Kapfenberg Austria
All entries have to reach the Cultural Center before June 15th 2007.
An eventual publication of the works is only possible if the photographs are liable to be reproduced or – in case of digital photographs – contain a high resolution (300 dpi).
The data/documents entered will remain with the organizer and will hence not be returned.
All participants that are admitted to enter the contest / exhibition will be notified until July 10th, 2007.
For more information visit,
by Carole Epp | May 30, 2007 | Uncategorized
Applications for the 2008 NICHE Awards are now available online at Artists can download an application at the newly revamped NICHE Awards web page. Other useful information includes updated rules and guidelines, as well as information about the 2008 NICHE Awards ceremony, special display and finalist notifications.