movie day: A Passion for Porcelain 2013
A Passion for Porcelain 2013 from Shelley O’Keefe on Vimeo.
lives in Bellingen NSW where he built a studio so he can pursue his
love. He teaches ceramics there one day a week. John draws his
inspiration from the surrounding landscape and in this video he talks
about his particular passion for porcelain.
This is my first video and I want to thank Liz Keen from ABC Open, for mentoring me throughout the process.
Music: Indian Summer by Zero V
technical tuesday: Glazing a Mug Using Mutiple Glazes with Hsin-Chuen Lin
movie day: Cranes and Clouds: Evolution of the Inlay Technique in Korean Ceramics
In the mid-12th century, Korean artists introduced the technique of
using black and white inlays beneath green glaze to depict floating
clouds, cranes, and flowers on ceramics. A later, quite different
version of this practice, known as sanggam, produced lively, abstract
patterns with white pigment alone. In this talk, Dr. Pamela Vandiver,
professor of materials science and engineering at the University of
Arizona, investigates this amazing technology and its evolution at a
microscopic level. This lecture is made possible by the generous support
of the National Museum of Korea.
technical tuesday: Use Multi-Colored Clay to Build a Cup
This video was created by Bambootools Pottery. Moulds and tools can be purchased from