by Carole Epp | May 30, 2016 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, technical tuesday

ceramic art is an exploration of imagery, color, and pattern on
utilitarian forms designed for daily use. The vessels are adorned with
decorative surfaces; layered slips and underglazes that are hand
painted, slip trailed, and incised. I have an affinity for using imagery
that is both accessible and ephemeral in nature; intended so that the
user can create their own personal connections with the piece in a
similar but distinct way, parallel to what was felt while making the
piece. I work with a locally supplied iron-bearing stoneware clay which
provides a warm, rust colored backdrop against the colorful graphic
surface, and fire to cone 5 in an electric kiln. I graduated from Alfred
University in 2009 with a BFA, and am currently a studio potter in
residence at Eye of the Dog Art Center in San Marcos, TX.
by Carole Epp | Apr 25, 2016 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, technical tuesday
Mark Arnold draws inspiration from architecture and abstract expressionism. He infuses these influences into his work in an incredibly simplified manner. Rather than over-complicating the surface and form, he sticks to the basics. Arnold creates utilitarian wares so that each of his pieces has a specific purpose. The color palette is simple and muted, white with one color plus the utilization of the red clay body. Arnold brings out the slightly distressed surfaces, reminiscent of brick, wood, and stone, using a black wash to highlight the “flaws”. His use of architectural forms, color blocking, and subtle texture and line create an experience for the viewer that is guided while remaining quiet enough to allow the viewer to create their own story.

Arnold used to be a BMX rider that traveled the US. He discovered clay through an injury forcing him to be on crutches for an extended period of time. He began taking community college clay classes and then transferred on to Edinboro University to earn his BFA in ceramics. He is now in his second year of MFA candidacy at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.
Thanks again to our great Guest writers from Ceramics Artists Now. Make
sure to check out their website for more amazing ceramic based artwork.