by Carole Epp | Jan 17, 2018 | Uncategorized
Prospectus for 2019 Concurrent Exhibition Proposals
Wednesday March 27 – Saturday, March 30, 2019
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Deadline: Thursday, February 1, 2018 (11:59 p.m. EST)
**For questions or technical assistance contact [email protected]. NCECA recommends using Firefox or Chrome, as Safari does NOT work well with our forms.
Download the Full Prospectus (pdf)
The exhibition and expansion of contemporary ceramic practice will include diverse approaches to ideas and senses of materiality involving clay and process. NCECA’s annual conference draws thousands of informed and enthusiastic followers, and practitioners of ceramic to a different region in the continental United States each year. The experience of the annual NCECA conference, while grounded within an urban convention center, is vastly enriched by the diverse array of exhibitions that NCECA works to situate and promote throughout its conference host region. The Concurrent Exhibitions proposal is the first opportunity offered in NCECA’s conference planning cycle to solicit exhibition concepts from the field that relate to and expand on the unique theme formulated for the host region of each of NCECA’s annual conferences.
Concurrent Exhibitions provide a platform for participating artists to engage with the global audience of ceramic enthusiasts to expand, challenge, and celebrate critical and aesthetic horizons of art made with clay. NCECA promotes Concurrent Exhibitions through the print conference guide, app, website, Blog and social media. NCECA makes efforts to cluster exhibitions within art/cultural districts as well as developing neighborhoods to maximize viewer attendance.
2019 Concurrent Exhibitions Focus
NCECA seeks exhibition proposals that incorporate clay as the principal medium of expression and have conceptual resonance with the theme of its 53rd annual conference, Claytopia. The conference will take place in Minneapolis, Minnesota in March 27-30, 2019. Since the 1960s, the Twin Cities region has played a pivotal role in shaping a renaissance in studio pottery and craft as cultural forces. Adaptation of Mingei-inspired ideals within the American heartland drove a vision of artfulness in daily life. Claytopia will engage regional, national and international artists, thinkers, curators, educators, and students to produce an array of exhibitions and experiences that build on, respond to, celebrate, and push against ceramic art’s diverse legacies. Together, we will expand critical discourse on teaching, learning, aesthetics, social impacts, design thinking, and artistic production.
by Carole Epp | Jan 12, 2018 | call for entry

Deadline: June 1, 2018
The Alberta Craft Council is calling for exhibition proposals for the 2019 line-up of the Alberta Craft Gallery – Edmonton & Calgary. The exhibition spaces are dedicated to showcasing work by emerging, mid-career, and established craft artists. The Exhibition Team is looking for well-developed themes that highlight mastery in craftsmanship, features new work, pushes the boundaries of craft, and/or celebrates the achievements of our members. Exhibitions can be individual or group shows.
Submission Content:
- Cover Letter that includes:
– contact information
– detailed description and theme of the exhibition
– number of pieces/artists in or expected to participate in the exhibition
– time of year preferred
- Current ACC Membership
- Current CV – artist resume
- Artist Biography
- Images and image list
– high quality images of work to be presented in the exhibition or representatie of the work
– images list must include: title, year created, dimensions, materials and techniques
Please contact Joanne Hamel, Exhibition Lead
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 780-488-6611 ext. 234
Submit your proposal to:
Email: [email protected]
by Carole Epp | Jan 9, 2018 | Uncategorized

Gary Merkel

Steve Irvine
The TOM is pleased to present Anatomy of a Collector, a major exhibition featuring significant works of Contemporary Canadian Ceramics curated from seven collectors across North America. Guest Curator Brian Cooke, Manager and Curator at Jonathon Bancroft-Snell Gallery in London, Ontario invites viewers into the world of collecting. Why do people collect art? How do they choose what to collect? Anatomy of a Collector will focus on Contemporary Canadian Ceramics but also illustrates what happens when opportunity and desire converge.
Anatomy of a Collector
Artist list
Kirsten Abrahamson – Ontario / Robert Archambeau – Manitoba / Alan Burgess – British Columbia / Mimi Cabri RCA – Ontario / Keith Campbell Ontario / Walter Dexter RCA 1931-2015 – British Columbia / Angelo di Petta – Ontario / Heather Driver-Kerslake – Ontario / Jose Drouin – Quebec / Darren Emenau – New Brunswick / Carole Epp – Saskatchewan / Marianne Fisher – Ontario / Michael Flaherty – Newfoundland / Mary Fox – British Columbia / Ruth Gowdy-McKinley RCA 1931-1981 – Ontario / Goyer Bonneau RCA – Quebec / Sue Hara – British Columbia / Susan & Theo Harlander – Ontario / Robin Hopper RCA 1939-2017 – British Columbia / Harlan House RCA – Ontario / Gordon Hutchens – British Columbia / Steve Irvine – Ontario / Denys James – British Columbia / Thomas Kakanuma 1908-1981 – British Columbia / Audrey Killoran – Quebec / John Kurok – Rankin Inlet / Les Manning CM – Alberta / Mayta Markson RCA – Ontario / Mayta Mathison – British Columbia / Gary Merkel – British Columbia / Sally Michener RCA – British Columbia / ZusZsa Monostory – Ontario / Ann Mortimer CM RCA – Ontario / Dean Mullavey 1927-2015 – Quebec / Diane Nasr – Ontario / Grace Nickel RCA – Manitoba / Ingrid Nicolai – Quebec / Shane Norrie – Ontario / Kayo O’Young – Ontario / Maja Padrov – New Brunswick / Jan Phalan – Ontario / Peter Powning RCA – New Brunswick / Bernadette Pratt – Ontario / Ann Roberts RCA – Ontario / Anita Rocamora – Saskatchewan / Laurie Rolland RCA – British Columbia / Carol Rossman – Ontario / Ron Roy – Ontario / Maurice Savoie CM RCA 1930-2013 – Quebec / George Shadford – Ontario / Sing Ying Ho – Ontario / Tom Smith RCA 1933-2015 – New Brunswick / Kevin Stafford – Manitoba / Bruce Taylor – Ontario / Peter Thomas – New Brunswick / Barbara Tipton – Alberta / Vera Vicente – Quebec / Joyce Wheatley – Ontario / Liz Willoughby – Ontario
by Carole Epp | Nov 16, 2017 | call for entry

