movie day: 陶芸作家 原田省平さん Japanese Ceramic Artist – Shohei Harada
movie day: Design and Ceramics in Dieulefit
movie day: Vanitas
Vanitas from charlotte cornaton on Vimeo.
Juin 2009///
Terra est vanitas, casts, cracks, vanities and voids//
Thèse Vanitas.
Master Art graphique ESAG Penninghen, major mention excellente.
Vanitas is a state of emptiness.Vanitas is a parallel between ceramics and graphic design through a triptych of contemporary vanities : body, knowledge, morality. A ceramic skull divided in 13 pictogrammes is the starting point of this thesis project. A stop motion video with ceramics confront new technology and tradition. Each pictogramm of the skull is “destroy” in order to show time flying.
A book and the volumes are another part of the thesis project, which you can see on my website.
Earth is memory, permanence, roots.
Earth is matter, ephemera, transition.
Earth is strehgth and fragility, belief and uncertainty.
Earth is vanity.
Biennale d’Issy, Paris. 2011
Magmart CAM, Naples. 2011
Cooper Design Space, Los Angeles. 2009
Illustrative Award, Berlin. 2009
luchini :
The truth of this world, dear Élifore, is death.
Life is a drunkenness, a lie. It is delicate and indispensable.
sir alice :
being nothing,
return to origins,
not even being someone who does nothing.
Be nothing.
That is a noble ambition.
I want to be everywhere
I want to be everyone
and I want to know everything.
Director – Charlotte Cornaton
Performer – Charlotte Cornaton
Music – Prefuse 73, Sir Alice
Voice – Luchini