by Carole Epp | Apr 21, 2012 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
NATIONAL COUNCIL ON EDUCATION FOR THE CERAMIC ART and Santa Fe Community College School of Art and Design’s Visual Arts Gallery joint competition and exhibition.
Santa Fe Community College School of Art and Design’s Visual Arts Gallery will host Ecumene: Global Interface in American Ceramics, a national juried exhibition from August 29, 2012 – September 20, 2012.
NCECA and Santa Fe Community College School of Art and Design’s Visual Arts Gallery are organizing a competitive ceramic exhibition for artists from the United States. Exhibited concurrently with the general session of the International Academy of Ceramics in Santa Fe, this exhibition will showcase contemporary American Ceramics to international leaders in the field of ceramics.
The exhibition is curated and organized by NCECA Exhibitions Director, Linda Ganstrom; Santa Fe Community College School of Art and Design’s Visual Arts Gallery Director, Clark Baughan and Ceramics Head, James Marshall; with Special Guest Curator, Jane Sauer, owner of the Jane Sauer Gallery in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Ecumene: Global Interface in America Ceramics
Current American ceramic practice is part of a larger global dialogue in which artists have access to a tremendous amount of historical and contemporary art information, inspiration and images via the internet, travel opportunities and workshops. This New World of Art is a trans-global cultural movement of which America is a full partner.
Ecumene also refers to the individual practice of artists in selecting the most relevant, appropriate and meaningful elements from this vocabulary to communicate through their art. To be staged concurrently with the International Academy of Ceramics general assembly in New Mexico, Ecumene is intended to survey current America ceramic practice in light of this globalization.
Media & Limitations All works must be primarily ceramic. Mixed media works will be accepted only if ceramic materials are the primary media, although video documentation of projects involving ceramics will be considered. The jurors will make final determinations. Work must fit through a standard door. Floor works must be firmly stable. Wall-mounted pieces are limited to 25 lbs. per section. Works may be hung from the ceiling. Work must have been produced within the last five years and not have been shown in previous NCECA exhibitions. Please do not enter the same work in more than one NCECA exhibition currently open. Artist may be required to install in special circumstances.
Online Submittal deadline June 13, 2012 (midnight EST)
Find all the details here.
by Carole Epp | Apr 13, 2012 | Uncategorized
Matt and Dave’s Clays was founded by a group of Ceramic Artists and Engineers.
This page is dedicated to some of the research they have done in ceramic science for the Artist.
Find tons of glaze info including their talks from this year’s NCECA conference.
by Carole Epp | Mar 27, 2012 | Uncategorized

For those of you on your way, or those of us stuck at home living vicariously….
You can find the 2012 program online here.
by Carole Epp | Mar 23, 2012 | Uncategorized

NCECA/crafthaus scholarship recipient Kala Stein has started to blog her experience at the upcoming NCECA conference! Read it here.
“This blog profiles emerging ceramic artists and their approaches to establish themselves as successful artists. I will explores notions of success, entrepreneurship, and the validity of ceramics in contemporary culture. “