The Australian Ceramics Association
Members Exhibition
Tasmania 2019
Curator: Damon Moon
adj: clearly revealed to the mind or the senses
v: to appear or make apparent
n: a list of contents of goods in transit – from Latin manifestare
‘to discover, disclose’ or manifestus ‘caught in the act’.
At a time when there is a great resurgence of interest in Australian ceramics, the diversity
of practice is stretching traditional interpretations of what it is to be a maker.
To paraphrase the great Mexican writer Octavio Paz, contemporary Australian ceramics
does indeed transgress ‘the cult of utility and the religion of art’ and it is in the breadth
and ambition of its cultural and aesthetic reach that ceramics is finding new audiences
and a new way forward.
The Australian Ceramics Association Members Exhibition in Hobart will present
an overview of practice that showcases diversity and creates a space for dialogue.
Makers working across all styles are invited to submit proposals for MANIFEST.
Proposals should include a one-page CV, an outline of intended work
(no more than 200 words) and six images of recent work.
Deadline for proposals: 1 May 2018
Artists notified: 1 July 2018
Work due: 1 April 2019
Exhibition dates: May 2019; TBC
Exhibition location: Hobart, Tasmania; TBC
Note: All exhibitors must be a member of The Australian Ceramics Association at the time of the exhibition.
Please post proposals to:
Damon Moon, Curator
The Australian Ceramics Association
PO Box 677, Alexandria NSW 1435
share via Dropbox (or similar host) with [email protected].
For more information, please call TACA office: 1300 720 124
or email, [email protected]
by Carole Epp | Nov 7, 2017 | Uncategorized

Steven Heinemann: Culture and Nature
On now till Jan 21, 2018
Curated by Rachel Gotlieb
From the Gardiner Museum Site:
For the past thirty-five years, acclaimed Canadian artist Steven Heinemann has transformed the medium of ceramics in Canada. Working in varying scale, Heinemann explores the paradoxes between culture and nature, deliberation and chance, interior and exterior surfaces.
This first major retrospective examines Heinemann’s fascinating and evolving process to reveal how he uses form, texture, pigment, and imagery to achieve his wondrously tactile bowls, pods, and other universal shapes that embody the polarities between life and nature.
Heinemann’s process can stretch over months or even years, firing a piece multiple times, and reworking the surface by sandblasting, scratching, polishing, and stenciling to evoke glyph-like imagery. His studio is evoked in the gallery through an installation of sketchbooks and source material, including original photographs and a wall of ceramic test tiles. A time-lapse video shot by the artist documents a treated clay surface as it dries, warps, and cracks according to chance and calculation.
Click here to see Steven Heinemann in his studio discussing one of the works in the exhibition.

Wednesday November 8, 6:30 – 8 pm
Artist Lecture: Steven Heinemann
Steven Heinemann reflects on his career as a Canadian contemporary ceramist and how philosophies of ecology, cosmology, and ancient artifacts have inspired his work.
$15 General / $10 Gardiner Friends
Learn more
Saturday November 11, 2 – 4 pm
Steven Heinemann: Culture and Nature Exhibition Walk-Through
Join Steven Heinemann and contemporary ceramics collector Raphael Yu for a walk-through of Culture and Nature.
$30 General / $25 Gardiner Friends
Learn more
Saturday November 18, 10 am – 4 pm
Master Potter at Work: Steven Heinemann
Steven Heinemann leads an intimate observation-based workshop in our Community Clay Studio for emerging, established, and curious ceramic makers, exploring key elements of his artistic process.
$30 General / $25 Gardiner Friends
Learn more
Read more about Steven Heinemann in the Globe and Mail this week.