by Carole Epp | Apr 27, 2020 | Uncategorized

via: NCECA
We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Dick Hay, who served as president of NCECA (1978-80). Dick has an extraordinary impact on contemporary ceramics as a maker and mentor. He retired from teaching after 40 years at Indiana State University, Terre Haute in 2006. In a 2014 update to his website, Hay wrote, “I can only add… I have been very fortunate in this journey. I don’t think that I have ever had a life’s plan. And I don’t think that I have asked for much. But I have received more than I could have ever envisioned. It has not been a one-hundred percent positive life. But it has been real close. And now. As a retired person. My life is truly different. I was cursed/blessed to express myself through making objects. And I feel obligated/driven/doomed/guilty if I don’t do this daily. I now work in my studio every day. Maybe for an hour. Maybe for twelve hours.”
by Carole Epp | Apr 2, 2020 | Uncategorized

Concurrent with the NCECA 2020 conference theme of Multi(VA)lent: Clay, Mindfulness, Memory, resisters presents a dynamic presentation of contemporary ceramic artwork by women artists from the state of Virginia. The exhibition connects and addresses themes of memory by focusing on the works of women in alignment with an important historical marker of the Workhouse site – the women’s suffragists movement.
The group show includes 19 artists and 37 pieces and considers the methods in which artists use clay to explore ideas of potency, power and unity. The exhibition is on view March 14 – May 10, 2020 in the Vulcan and Vulcan Muse Galleries at Workhouse Arts Center.
Due to the statewide closures from the Coronavirus outbreak, we have put this exhibit online! Enjoy the virtual exhibit, artist studio talks and artist statements HERE.
by Carole Epp | Mar 26, 2020 | workshops

The NCECA Gallery Expo provides the opportunity to engage with the artwork of so many wonderful ceramic artists. We may not be able to gather and enjoy the objects and artists in person, but some participating artists will give live talks via Instagram and Facebook on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
During this challenging and isolating time we can come together as interdependent communities to create continuity of care and mutual aid to support one another. Please join the conversation, ask questions, and listen in. Check the schedule for the artist’s talks and times.
To view talks, log into instagram on your mobile device and go to the scheduled profile. When their profile picture says “LIVE” you can tap to watch!
by Carole Epp | Mar 23, 2020 | Uncategorized

We’re going to miss our clay family at NCECA this year! Join NORTHERN CLAY CENTRE for our online NCECA Gallery Expo sale, Pots From a (Social) Distance, starting Tuesday, March 24 at 5 pm EST! Link coming soon!
Here’s where you can find our fellow Gallery Expo friends’ sales:
Artstream Nomadic Gallery (@artstream_nomadicgallery): 5 pm EST Tuesday, March 24 at
Baltimore Clayworks (@baltimoreclayworks):
Clay Art Center (@clayartcenter):
Eutectic Gallery (@eutectic_gallery): 5 pm EST Tuesday, March 24 at
Gandee Gallery (@gandeegallery): 5 pm EST Tuesday, March 24 at
Objective Clay (@objectiveclay): 12 pm EST, Monday, March 23 at
Signature Contemporary Craft (@signature_atl):
Spinning Earth Pottery (@spinningearthpotter):