Call for Submissions: Slow Craft 2012 Juried Exhibition


May 3

SLOW CRAFT is the theme of the MCC’s 2012 Juried Exhibition

SLOW CRAFT takes as its starting point the issues emerging from the
broader Slow Movement that developed as a response to our increasingly
fast-paced Western lifestyles and our unsustainable consumer culture. 
Slowness is often associated with craft.  Craft skills take time to
learn; craft processes cannot be rushed.  Many makers today are
developing critical positions in response to our consumer behavior,
questioning modes of production through new processes, looking at issues
of stewardship and sustainability as well as collective making and the
reworking of everyday objects. *
*Quote credits to artist, curator, and academic Helen Carnac, from her project description at

SLOW CRAFT will represent approximately 15 craft
artists who reside in Manitoba and whose work pushes the boundaries of
their media and reflects fresh approaches to diverse cultural and
material traditions. Works will be chosen based upon artistic merit
(technical skill, formal effect, and conceptual success), with a
particular interest in pieces that connect to our exhibition’s SLOW
CRAFT theme.  Original works (ie. not derived from a pattern or kit)
rooted in traditional approaches to craft and those that encompass new
technologies, are performative, reflect a d-i-y ethic or challenge
preconceived notions of craft are equally welcome.

Exhibition dates and venues
June 2012, Gallery 1C03, University of Winnipeg
Rural venue TBA

Dr. Sandra Alfoldy, curator and professor in Craft History at NSCAD
University.  Alan Lacovestsky, ceramics artist and educator.  Jennifre
Gibson, curator at Gallery 1C03, University of Winnipeg.

Eligible works
Works will be selected based on artistic merit, skill, design,
innovation and relationship to the exhibition’s theme. Original work
(functional, decorative, conceptual) in any craft-based media are
welcome (e.g.ceramic, fibre, metal, paper, recycled material, stone,
glass and wood). In addition, mixed media and interdisciplinary works
that are primarily craft-based in material and/or technique are
welcome.  Eligible works must have ben completed after July 2009 and may
not have been exhibited in previous Manitoba Craft Council exhibitions.
 Three entries per person, maximum.  Entrants must be current Manitoba
Craft Council members.  See

The jurors will select work based on digital images with the final
selection subject to viewing actual work.  MCC urges applicants to
consider using a professional photographer to document your work. 
Please submit images by email or on one CD marked with your name.  Use
jpeg files with a resolution of 300 dpi, with images’ size approximately
4 x 6″.   For each work, submit one image with a full view of the work
and one or two detail views.  Please title each image file as follows: 
artist’s last name_title_full/detail (eg. Poirier_Moonscape_detail2) The
maximum number of images allowed is nine (9).  Discs will not be

Please include the following information along with your images:
– Your name, mailing address, phone number and email address
– Image list including the title, date, media, dimensions and price/value of each work submitted (3 works max.)
– Artist statement (100 words max.) Please include 2-3 sentences about how your work relates to the exhibition’s theme.

All applicants will be notified of initial results by May 15, 2012. 
Final selection will be based on viewing the actual work.   Artist fees
will be paid for works selected for the exhibition.

Applications will be accepted via email at [email protected]
Submission deadline of May 3.  Please put “SLOWCRAFT Application-Your
Last Name” in the subject line and attach images.  Applications may be
mailed (in protective mailer) or hand delivered during business hours
(M-F, 9-5) to the Manitoba Craft Council, c/o ACI (Arts & Cultural
Industries Assoc of MB), 501–62 Albert Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B
1E9.  Please include images on CD.

Questions about the exhibition or MCC membership?
Contact MCC’s Programme Coordinator at 927-2787 or [email protected].

Two opportunities at Lillstreet Art Centre in Chicago

First up: A Residency Opportunity

Lillstreet’s resident artist program was established to benefit the Lillstreet student community, as well as the Artist-in-Residence. The residents in each of our departments dedicate time to work with students outside of classes in order to enrich Lillstreet students’ experience by seeing and learning from a working artist in their midst.

The Artist-in-Residence Program also serves as a resource for our teachers by asking the Artist-in-Residence to assist from time to time with classes and demonstrations. This program is meant to help bolster the vitality of the student community and create relationships with the students. The main focus of this residency is for the artist to be an encouragement and resource for the Lillstreet student community as well as provide an opportunity for artists to develop their work.

