by Carole Epp | Feb 20, 2011 | Uncategorized

Patricia Volk Pulse. Photographer Jason Ingrams
When: 25-27 February 2011
Where: Royal College of Art
Kensington Gore
Visit Royal College of Art’s website Times: 10am-7pm, 10am-6pm, 10am-5pm Tickets: £12 per ticket – to book tickets call 020 3137 0750
Ceramic Art London is the UK’s leading annual exhibition and fair of contemporary ceramics. A must-visit event for anyone with a passion for great design, visitors will see work from 79 exhibitors from the UK and further afield, selected by a committee of industry experts.
Amongst those exhibiting are Lesley Risby, Patricia Volk and Jane Hamlyn. Established ceramicists Thomas Bohle, Merete Rasmussen, Matthew Chambers and James & Tilla Walters will also show examples of their work.
First time exhibitors hoping to make their mark include Carol Farrow, Consuelo Radclyffe, Fenella Elms and Tanya Gomez. Every piece shown will be for sale and with prices ranging from £12 – £4,000, this is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to own a unique piece of art, whatever their budget.Visit the Ceramic Art London website here.via UK Crafts Council
by Carole Epp | Feb 19, 2011 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Craft NI is now inviting proposals for its annual, selected exhibitions programme 2011-12 from craftspeople, designer-maker, curators, craft networks and retail outlets.
The Craft NI gallery is a showcase platform for displays and exhibitions of quality contemporary craft. Through an annually selected exhibitions programme, Craft NI offers year round access to displays and exhibitions of quality contemporary craft in the centre of Belfast. The ground floor gallery is housed in the historic Cotton Court building, a former Bonded Warehouse and is conveniently located opposite the Merchant Hotel in the heart of
Belfast’s Cathedral Quarter.
Each year Craft NI invites designer-makers, craftspeople, curators, craft organisations and retail outlets to submit exhibition proposals for an annual programme of exhibitions at the gallery. Normally, exhibitions run for two months. A craft curator selects exhibitions on the basis of proposals submitted to Craft NI and on our general quality criteria. Find out more about the exhibition programme here → Selection Process and Criteria
Work will be selected for display by an independent panel on the basis of the exhibition proposal and Craft NI’s general quality criteria.
By this, Craft Northern Ireland means contemporary work that:
- extends practice as well as ensuring high standards of technical skill and design;
- does not reproduce or restore but is innovative in its use of materials and aesthetic vision;
- reflects the signature of the individual maker and demonstrates investigation of processes and critical enquiry.
Your application should contain:
- Contact details
- 4 jpeg images of recent work or link to website/blog
- CV (no more than 2 pages)
- Brief description of the work you are proposing (max 150 words)
- Indication of how you will use the space/any special technical requirements
- Information on when the proposed work is available
Venue: Craft Ni
End: 14th March, 2011 16:00
How To Take Part: Please complete an
application form and return with required information to
[email protected] or post to Craft NI, Cotton Court , 42 Waring St. Belfast BT1 2ED The closing date is 14 March 2011.
by Carole Epp | Feb 18, 2011 | Uncategorized

As a child my parents took me on numerous trips to wonderful places such as Berea College, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, and any potter’s studio that was open along the roadside. My parents always had Rowe Pottery and Bennington Pottery around the house and I became intrigued by the texture of the clay and the raised slip decoration. At the time I just thought it was fun but, in retrospect, it was the foundation for my love for ceramics.
When I enrolled at Kalamazoo College I planned on majoring in Biology. However when I was a sophomore my dad sat me down and advised me that he thought I should pursue what I really loved and what made me happy. At that point I changed majors and graduated in 2002 with a B.A. in Fine Arts and Art History.
Having worked for several ceramic artists I decided to open my own studio in 2005.
Artist Statement
I strive to make work that is well made and a pleasure to hold. My work is decorated with images that range from humorous to more abstract. My hope is to create pieces that enhance everyday life from drinking your morning coffee to enjoying your favorite piece of cake.
My designs are influenced from taking walks. It is during these walks alone I clear my head and observe everything from architecture to wildlife. Did you know there are freshwater jellyfish? Or what osage oranges are? I like looking at objects without distractions so I can absorb their form and process it into my own designs.
by Carole Epp | Feb 17, 2011 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Now in its 50th year, the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition [TOAE] is a juried showcase featuring contemporary fine art and craft that takes place annually on Nathan Phillips Square, every July.
As the largest outdoor art exhibition in Canada, TOAE offers a fresh-air alternative to conventional art shows and galleries. Hundreds of artists participate and an estimated 100,000 visitors attend the exhibition every year. Side by side, established artists, undiscovered talents and innovative students sell their work directly to the public and make lasting connections with art dealers and collectors.
In 2010, the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition’s award program presented over $30,000 in cash awards and prizes to participating artists.
The Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition is a charitable, non-profit organization supported by a group of volunteers active in the art and corporate communities. The exhibition is financed through registration fees, and by government, corporate and individual sponsors, enabling the TOAE to charge one of the lowest registration fees in North America. No percentage of the artists’ sales is taken by the organizers. Apply online at the TOAE website at or call 416.408.2754 for more information. For further information, please contact: Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition
264 – 401 Richmond Street West
Toronto, ON
M5V 3A8
toae [at] torontooutdoorart [dot] org
by Carole Epp | Feb 13, 2011 | Uncategorized

A series of free talks from the experts on how to collect contemporary visual art, this event returns in 2011 thanks to the support of Vogue Living. Inspiring collecting talks are held on Saturdays at 11am and 3pm on Saturdays at selected galleries in the focus arts precinct. At Rex Irwin Art Dealer, Andrew Shapiro will give his perspective on the secondary market in contemporary ceramics, Louise Boscacci will provide the artist’s perspective and Rex Irwin will represent the dealers perspective.
1st Floor, 38 Queen St Woollahra NSW 2025