Becky Webster @ Harbinger Gallery

Harbinger Gallery is excited to present a feature of new ceramics by artist, Becky Webster. Webster’s work fleshes out her interests in showing both the raw beauty of natural, unglazed clay and the layers of patterns and images juxtaposed on her clay works. The thick, drawing-like transparent glazes found on parts of Websters works is part of what gives them “personality”, while “…keeping in focus with the functionality and craftsmanship” of each piece.

Becky Webster graduated in 2001, majoring in ceramics in the Craft and Design program at Sheridan College, in Oakville, Ontario. Upon graduation, Webster set up studio practice and also began a managerial position at S&S Pottery Supplies, a position she maintains today. In addition to being included in a Harbinger group exhibition of clay in 2008, Becky has recently had a solo exhibition and has been featured in the “Canadian House and Home” magazine. Her work can be found in galleries all over Ontario.

Place and Being @ M16 Artspace in Canberra

Exhibition runs: 2 – 13 September 2009

Place and Being
New work by Margaret Carlin and Avi Amesbury in ceramics and charcoal drawings. The exhibition, Place and Being, is the exploration of a physical manifestation of the emotions, knowledge and character of the artists working in response to landscape, either the natural environment or human (or inner) landscape. “To describe the landscape is to inscribe the character [of the artist].” Through the use of spontaneous and direct gestures, both in ceramic and mark making on paper, the spiritual essence of the landscape is revealed. The work is not only a representation, (of a particular physical location for example,) but is the presence as well.
For more info on the exhibition and the artists visit avicam website.

Archie Bray exhibition

Have you checked out the 2009 Resident Artist Farewell Exhibition at the Archie Bray? Looks pretty fantastic.

Renee Audette
Jeremy Hatch
Anne Drew Potter
and Brian Rochefort

Up until September 6, 2009 or see it online here.
Bray North Gallery

Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts
2915 Country Club Avenue
Helena, MT 59602
Office Phone: 406-443-3502
Fax: 406-443-0934

Possibilities and Losses – exhibition ends soon!

Image: Clare Twoney, Monument, 2008

Positioning itself at a moment of change in contemporary ceramic practice Possibilities and Losses exposes contemporary thinking and making in this media. These artists challenge traditional perceptions about clay practice and its relationship to the historic model of craft, they present certain possibilities for clay as a specific media, while at the same time recognizing that change is inevitably at the expense of that which came before.

The exhibition has been curated by mima together with Clare Twomey, an artist at the forefront of practice in this area. Clare Twoney’s work is featured in the exhibition alongside works by Keith Harrison, Linda Sormin and Neil Brownsword.

Major new commissions will be included in the exhibition, in direct response to mima’s gallery spaces. Together they will offer an insight into the experimental large-scale clay work emerging from contemporary, contextually aware, ambitious and material-specific artists.

When: until 16 August 2009Where: mima
Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art
Centre Square

t: +44 (0) 1642 726 720
f: +44 (0) 1642 726 722
e: [email protected]
Visit mima’s website

Cheongju International Craft Biennial 2009

You should really take a bit of time to got through the Cheongju International Craft Biennial website, especially over the next few months as I’m sure they’ll add more pictures of the events and exhibitions. Canada has it’s own exhibition as we were the invited country this year. The show was curated by Dr. Sandra Alfoldy, editor of ‘Neo-Craft: Modernity and the Crafts’, which if you haven’t read yet, you should. And even better if you ever get the opportunity to hear her speak don’t hesitate, it’s worth it I promise you, oh she’s so lovely and brainsmashingly smart! Anyway…check out the Craft Biennial site, but remember to check back later for more… 
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