by Carole Epp | May 9, 2020 | Uncategorized

The Archie Bray Foundation will be having an online Spring Sale May 9, beginning at 10 am through May 29, featuring the work of our resident artists. With the cancellation of our annual Mother’s Day Pots and Plants Sale on campus, we are excited about the opportunity to bring you a wide variety of vases, planters and functional pottery as well as sculpture, jewelry and 2D work.
New work will be added weekly, so be sure to check back often and watch the Bray Instagram (archie_bray) or Facebook page for updates on new pieces. Work can be shipped internationally and local pick up options will also be available.
Click here to shop anytime after 10 am MST Saturday, May 9th. Stay up to date by joining the Bray’s mailing list here.
by Carole Epp | Mar 31, 2020 | call for entry

Summer is Served: Plates call for submissions
This summer Charlie Cummings Gallery will host Summer is Served: Plates, an exhibition exploring the dinner plate, one of the vessels most closely associated with cooking and serving in the home or dining out and with celebrating with family and guests. This exhibition will be via both invitations and submissions showing four individual plates from each participant and will be online only. We are pleased to invite artists to submit plates for consideration for this exhibition celebrating this vital functional ceramic object.
Deadline: midnight Eastern, May 31st, 2020
Exhibition calendar and details:
May 31 – Submission deadline
June 19 – Notifications sent
July 9 – Plates Ship-by Deadline
July 16 – Plates due at gallery
August 1-27 – Summer is Served: Plates online
May 2022 – Unsold plates returned
Cup: The Intimate Object XVI call for submissions
This fall Charlie Cummings Gallery will host Cup: The Intimate Object XVI, the sixteenth installment of our iconic annual cup show. This year the exhibition will once again be via both invitations and submissions showing five individual cups from each participant and will be online and installed in our brick-and-mortar gallery. We are pleased to invite artists to submit cups for consideration for this exhibition celebrating the most intimate and beloved of functional ceramic objects.
Deadline: midnight Eastern, June 28th, 2020
Exhibition calendar and details:
July 5 – Submission deadline
July 20 – Notifications sent
August 21 – Cups Ship-by Deadline
August 24-September 4 – Cups due at gallery
October 5-October 31 – Cup: The Intimate Object XVI online
February 2021 – Cups returned
Our Lives in Clay call for submissions
In December Charlie Cummings Gallery will host Our Lives in Clay, exhibition exploring the iconography of the ceramist and a life immersed in the culture of handmade ceramics. The kiln, the potter’s wheel, the warm cat on your lap, the faithful studio dog at your feet, and a favorite cup on the studio table are symbols of a clay artist’s life. The neatly arranged rows of cups on the shelves of a beloved cup collection are immediately recognizable to collectors who choose to fill their lives with handmade ceramics. Tables full of gorgeous wares and sculpture the speak of ceramist’s booths at art festivals and the bountiful collections found at ceramics galleries. These images describe a life lived in appreciation of enduring things produced by human hands with great time investment and skill to be used an enjoyed intimately in the home and proudly shared with all who will touch them and all who will listen. This exhibition will focus on self-referential ceramics that celebrate and examine the life we’ve chosen working with clay.. The exhibition will be via both invitations and submissions showing three individual ceramic works from each participant and will be online only. Pottery, sculpture, and clay prints are welcome. We are pleased to invite artists to submit works celebrating Our Lives in Clay.
Deadline: midnight Eastern, September 13, 2020
Exhibition calendar and details:
September 13 – Submission deadline
October 23 – Notifications sent
November 11 – Work Ship-by Deadline
November 18 – Work due at gallery
December 12-January 7 – Our Lives in Clay online
July 2021 – Cups returned
Send questions (not submissions) to [email protected], or call 352-514-8821.
Full submission details are posted HERE.
by Carole Epp | Dec 12, 2019 | call for entry
The Missouri Western State University Clay Guild is sponsoring the National Ceramic Exhibition titled Twin Cups. The exhibition is open to all artists 18 years and older residing in the U.S. Submitted artworks may be either functional or sculptural representations of a pair of cups, mugs, or drinking vessels, etc. A $30.00 jury fee entitles each artist to submit a maximum of three entries (each entry consisting of a set of two). Artworks must have been completed within the last two years.
$500 – Best of Show
$200 – 1st Place
$100 – 2nd Place
Awards will be selected at the sole discretion of the juror.
Juror: Becky Lloyd
My work uses a centuries old technique called sgraffito to create very intricate patterns and designs. Each piece of hand thrown porcelain is coated with a black terra sigillata slip. I then use a very sharp knife to cut into the slip to expose the white porcelain underneath. This technique allows me to indulge in my passion for design and challenge my skills at the same time.
Over the last few years my work has become more personal. A refuge. An expression of beauty, love and grief all at the same time. I have always had a keen interest in ancient civilizations and the incredible art they produced. Those ancient worlds hold endless inspiration for me and always will. But I am now looking inside myself. Searching. Searching for what I have lost. In late April of 2014, Steve my husband, partner in clay and life passed away unexpectedly of an undiagnosed heart condition. This man that I spent over 26 years of my life with was everything to me. He was always my biggest fan but I now know he was also my biggest inspiration. A true artist. An amazing potter. Never have I worked in the studio without him by my side. The pots we made together were an expression of the love we had for each other and our work. I cannot help but reflect on what was. It has shaped my life to what it is. Moving forward is inevitable, but in looking back and remembering I am carrying along memories and ideas of all that we had together. Now I must look inside and find the courage and grace to continue what Steve and I started together so long ago. Steve will always be in every piece I make and every piece I decorate. How could it be any other way?