For the 2012-2013 year Lillstreet Art Center in Chicago is seekingtwo ceramics artists in residence, one sculptor and one potter
Residency includes:
• Workspace in the ceramics department
• 24-hour access to the building
• $200 monthly stipend
• Free classes in any department at Lillstreet
• Opportunities to teach
• Group exhibition in July with other Resident Artists
• Free firings
• A specified amount of free clay
• Access to equipment and facilities

Resident Artist is expected to:
• Monitor 8hrs (Part of 20 weekly hours)
• Assist in large enrollment classes
• Help with firing class kilns
• Post scheduled hours in department and blog
• Maintain personal studio space and artwork
• Be present for events/open house
• Work closely with department head
• Participate in group resident artists slide lecture series

To apply submit the following to by May
1st, 2012:

• 10 images of work completed in the last 3 years
• Résumé/CV
• Artist Statement
• Personal statement (one page max) explaining what you hope to
accomplish personally and what you will bring to the Lillstreet
community. Additionally address what skills and qualities make
you a good fit for the Residency Program.
• Names and contact information of 3 references
• $15 application fee
Residencies begin September 1st and end August 31st

For more information, please visit our website:
Please contact Emily Schroeder Willis if you have any questions at [email protected]

Second Opportunity:

We are looking for new artists for our sales gallery. If anyone is interested in applying for our Sales Gallery, we are taking applications for the gallery through September 1st. There is a $15 application fee and they can apply through

Lillstreet Art Center
4401 North Ravenswood Avenue
Chicago, IL 60640
(773) 769-4226

Call for Entries, The Bascom: American Craft Today

This prestigious juried exhibition is a mix of uniquely creative, one-of-a-kind pieces of contemporary crafts. Approximately 50 of America’s most skilled and visionary craftspeople will be selected to exhibit basketry, ceramics, fiber, furniture, glass, jewelry, leather work, metal, paper and wood crafted objects in The Bascom’s Bunzl Gallery located in Highlands, North Carolina. The juror for this year’s exhibition is Mark Leach, Executive Director of the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art. Entry fee. Awards: $5,000 will be awarded at the discretion of the Juror. Best of Show-$1,200; 1st-$950; 2nd-$700; 3rd-$500; 4th-$400; Honorable Mentions(5)-$250 each. The Bascom’s American Craft Today exhibition is open to all craft artists. Works must be original, reflect excellence and a unique vision of the maker. The works must be skillfully executed, have been completed within the past two years, and not have been previously exhibited at The Bascom. Embellished commercially made objects and works assembled from commercially available kits may not be submitted. The Bascom is the final authority on eligibility. Size Limitations: There are no size limitations. Deadline: July 21st, 2012 Link to more detailed information on the call and entry link: The Bascom website link:

Call for entry: A Sense of Place

The Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art is pleased to announce a Call for Entries for its 2012 juried fine art competition, A Sense of Place. Open to participants from throughout the United States, this 32nd annual event seeks to recognize the outstanding quality and diversity of work being generated by contemporary American artists. Serving as Juror for the competition is Nancy Solomon, director of Solomon Projects, a critically acclaimed art gallery based in Atlanta, Georgia, dedicated to new and experimental solo presentations by emerging and mid-career artists. The 2012 juried fine art competition is open to all US artists age 18 and older. All works must be original, not previously exhibited at the Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art and completed on or after June 1, 2010. Work that predates this cut-off date will not be considered. Entries in the following media categories will be accepted: painting, drawing, mixed media, printmaking, photography, ceramics, and sculpture. Film and video pieces are ineligible. The exhibition is not judged in media categories. Three cash prizes will be given, including a $750 Best of Show Award and two $500 Juror’s Awards. Award recipients will be announced at the exhibition’s opening reception on Friday, September 14, 2012.

Click here to download a Prospectus for A Sense of Place 2012

Entry Deadline June 1, 2012

Call for Entry: Kiwanis Gallery, Red Deer

Call for Entry to Kiwanis Gallery 2014 and 2015, Red Deer
Deadline to apply: September 7
Artists and Curators are invited to submit proposals to the Red Deer Arts Council 2014 and 2015 Exhibition Program.
Exhibition proposals must contain the following:
• Cover Letter
• Artist/Project Statement
• Current Curriculum Vitae
• A Maximum of 20 Images on CD ROM or DVD
• Corresponding Image List
• Relevant Support Material
• S.A.S.E
Please address the exhibition proposal to: Diana Anderson, RDAC Coordinator For the Gallery Committee Red Deer Arts Council 111, 4818 – 50 Avenue Red Deer, AB T4N 4A3
Click here for complete information: Kiwanis+Gallery