Kate MacDowell @ The Sitka Art Invitational Exhibit and Sale

The Sitka Art Invitational exhibit and sale focusing on art and ecology opens this weekend at the World Forestry Center. There will be an opening night party with the artists friday, November 13th, from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. (entrance fee) and Saturday & Sunday, November 14-15, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. is the public exhibit and sale (free admission). Proceeds go to support the Sitka Center for Art and Ecology http://www.sitkacenter.org/4-1.html.

Also, check out an interview with Kate about her work at the blog “lobster and canary
Want to know more about Kate and her work? (which you should) Then check out her website.

“Still” Exhibition

Opening November 15th until January 10, 2010
Exhibition organised by Lachaert & D’Hanis
Curated by Marjolijn Van Duyn.
Giampaolo Babetto, Aldo Bakker, Rudolf Bott,
Paul Bourgeois, Jos Evriendt, Thalia Georgoulis, Ruth Gurvich, Claudia Hoppe, David Huycke,
Jean Lemmens, Astrid Keller, Beate Leonards, Michael Rowe, Caroline Slotte, Tarja Tuupanen,
Keith Tyssen and Lachaert & D’Hanis.

galerie sofie lachaert
luc dhanis & sofie lachaert
st. jozefstraat 30 B-9140 tielrode- temse , belgium
huis de uil
marc massa & roger liekens
fonteinstraat 9 B-9140 temse, belgium

(via designboom)

Circle Craft’s Christmas Market

This year’s 36th annual Market will take place November 11 to 15, 2009 — once again under the sails of the Vancouver Convention Centre. Guests will find hundreds of Canadian and BC artisans presenting their wares at Western Canada’s largest craft fair.

There’ll be fabulous fashion, fine jewellery, clay work, metal, glass, and more – individually hand-crafted items – items that make for the most special gifts for friends and family (and for oneself of course!).

Margit Nellemann Ceramics

Gordon Hutchens

Arabesque Pottery

Christmas Craft Market
Show Producer Paul Yard
Show Coordinator Fiona MacLeod

203 – 1537 West 8th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6J 1T5
tel: 604.801.5220
fax: 604.801.5221
email:[email protected]

British Ceramics Biennial – on until December 13th

The first ever British Ceramics Biennial is already underway and their website is packed with info and gorgeous images of some amazing contemporary ceramics. If you have the chance to check any of the events out in person, it should top your list, but there is also alot to click through on their website, even the downloadable PDF of the events is worth a quick look.

The award winners have also been announced so check out the full list here.

Sam Bakewell – Flux iii

Lucy Whiting – 3 Satellite Jugs

Also check out some cool stuff about Guerilla Ceramics here. There’s just too much to mention here so go and check it out yourself!

Barbara Tipon Ceramic exhibition

Barbara Tipton – Ceramics Exhibition
November 12 to 18
Reception, Saturday, November 14, 2 to 4 pm, artist in attendance.

A solo exhibition by an expressive and innovative ceramic artist, who explores the aesthetic as well as technical elements of clay. This new body of work offers up pieces that will inspire and educate.

Visit the gallery’s website for more info.