by Carole Epp | Dec 19, 2016 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, technical tuesday
The Long-Term Residency (September 1 – July 31)
is ideal for committed individuals interested in pursuing the
development of their professional, artistic careers. We accept
applications from emerging, post-bacc, post-grad, and artists with
equivalent educations. Individuals searching for the time, space, and
resources needed to explore new ideas and create work will enjoy
our friendly community and the rural mountainous setting. Accepted
residents will be provided with studio space, furnished private
apartments in a large house downtown, utilities, and a monthly stipend
in exchange for twenty hours of work per week at the Clay Center.
Responsibilities will include assisting in the retail operation of the
gallery, teaching community clay classes, as well as cleaning and
maintenance of the studio and gallery. Residents will be responsible for
personal living expenses, as well as all material and firing expenses.
The application deadline is February 1st annually.
Red Lodge Clay Center
by Carole Epp | Jul 3, 2016 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, technical tuesday
DEADLINE is July 15th
The Education and Communications Coordinator will work with the
Executive Director, Curator of Exhibitions, and the Program and
Facilities Coordinator to fulfill the mission statement set forth by the
Red Lodge Clay Center.
The Education and Communications Coordinator will act as a liaison
for the Long-Term Residents, Short-Term Residents, Visiting Artists, the
Advanced Student Project Network, and AIA Groups helping to orient the
artists to the studio, housing and the Red Lodge area. This job also
includes recruiting and management for the community classes and
outreach programs. Other responsibilities include developing community
relationships and dialogue in an effort to broaden the Centers audience
and its educational mission.
The Education and Communications Coordinator will be responsible for:
• Create Resident Artist web pages
• Workshop and Community communications
• Develop procedures and policy for resident program
• Coordinate residencies and housing
• Develop new programs
• Maintain and develop existing programs
• Hosting and coordinating artists and tours
• Marketing through social media for programs
• Manage community classroom and outreach
In addition to the job description there are general duties
pertaining to the daily operations of the retail and exhibition gallery
space that include: inventory management, website maintenance,
photographing artwork, shipping and receiving, customer service,
preparing exhibitions, and working in the retail gallery.
The ideal candidate will be well organized, energetic and highly
motivated with strong interpersonal, communication, and management
skills. Previous experience in the Arts preferred, and the ability to
adapt to the needs of a growing ceramic arts center in rural Montana is a
Must have excellent proficiency using: Word Press, Mac based
platforms, Microsoft office, Adobe Creative Suite, digital photographic
media, and e-mail.
Send cover letter, CV, names and contact information for three
references, artist statement, and 20 images of current artwork to David
Hiltner via email [email protected].
by Carole Epp | Apr 21, 2016 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, technical tuesday
The DO GOOD-MJ Wood Memorial Short-Term Residency (anytime between September 1 and May 1)
is an underwritten residency intended to support ceramic artists who
wish to develop a body of work with a socially-conscious spirit and a
strong sense of community engagement. Through a competitive application
process one candidate per year will be selected to work at the
Red Lodge Clay Center Studios with a full waiver of the residency fee. An
additional stipend may be available for selected projects to assist with
travel and/or production costs during residency. The application
deadline is May 1.
by Carole Epp | Apr 11, 2016 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, technical tuesday

Balance of excess in color,
adornment, and form is a challenge to achieve.
Joyce St. Clair is pushing hard to find
and defy this balance. Her functional pottery teeters on the edge of this
balance while she seems to not actually care whether or not there is such a
thing as “too much”. This works to St. Clair’s benefit as her work takes the viewer
into a much richer and decadent reality while using and living with her work.
The viewer is also given a source of endless entertainment within the mass of
decorative elements lumped together; eyes can pass from flower to flower to
brilliant swirl to leaf and back a hundred times in a unique order always with
new shapes and colors and glaze runs to enrich the experience. St. Clair’s
forms are quite elegant and exaggerated while retaining some very strict
utility within their stable feet, generous rims, and comfortable handles. While
red, blue, and green are colors we constantly see in nature, there is something
slightly supernatural about St. Clair’s glaze palette, which regains humanity
when it loses control, running and pooling over the clay.

St. Clair earned her BFA in Ceramics from University of North Texas in Denton, Texas and her MFA from Wichita State University in Kansas in 2014. She was named an Emerging Artist of 2015 by Ceramics Monthly and is currently a long-term resident at Red Lodge Center for Clay in Montana.

Thanks again to our great Guest writers from Ceramics Artists Now. Make sure to check out their website for more amazing ceramic based artwork.
by Carole Epp | Dec 17, 2015 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, technical tuesday
Application Deadline: February 1st, 2016
The Long-Term Residency (September 1 – July 31) is ideal for committed
individuals in transition from post baccalaureate studies to graduate
school, as well as those pursuing the development of professional
artistic careers. Self-directed ceramic artists searching for the time,
space and resources needed to explore new ideas and create new work will
enjoy the rural mountainous setting. Accepted residents will be
provided with studio space, housing, utilities, and a monthly stipend in
exchange for twenty hours of work per week at the Clay Center.
Responsibilities will include assisting in the retail operation of the
gallery, teaching community clay classes, as well as cleaning and
maintenance of the studio and gallery. Residents will be responsible for
personal living expenses, as well as all material and firing expenses.
The application deadline is February 1st annually.
Application Fee: $40
The Red Lodge Clay Center welcomes applications from ceramic artists
who will thrive working as a team, in a community minded atmosphere.
The ceramics studio is located approximately six miles north of Red
Lodge, 463 Two Mile Bridge Road. A U.S. Driver’s License is required and
a form of transportation is necessary for the duration of the
residency. Resident artists have 24-hour access to the ceramics studio.
For more detailed information on material needs and studio equipment
please contact the Red Lodge Clay Center.