by Carole Epp | Mar 14, 2012 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
“Sculptural Ceramics” A National Juried and Invitational Exhibition
JURIED BY Tyler Lotz and Erin Furminsky at The Carbondale Clay Center in Carbondale, Colorado
This exhibition is open to all types of sculptural ceramics as well as small installations. Clay should be the primary medium. Artwork under $2000 preferred. All work must have been
completed within the last two years.
Exhibition dates: June 1st– July 2nd 2012
Public Reception: First Friday, June 1st 2012 6-8 pm
Application must be received by: Friday, April 27th
Notification of acceptance by email: Monday, May 7th
Accepted work delivered to CCC Gallery by: May 28th
Click here to download prospectus for more information
135 Main Street
Carbondale CO 81623
by Carole Epp | Mar 2, 2012 | Uncategorized

March 1 – March 29, 2012
Opening Reception: Thursday, March 1st, 6-8pm
Jane Hartsook Gallery at Greenwich House Pottery is pleased to present Forehandedness – new sculpture by Baltimore-based artist David S. East. For his first solo exhibition with this gallery, East has created monuments of dailiness, sculptures that combine ubiquitous ornamentation and serene pastels – at times uniting technology and woven fabric – offering a genealogy of cultural homogenization. East’s work is thoughtful however much the installation effortlessly transposes formalism and irony.
“The approach I have taken attempts to reflect on the monumental within the mundane, and seeks to bore out the middle of modernism to see its split-level by-products. The work rotates around these axes operating as much a strategy of thinking as of making.” -David S. East.
David S. East is Chair of Ceramics at the Maryland Institute College of Art. His work has been exhibited nationally and internationally in juried and curated exhibitions, most recently at the GICBiennale 2011, Icheon, Korea and has received numerous awards including an Individual Artist Award form Maryland State Arts Council, the Lighton Foundation and the McKnight Foundation.
Greenwich House
, Inc.
224 West 30th Street, Suite 302
New York, NY 10001
Ph: (212) 991-0003
Fax: (646) 365-5730
by Carole Epp | Feb 16, 2012 | Uncategorized

Árkádia Galéria
Cím: 1052 Budapest, Piarista köz
Telefon: 06-1-235-0661
Ujj Zsuzsa
keramikus iparművész T: +36/20 385 3084 [email protected]
by Carole Epp | Jan 11, 2012 | Uncategorized

February 2 – May 6, 2012
Greg Payce is recognized internationally for his unique ceramic works combining vase forms with precisely articulated profiles. When properly aligned, illusionary images, most often of human figures, appear in the negative spaces between the vases.
Starting in 2007, the artist began to create large-scale lenticular photographs of major pieces, opening new possibilities for seeing and experiencing the original works. Lenticular photographs incorporate digitally re-mastered images and lenses to create startling three-dimensional illusions. He also began to work with video projected on to moving works, creating mesmerizing sequences that relate decorative motifs found around the globe to contemporary ceramics practice.
In this exhibition, important early works indicating the artist’s growing fascination with image, decoration, history and technology will be displayed in the Focus Gallery amidst the Museum’s rich collection of historical ceramics. Major new works from the last five years will be exhibited in the George R. Gardiner Gallery including original ceramic artworks, lenticular photographs created from these artworks and large-scale video projections. Visitors will experience the work in a variety of arrangements, formats and scales.
This exhibition showcases one of Canada’s most innovative and productive ceramic artists, demonstrating his ongoing commitment to expanding the expressive and conceptual range of ceramic art.

by Carole Epp | Jul 18, 2011 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday

Find more amazing work and process shots on the Shadow Pottery Website here.