by Carole Epp | May 8, 2010 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
“Clay Sandwich” What kind of image comes to mind? Celadon glazed porcelain “cucumber sandwich”? Chicago’s famous Italian Beef made with as much attention to detail as the real thing (only out of earthenware)? Show us what is in your head! Clay Sandwich Interpreted will be an exhibit of sculptural work based on the artist’s interpretation of the term “Clay Sandwich” It will be held in conjunction with ClaySandwich the Sale. Mixed media is welcome as long as the primary medium is clay. Work must be 6” or less in any dimension.
Entries are limited to one per artist. Up to 3 views of the work will be accepted. Email raw digital images to
[email protected]. An artist’s statement, resume and $30 jury fee is required payable by check or money order postmarked by July 23, 2010 to: Clay Sandwich Interpreted, Center Street Clay, 218 West Center Street, Sandwich, Il 60548
July 23, 2010: Payment postmark deadline.
July 30, 2010: Resume & Images due by midnight via email.
August 20, 2010: Artists notified of jury’s decision
More Details on their website
by Carole Epp | Apr 17, 2010 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Closing date: 28 May 2010
Gold Coast City Art gallery Gold Coast
The Gold Coast International Ceramic Art Award is an acquisitive art award and exhibition, open to all ceramic art forms. The competition is open to artists from all countries. Works chosen for the exhibition at Gold Coast City Art Gallery will be selected by the Judge from photographs or jpegs submitted with the entry.
by Carole Epp | Apr 17, 2010 | Uncategorized
115 King Street East, Toronto
Next Deadline: Submissions received by May 15, 2010
The Toronto Sculpture Garden has been recognized in Canada as a leader in the commissioning of contemporary sculpture since it opened in 1981. Located in an urban park in the downtown core, it serves as a testing ground for artists to explore public space and to address issues of urban context, materials and scale.
The TSG is a non-collecting institution that is unique in its partnership between the City of Toronto, which owns and operates the site as a city park, and the Louis L. Odette Family, benefactors who created the non-profit L.L.O. Sculpture Garden Foundation which funds and administers the exhibitions. Exhibitions are selected by an Art Advisory Board working with the director, Rina Greer.
Newly commissioned work becomes property of the artist and may be offered for sale after the conclusion of the exhibition.
The TSG’s Art Advisory Board meets three times a year to review specific proposals. Preference is given to new work that responds to the site; only in exceptional cases will existing work be considered. We are currently planning exhibitions for 2011 and beyond. Proposals must be received by the deadlines each year on January 15, May 15 and September 15.
Proposals require:
* Drawing(s) showing dimensions and materials and the location of the work on the site.
* Brief statement of Theme
* Budget showing critical costs including materials, installation/removal and transportation
* Annotated images sent as jpegs or pdfs (on a CD) or DVD, photographs or colour copies
* C.V.
For complete information, including fee structure and site map, review:
Proposals / Submission Requirements at:
by Carole Epp | Apr 15, 2010 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday

Okay so google translate seems to be failing me a bit on this one but here’s the best i’ve got:
Alcora l’City Council presents 30 International Ceramics Competition. For this reason, it deserves to celebrate the event difficult to achieve the 3 decades of uninterrupted call, is called a box that delivers a total prize of 16,000 €.
Without doubt, the International Ceramics Competition l’Alcora has become a benchmark in its field worldwide, with an average attendance in the last 10 years more than 150 ceramists from 50 countries worldwide, figures which suggests the wide acceptance of this competition.
The deadline for the competition is the 30 of April and you can find out more here, but hopefully your spanish is better than mine and that of google : )
by Carole Epp | Apr 14, 2010 | Uncategorized

Modern Fuel is currently seeking submissions for 2011-2012 exhibitions of innovative, contemporary artwork in any visual media. Emerging artists are welcome. Artist fees are paid. Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre facilitates the presentation, interpretation, and production of visual and time-based arts that explore wide-ranging aesthetics and probe a broad scope of formal and socio-cultural questions. We welcome proposals for solo and group exhibitions, performances, curatorial projects, collaborative projects, lectures, workshops and other events. Deadline: postmarked May 1st, 2010.
All proposals are reviewed by Modern Fuel’s programming committee. Please note applications for exhibitions (both solo and group), may be considered for inclusion in any group exhibitions that are curated in-house. Submissions for general consideration may be made anytime in time for our annual deadline of May 1st. Only successful applicants will be notified by Modern Fuel by August 1st, 2010.
Application materials will be returned if a Self Addressed & Stamped Envelope is included.
Please send the following:
1. Exhibition or project description (max one-page).
2. CV
3. Support Material
-a maximum of 20 images of current work related to your proposal. Include a separate image list (titles, dimensions, dates, media). Images must be in digital format submitted on CD or DVD, (emailed images or website links will not be considered) and formatted to the following specifications:
-JPEG files only
-1024 pixels wide and 768 pixels high.
-1 MB maximum.
-RGB, or grayscale colour mode files only (no CMYK).
-Number and title each file (digital still); the number must appear before the title so that the order of the images will correspond to the image list, example: 001RedPainting.jpg.
-Do not submit images embedded in the following programs or formats: iphoto, Powerpoint.
-a maximum of 20 minutes of time-based work on DVD. Time-base work can also be submitted as a computer-based media format that can be read by the following programs:
-Quicktime, RealOne Player, or are in the following formats: .mov .mp4 .avi.
Include a separate documentation list (title, length, year, medium).
If you are submitting a combination of images and time-based work, subtract one digital still for every 2 minutes of time-based work submitted.
For more information on submissions please contact us at:
Modern Fuel Artist Run Centre
21 Queen St, Kingston ON K7K 1A1
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (613) 548-4883