movie day: Max Seinfeld
“It is only when the user feels the presence of the hand of the potter that communication truly exists,”- Warren Mackenzie
RIP Warren Mackenzie, may we all be so lucky as to live to 94 and spend each day doing what we love and impacting the world through our teachings and our creative gifts.
These days, the Jawahar Kala Kendra (JKK), Jaipur, has become a laboratory of sorts for ceramic artists. A ten-feet-long mud house to be built and fired on-site, a collaborative project involving sound, a performance-based work, objects embedded with QR codes–these are just some of the contemporary works that will nudge you into engaging with ceramics differently. As the JKK in collaboration with the Contemporary Clay Foundation gets set to present the first ever Indian Ceramics Triennale—Breaking Ground—featuring 35 Indian and 12 international artist projects, 10 collaborations, 12 speakers, a symposium, film screenings and workshops, one wonders if this event signifies a major shift in the field—one which allows ceramics to be appreciated as an art form in its own right, as opposed to being viewed solely as an artisanal craft.
Short film in clay animation designed and directed by one person only.
It is an experimental animation that explores the role of women within a traditional family (symbolic), and how self sacrifice is accepted and considered a duty for a woman by those who surround her.
Design, animation and direction: Gaia Alari
Music by Alessandro Scarlatti