movie day: Ceramic Displacement
A potter, Thom Chambers, throws pots in a Volkswagen van while driving
around Laguna Beach, donating the wet clay pots to the environment.
Shot with super 8 film by Fred Stodder in 1979. Music by The Mike Mays
Quartet. Fred Stodder’s ceramic art can be viewed at
You can blame Brendan Tang for finding this one : )
technical tuesday: Two Ways to Alter Rims of Wheel Thrown Plates | JENNIFER ALLEN
movie day: Gail Trunick
Gail Trunick – CLAY & RUST from Kevin DeOliveira on Vimeo.
Produced by:
Director / Editor – Kevin DeOliveira
DP – John Pope
movie day: Clay & Ink
Clay & Ink from Crafts Council on Vimeo.
Ceramist Heidi Harrington discusses finding
inspiration in the movement and stillness in nature. Each of her pieces
is individually screen printed – the clay and image stretch during the
making process until finally freezing into the forms of plates, bowls
and wall pieces.
inspiration in the movement and stillness in nature. Each of her pieces
is individually screen printed – the clay and image stretch during the
making process until finally freezing into the forms of plates, bowls
and wall pieces.