by Carole Epp | Jun 11, 2013 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
ACC Discovery Gallery Call for Proposals
Annual Submission Deadline: July 15
The Discovery Gallery is dedicated to showcasing new work by
established and emerging craft artists and small group exhibitions. The
415 square foot space is located on the main level of the Edmonton
location and features 7+ exhibitions a year.
1. Cover Letter
– contact information: name, address, phone & email
– detailed description & theme of the exhibition
– number of pieces/artist in or expected to participate in exhibition
– time of year preferred
2. Current ACC Membership
3. CV – Artist Resume
4. Artist Biography
5. Images with Image List
– professional quality images (5-10 / jpg) of work that will be in the exhibition or representative of the work.
– professional quality portrait of the artist (in the studio or against a neutral background)
– the image list must include: title, year created, dimensions in inches, materials and technique
Your submission can be sent via
Email: [email protected]
Mail: Alberta Craft Council 10186-106 Street, Edmonton AB T5J 1H4
NOTE if you do not receive a message confirming we have received your submission, contact us.
Call for Entry: Potworks
Deadline: July 25, 2013
Pottery is an integral part of human existence around the world. As
long as 2,000 years ago pots were being made in Alberta. The province’s
current clay scene features a rich array of classic, innovative and
experimental work by studio potters, as well as prominent clay projects
and educational programs.
This exhibition is looking for Alberta ceramic artists who create
tableware or ceramic pieces related to cooking, dining and celebration.
Work selected for this exhibition may include:
- place settings
- serving dishes
- children’s sets
- baking and cooking pieces (bean pot, tajine, casserole, etc.)
- centerpieces
- vases
- candelabra
- tea and other drinking sets
Potworks will run in the Alberta Craft Council’s Feature Gallery from October 5 – December 24, 2013.
Submission Contents:
- Current CV
- Artist Biography & Statement
- 3 – 10 Images with Image List
- High quality images of the work to be presented in the exhibition
- High quality portrait of the artist (in the studio or against a neutral background)
- The image list must include: title, year created, dimensions, materials and techniques
Submissions can be sent online, email or mail.
Email: [email protected]
Mail: Alberta Craft Council 10186-106 Street Edmonton, AB T5J 1H4
NOTE if you do not receive a message confirming we have received your submission, contact us.
by Carole Epp | May 9, 2013 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Alright guys it’s that time in which I start to get annoying by reminding you daily to get your applications in for the Medalta International Cup Show. So lets make it easy on everyone involved by having you all each just send in your applications, because it’ll get embarrassing for all concerned if I have to start calling each and everyone of you individually to remind you! : )
Show us your mugs (or cups, yunomis, steins, etc) and be a part of Medalta’s first annual International Cup Show!
This show – August 23 to September 28- is being juried by Musing About Mud blogger and Canadian ceramic rockstar, Carole Epp.
The submission deadline is Thursday, May 30 so if
you’re interested, have a look at the eligibility requirements,
important dates and other information on this page and fill out the
handy-dandy form below (along with payment). Thanks for your interest
and good luck!
Carole Epp is likely best known for her work on Musing About Mud, (
an online resource of ceramic related content. She is a graduate of the
Australian National University, produces two distinct lines of
functional and sculptural ceramics, exhibits internationally, and at the
end of the day is a mother to two charming young boys.
The exhibition is open to all international artists. Work can be
either functional or sculptural so long as it addresses the idea of “the
cup”. Please submit only original work that has been completed in the
last two years. All work must use at least 50% fired clay as the primary
Work must not exceed 2 feet in width.
All work must be properly prepared for exhibition, be durable enough
to survive shipping and display, and come with exhibition/assemblage
instructions if applicable. Medalta reserves the right to reject any
work that is not suitably prepared for exhibition or that differs from
the original submission.
Medalta reserves the right to use images and photographs of accepted
works for the purposes of promotional materials, including postcards,
calendars, local media as well as online promotion.
All entries must be for sale, (priced in Canadian Dollars).
Applications Due May 30th
Email Notification Begins June 15th 2013
Accepted Work Due July 20th 2013
Show Dates August 23rd to September 28th 2013.
Opening reception TBA
All sold and unsold work shipped back October 2013
All artwork must arrive at Medalta no later than July 20th. Artists
are responsible for all shipping and insurance costs to the gallery.
All entries must be for sale, (priced in Canadian Dollars). Medalta will receive commission of 40% on all sales.
Several of the selected artists will be featured on the Musing About Mud blog.
And we’re wrangling more prizes as we speak!
Awards will be determined by the juror and announced at the opening reception. Artists do not need to be present to win.
Students, be sure to identify yourself as such on the submission form below to be eligible for special awards.
Find the online submission form here:
by Carole Epp | May 6, 2013 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Termini d’inscripcions per a la VII Biennal de Ceràmica del Vendrell: 14 de juny de 2013
Plazo de inscripciones para la VII Bienal de Cerámica del Vendrell: 14 de junio de 2013
Registration period for the Seventh Biennial Ceramics Vendrell: 14th June 2013
Data limite d’inscription pour la VII Biennale de la Céramique du Vendrell : 14 juin 2013
Butlleta/ ficha / form / fiche:
Bases / rules / conditions:
La Rambla, 24
43700 El
Tel. 977 66 56 84
by Carole Epp | May 2, 2013 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Application deadline: June 1, 2013
Entry Fee: 32.45 (25 Euro)
Show Date: July 6–August 31
Small Art Objects is a fund raising undertaking sponsored by A.I.R. Vallauris and consists of a competition, involving the creation of small art objects, their exhibition and sale. A call for entries is communicated to solicit artist participation from all over the world. Small art objects can be made from any material, but are restricted in size to 15 cm x 15 cm x 15 x cm (6 inches x 6 inches x 6 inches). Creations must also be consistent with the theme determined for the undertaking. Timing for this exercise is co-incident with the Fete Picasso, a popular celebration that takes place annually in Vallauris in honour of its most famous artist in residence. From 1946 and for 10 years, Picasso discovered ceramics with a passion in Vallauris. Coincidentally, Vallauris was already thriving economically with traditional pottery and was a lively and rich cultural environment, enhanced by the presence of Baud, Capron, Derval, Eluard, Picault and Ramié.
Picasso’ s arrival in Vallauris stimulated an artistic effervescence, prompting the influx of numerous artists and intellectuals at that time such as Aragon, Brassaï, Cocteau and Prévert, who came to visit Picasso in his studio. Corridas as well as Picasso’s birthday parties were organized and celebrated in his honour by the town’s population. The “Picasso Effect” was equally evident in the development of the arts. Several painters and sculptors, among them Chagall, Matisse and Brauner followed Picasso into studios in Vallauris. Many ceramists: les Argonautes, Baudard, Collet, Crociani, Gerbino, Gourju, Kostanda, Perot, Raty, Roy, Thiry, Valentin, Volkoff, le Tryptique (Del Pierre, Dialto, Portanier), also worked and created during this same period and were encouraged and entranced by the active artistic ferment.
Contact details:
A.I.R Vallauris
Place Lisnard, 1 Boulevard des Deux Vallons
[email protected]
Phone: 33 (0)493 646 550