Becky Lloyd – Cups
January 18, 2020 |
Online Submission Deadline |
January 18, 2020 |
Postmark for 30.00 Jury Fee |
February 3, 2020 |
Acceptance Notification |
February 12, 2020 |
Shipped Artwork Due to Gallery (artwork may be hand-delivered between 10am-4pm) |
February 18-21, 2020 |
Installation of Exhibition |
February 21, 2020 |
Exhibition Opens – Reception: 6pm-8pm |
March 20, 2020 |
Exhibition Closes |
April 2, 2020 |
Return of Artwork and Pick-Up of Hand-Delivered Artwork between 10 am – 4 pm |
Eligibility: Open to all ceramic artists 18 years and older residing in the U.S. Artworks must have been completed within the last two years. Submitted work may be either functional or sculptural representations of a pair of cups, mugs, or drinking vessels, etc. The $30.00 jury fee entitles each artist to submit a maximum of three entries (each entry consisting of a set of two).
Media: All works must be primarily ceramic. Mixed media works will be accepted only if clay comprises at least 50% of the artwork. The juror will make all final determinations.
Digital Images Submission: Images should be submitted in JPG format. Size images to 1920 pixels on the longest side at 300 dpi. Images should be named using the following format: First Initial_Last Name_ Submission #.JPG (example: J_Smith_1.JPG)
The MWSU Clay Guild reserves the right to use submitted images of artwork for publicity, documentation, education, and promotion. CD’s will not be returned.
Entry Fee: $30.00 for three entries (each entry consists of 2 pieces). After submitting your application online, your screen should display a print page (you will also receive an email). Please print the page and send it with your check to complete the registration process to:
David Harris
MWSU Clay Guild – Twin Cups: National Ceramics Exhibition 2018
Missouri Western State University
4525 Downs Drive
St. Joseph, MO 64507
Sales: The Clay Guild will take a 25% commission on sales made during the exhibition.
Rules: All accepted work must remain for the duration of the show. Submission of the entry form signifies the artist’s understanding and acceptance of the rules of the exhibit.
Opening: Exhibition opens February 21, 2020 from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. It will be held in the Potter Fine Arts Gallery located on the Missouri Western State University campus. All artists are invited to attend.
Shipping: Artists are responsible for shipping their work to and from the MWSU Potter Fine Arts Gallery and insuring it while in transit. Shipped entries must be securely packed (No Styrofoam Peanuts) and sent in substantial reusable containers. Double boxing is strongly recommended. Accepted works should arrive at the gallery no later than February 12, 2020
Return Shipping: Artists must provide a pre-paid return shipping label for the return of unsold items.. Artwork left with the gallery more than 30 days after the close of the exhibition, without return arrangements, will be deemed abandoned and become the property of the MWSU Clay Guild to do with as they will.
Ship Selected Work To:
MWSU Clay Guild – Twin Cups: National Ceramics Exhibition 2018
Potter Fine Arts Gallery
Missouri Western State University
4525 Downs Drive
St. Joseph, MO 64507
Liability: Every reasonable precaution will be taken during receiving, installing, exhibition, and return of work, but the MWSU Clay Guild, its members, volunteers, and Missouri Western State University will assume no responsibility for loss or damage incurred. Artists must carry their own insurance.
Online Entry Form: MWSU Clay Guild – Twin Cups National Ceramics Exhibition
Prospectus: Twin Cups Prospectus.PDF
Questions: email: [email protected] or David Harris at [email protected]