Aaron Nelson |
Maybe it was something in the air at Medalta lately, what with the 1st International Cup show opening and all. But while I was visiting earlier this month, Vipoo Srivilasa who was there for a residency drummed up the idea to put together an International Spoon Competition as well. September saw a new batch of year long residents taking over the studio as well as a number of artists from South East Asia coming over for a visit and a brief month long residency with Vipoo. The energy in the studio was inspiring. So many new artists getting settled in and starting to work and the spoon competition was the perfect thing to get the kilns firing and the creative ideas flowing. Sometimes all it takes is a little something out of the ordinary day to day of your studio practice to open up some new perspectives and ideas. Returning later in the month I saw how this friendly competition really brought the artists together (well that and all the amazing shared meals they created).
So I here by present to you the spoons in the competition. Each is a thing of beauty and interestingly speaks to each artist’s larger art practice. The winner of the competition (judged by those participating) was Teo Huey Min’s lovely spoon. Congrats to you!
But I’m curious…which is your favorite?
James Seet |
Jason Desnoyers |
Jenn Demke-Lange |
Jenna Stanton |
Joshua Primmer |
Jun Myoung |
Krisaya Luenganantakul |
Laura McKibbon |
Liz Burritt |
Naomi Clement |
Noriko Masuda |
Teo Huey Min |
Teo Huey Min |
Thomas Cheong |
Vipoo Srivilasa |
there are three there I would have trouble choosing between, Vipoo Srivilasa's, Naomi Clements and Noriko Masuda's..
Oh wow. Spoon awesomeness. It's a tie between Jenn Demke-Lange and James Seet. Oh and Jun Myoung.
I favour Aaron's.
Noriko Masuda….
there is something truly so delicate and simplistically beautiful about those spoons that is so captivating.