by Carole Epp | Mar 26, 2014 | Uncategorized
There was far too much to do, far too much to see, far too many lovely people to meet over the last week in Milwaukee at NCECA. It had been the Portland NCECA years ago since I had last attended the annual conference. The clay world, and my role and engagement in it had changed substantially since. Take any full time parent and artist out of their day to day and place them in the all inspiring world of exhibitions, talks, and 2 in the morning late night chats with old friends about art and the result will likely be the overwhelmed yet childlike wonder and excitement that I felt over the last week. It wasn’t an exaggeration that I felt like a kid at Christmas. Seeing some of my favorite artists’ work in the flesh meant more in depth investigation and engagement in their work. Having my eyes opened to new, vibrant and challenging art also meant that I felt I needed to spend more time researching and expanding my views on contemporary ceramics. I have had my eyes and mind opened to the value, strength and support that this inclusive clay community offers.
There were so many ideas and discussions that I want to continue here online, and hopefully over the next few weeks once the thoughts have peculated and settled a bit (and of course when i can carve out some time) I’ll try to get posting some more thoughts on the blog again. I feel like that’s been something that has been missing over the years, something I’d like to grow. Perhaps I can try harder to get some of the amazing minds of this community doing more guest posts on the blog as well. If you’re interested or know someone please drop me a line!
For now it’s time for me to dive back into the studio; for 2 reasons. One because the last week was so damn inspiring and 2 because I’ve got bare shelves and a major sale at the end of April!
Thanks to everyone that made the point of stopping me and introducing themselves. I can’t remember the last time I received so many hugs or felt so happy. It really meant the world to me.
by Carole Epp | Mar 25, 2014 | Uncategorized
Wow. A whole week has gone by since I posted. Ummmm….errrr….I have an excuse, I swear! It’s called NCECA. I had good intentions to stay on top of blogging while I was there, but I guess I forgot how crazy NCECA really is. So stay tuned, there will be an epic post NCECA wrap up blog post forthcoming……
by Carole Epp | Mar 6, 2014 | Uncategorized
62 artists to follow on Instagram — 25 pieces to be found
HIDE-N-SEEKAH is hiding 25 pieces of ceramic art in Milwaukee, WI during this year’s NCECA conference (March 19, 20, 21). Clues to find the pieces will be posted on artists own personal Instagram feeds. Which 25 of the 62 artists will be hiding pieces? Nobody knows!!!
Search “hidenseekah” on Instagram and follow all 62 participating artists (tap “following” in the upper right corner of the HIDE-N-SEEKAH profile for the full list of artists to follow). Keep your eyes peeled for clue images on Instagram during NCECA. FINDERS KEEPERS!!!
HIDE-N-SEEKAH is NOT an official NCECA event!
Check out this amazing photo album of the 62 artists on Facebook.
HIDE-N-SEEKAH 2013 was recently covered by Garth Johnson in Ceramics Monthly, who have graciously allowed us to share the article with you here:
(click on the images to see it full size)
Let’s not forget that it’s the amazing
Adam Field behind all of this.
Give that man a high five or a beer when you see him at NCECA this year!
by Carole Epp | Mar 3, 2014 | Uncategorized
This is a chance for you to get involved in an NCECA panel whether
you’ll be in Milwaukee or not. Virtual Realities, Material World is a
panel addressing the role of social media in the professional lives of
four ceramic artists. This March join Michael Kline, Ben Carter, Adam Field and Carole Epp in person or through social media in the
conversation. Use #virtualclay on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to pose questions, share ideas, build
community. We will be collecting your questions from now until Friday
March 21st.
Thanks for adding your voice.
by Carole Epp | Jan 15, 2014 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday

NCECA/crafthaus Conference Scholarship 2014
NCECA Conference
March 19-22, 2014 Milwaukee, WI
Material World
How to apply:
Copy/paste submission form into a word.doc, fill out form and e-mail to:
[email protected] with the reference “NCECA Conference
Scholarship 2014.”
Deadline for email application: Feb. 7, 2014
Notification Date: Week of February 10, 2014.
Cindy Bracker, NCECA Communications Director
Sam Chung, NCECA Director-at-Large
Assistant Professor – Ceramics, School of Art, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, Arizona State University
Judging Criteria:
– Applicants must be currently enrolled with both NCECA and crafthaus!
– Cindy Bracker and Sam Chung will select one scholarship recipient
based on a review of images posted on the applicants’ crafthaus page and
brief responses to a short questionnaire (see application form for
Scholarship Details:
Complimentary pass to the 48th Annual NCECA Conference taking place March 19-22, 2014 in Milwaukee, WI.
* Shuttle tour ticket, enabling the Blogger to get to the conference exhibitions. (Longer excursion routes are excluded).
* One-year additional NCECA membership once the current membership expires.
* One-year additional crafthaus membership once the current membership expires.
* Prominent blogspace on crafthaus for one year. NCECA provides reciprocal blogspace on
* NCECA will work with the winning candidate to include him/her in
events and meetings with NCECA, staff board and conference presenters.
The recipient will receive prominent blog space on crafthaus and the
NCECA website geared towards the recipient’s field of expertise.
Crafthaus and NCECA expect the recipient to blog at least twice monthly
for a duration of 3 months miminum.
Suggested Blogging topics and timeline:
* Prior to conference: Introduction to audience, overview of own work,
preparations for conference, introduction to conference theme, speakers,
and exhibitions.
* During Conference: Updates on conference experience, such as
exhibition review, speakers etc. Note: These blog updates will be brief
to enable the scholarship recipient to fully concentrate on the
conference itself.
* After conference: Periodic updates starting with continued, further
in-depth conference coverage, then moving on to topic of Blogger’s
choosing as described in application. Overall continuation of blog for 3
months minimum.
Find the form here: