by Carole Epp | Jun 30, 2011 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
11 Sept – 2 Oct 2011
The Clunes Ceramic Award: $5,000
The People’s Choice Award: $1,000
Recognition Awards
* All works are for sale The Clunes Ceramic Award is an initiative of Creative Clunes Inc. in partnership with the Art Gallery of Ballarat and the Castlemaine Art Gallery and Historical Museum. The extremely successful inaugural award, in 2010, attracted over 120 entries. The success of the Ceramic Award has ensured its continuation well into the future. In 2010, the winning work by Neville French, ‘Mungo light 3’ was acquired by the Art Gallery of Ballarat for the Permanent Collection. A high commendation was awarded to Phil Elson for his work, In the Brooding Colours of the Late Afternoon Across the Basque. Kim-Anh Nguyen won the ‘Hair Off Bellair’ People’s Choice Award of $1000 for Spinifex Family. Recognition Awards were also presented to Amy Kennedy for her work Vibration Series and to Jane Walton for Lost or Found. In 2011, the winning entry will be acquired by the Castlemaine Art Gallery and Historical Museum.
The 2011 Clunes Ceramic Award exhibition will be held at the Union Bank Arts Centre,
22 Fraser Street, Clunes, Victoria, 3370.
Please visit their website for more information.
by Carole Epp | Apr 12, 2011 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
What is it?
The Emerging Makers Award is an opportunity for new potters and artists working with clay who have graduated from college within the past five years, to present a Powerpoint slideshow about their practice at the 2011 International Ceramics Festival.
Six makers will be selected to make presentations on their work each lasting 15 minutes (including a Q7A session) at the Festival. The presentations will take place in the lecture rooms. From the six selected, one will be chosen by festival audience to receive an award kindly donated by Potclays. Each of the six makers will receive a ticket to the Festival weekend.
What to do next:
Applicants are asked to submit a simple 10 minute PowerPoint presentation of images on a CD along with one side of A4 information about themselves, their practice to date and plans for the future, as well as 3 reasons why they should be selected.
Send applications to:
Sophie Bennett,
ICF2011, Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 3DE.
The deadline for applications is the 29th April 2011. The Potclays Emerging Makers presentations will be selected based on the following criteria.
1) Design element of slides (out of 5)
2) Delivery element (out of 5)
3) Visual element (out of 5)
4) Time element (out of 5) The Potclays Emerging Makers Award will be selected during the weekend by the festival customers and will be presented during the closing Ceremony of the Festival. All six selected applicants will received free entry to the festival (excluding accommodation and subsistence). Successful applicants will be notified prior to the event by email
International Ceramics Festival
Aberystwyth Arts Centre
Penglais, Aberystwyth,
Ceredigion, Wales (UK)
SY23 3DE
by Carole Epp | Mar 19, 2011 | Uncategorized
This call is open to all artists living in the U.S. All media will be considered. The Appalachian Center for Craft hosts up to 20 exhibitions annually in its three exhibition spaces.
Please Send:
20 high resolution digital images
image descriptions
artist statement
resume or cv
$25.00 juror’s fee ( checks payable to A.C.C)
SASE ( if you want your materials returned)
Postmark Deadline May 2, 2011
All works will be insured while in the posession of the Appalachian Center for Craft. A 40% gallery comission applies to all sales. The Gallery will provide return shipping up to $300.00.
Please mail your entry to:
The Gallery
Appalachian Center for Craft
1560 Craft Center Drive
Smithville, TN 37166
For more information visit or email [email protected] or call (615) 597-6801
Please do not email your submission.
by Carole Epp | Dec 29, 2010 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Apply Now
The application for 2011-2012 exhibitions is now available online.
The deadline is 5:00 p.m. Monday, January 10, 2011. How to Apply
STEP 1 – Download and review the Call to Artists
Call to Artists [pdf] STEP 2 – Download and review the Application Checklist and prepare your submission
Checklist [pdf] STEP 3 – START YOUR APPLICATION Who Can Apply
Eligibility is limited to artists, artist teams, and independent curators who reside in King County, WA and are not represented by a commercial gallery at the time of application. Members of artist run collectives and cooperative galleries are eligible. Artists working in all media and genres are encouraged to apply, including those whose medium or method of work is under-represented in commercial galleries. Please contact Esther Luttikhuizen with questions concerning eligibility at 206 296.8674. Selection Process
A Selection Panel composed of regional arts professionals and artists reviews exhibition proposals and awards eleven exhibition opportunities for the upcoming gallery season (September 2011 through August 2012). The composition of the Panel changes yearly. The Panel considers geographic and cultural diversity as well as a wide variety of genres and media; final selection is based on artistic merit and strength of the proposal. An applicant’s images and statement must clearly convey their ability to execute their proposed exhibition. This is an online application only.
by Carole Epp | Nov 7, 2010 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Sakuraba Gallery, located in Sendai, Japan, announces their international art competition to recognize the best artists from outside of Japan. The artists that are selected to exhibit will be brought to Japan from their home country to attend the opening reception. Airfare, cost of hotel stay for up to ten days, and a small group tour of Sendai are included. Meals and spending money are not provided. The competition is open to artists 18 years of age or older world-wide. However;
-Artists must not currently reside in Japan or have resided in the past for longer than two years.
-Artists cannot be Japanese citizens or hold duel citizenship with Japan and another country.
-Publishers, galleries, agents, and collectors may not submit artwork on behalf of artists.
-All works submitted must be original in design and concept. Artwork must not be copied, in part or wholly, from any published or copyrighted work. Artwork based upon a copy-written work for the sake of parody or critic is acceptable on a case by case basis. Eligible media: Drawings, paintings, printmaking, photography, digital art, sculpture, installations, ceramics, fiber art, wearable art, jewelry, and mixed media.
Media not accepted: Video/film and live performance pieces. All entries must be received by January 1, 2011. 12:01pm JST. For link to online entries and more information: