call for entry: Form and Function

Gulf Coast State College Amelia Center Gallery is hosting its annual juried exhibition that explores the idea of the drinking vessel. The focus of the exhibit is on the function and concept of the drinking vessel, including its relation to history, politics, craft, technology, utility, and narrative. It is a survey of the wide variety of approaches to contemporary ceramics through the lens of the most intimate and accessible vessel – the cup. This year’s juror is Peter Pincus.

Full details HERE.




online now – Cup: The Intimate Object XV

We are pleased to bring you this spectacular show featuring more than 1000 cups by more than 200 artists from 10 countries. Each year this show gathers some of the most exciting handmade cups being made in contemporary ceramics by established artists as well as artists new on the scene. This intense labor of love celebrates the most beloved of ceramic objects, the most intimate of vessels, combining the skill and talent of these wonderful potters into an awe-inspiring collection that can be viewed in full in our brick-and-mortar as well as on our website.
Particpating artists:
Senta Achée, Araceli Adams, Kristine Aguilar, Jennifer Allen, Marion Angelica, Michelle Arabian, Linda Arbuckle, Mark Arnold, Camilla Ascher, JoAnn F Axford, Posey Bacopoulos, Noel Bailey, Marian Baker, Mariana Baquero, Rickie Barnett, Charlotte Barvinok, Eric Beavers, Eve Behar, Ashley Bevington, Sandra Blain, Beth Bolgla, David Bolton, Catherine Boswell, Eric Botbyl, Joe Bova, Helle Bovbjerg, Ariel Bowman, Meredith Bradley, Angel Brame, Nathan Bray, Kaitlyn Brennan, Cate Brus, Julie Burstein, Laurie Caffery, Dawn Candy, Benjamin Carter, Mike Chappell, Adam Chau, Hoyt Childers, Adriana Christianson, Linda Christianson, Mike Cinelli, Autumn Cipala, Bede Clarke, Craig Clifford, Greg Cochenet, Faith Connor, Christy Culp, Sarah Day, Sarah De Berry, Harris Deller, Andrea Denniston, Grace DePledge, Julie Devers, Avesha DeWolfe, Maria Dondero, Paul Donnelly, Barbara Donovan, Scott Dooley, Doug Dotson, Audra Doughty, Rod Dugal, Eileen Egan, Adrienne Eliades, Carole Epp, Machiko Erhard, Michelle Ettrick, Gerard Ferrari, Alexandra FitzGerald, Brock Flamion, Linda Ge, Mike Gesiakowski, Daniel Gillberg, James Gottuso, Martha Grover, Chris Gustin, Annemiek Hamelink, Kayla Harbeitner, Wesley Harvey, Eric Heerspink, Elaine Henry, Amy Henson, Steven Hill, Tiffany Hilton, Barbara Hoffman, Erin Holmes, Noelle Hoover, Meredith Host, Samantha Hostert, Jordan Howerton, HungryMunchy, Matthew Hyleck, Kirk Jackson, Jordan Jones, Denise Joyal, Shellie Kacillas, Ashley Kim, Margaret Kinkeade, Lucien Koonce, Tim Kowalczyk, Karin Kraemer, Allison LeBaron, Dianne Lee, Dick Lehman, Keok Lim, Austin Lindsey, Paul Linhares, Renee LoPresti, Toni Losey, Louise Lovelace, Scott Lykens, Terrie MacDonald, Shaun Mallonga, Maureen Marcotte, Virginia Marsh, Jessie Martin, Jodie Masterman, William McComb, Paul McCoy, Mynthia McDaniel, Linda McFarling, Susan McHenry, Andrew McIntyre, Christopher Melia, Sam Mendez, Branan Mercer, Ron Meyers, Brooke Millecchia, Reiko Miyagi, Nikki Mizak, Joe Molinaro, Eric Moore, Stephen Mullins, Kate Murray, Ryan Myers, Mark Nafziger, Ted Neal, Lindsay Oesterritter, Debra Oliva, Samantha Oliver, Åsa Olofsson, Brent Pafford, Elizabeth Paley, Jessica Palmer, Gillian Parke, Erica Passage, Ronan Kyle Peterson, Teresa Pietsch, Sarah Pike, Sarah Piper, Carla Prinster, Fredi Rahn, Jeremy Randall, Dow Redcorn, Kyle Rees, Ryan Reich, Don Reynolds, Mea Rhee, Barry Rhodes, Joseph Rincones, Tilla Rodemann, Anthony Rollins, Mat Rude, Ann Ruel, Lora Rust, Eileen Sackman, Adrian Sandstrom, Masa Sasaki, Alexandra Saunders, Gabrielle Schaffner, Pete Scherzer, Britta Schroeder, Ryan Schulz, Deborah Schwartzkopf, Brad Schwieger, Yoko Sekino-Bové, Nikki Serra, Erin Shayler, Joey Sheehan, Tim Sherman, Takuro Shibata, Amy Smith, Liz Smith, Amy Smith and Simon Levin, Amelia Stamps, Chad Steve, Rebekah Strickland, Mike Stumbras, Katie Susko, Joy Tanner, Chance Taylor, Charlie Tefft, Susan Thomas, Samuel Thompson, Alex Thomure, John Tilton, James Tingey, Sue Tirrell, Christian Tonsgard, Sandra Torres, C A Traen, Leilani Trinka, Sara Truman, Sami Tsang, Clovy Tsuchiya, Eric Van Eimeren, Lynn Anne Verbeck, Jake Vinson, Carolyn Von Zabern, Mikey Walsh, Julia Walther, Melissa Weiss, Philip Wiggs, Stephanie Wilhelm, Bryan Wilkerson, Erik Wilson, Hedy Yang, Meghan Yarnell, Levi Yastrow, Tony Young, Melissa Yungbluth, Caleb Zouhary


Orders containing cups from Cup: The Intimate Object XV will begin shipping October 21st. This does not mean your cups will ship on the 21st. We expect a multitude of orders, and it will take us weeks to pack and ship them all. Orders will be shipped in the order they were received. Thank you for your patience.
Shop Cup: The Intimate Object XV here.
Artists pictured above: Joey Sheehan, Ronan Kyle Peterson, Charlie Tefft, Linda Arbuckle, Autumn Cipala, Grace DePledge, Matthew Hyleck, Eric Botbyl, Senta Achée, JoAnn F Axford, Lucien Koonce, Ted Neal

call for entry: The Almighty Cup 2019: A National Juried and Invitational Exhibition

Presented by the Shaped Clay Society at Syracuse University and Gandee Gallery.
Apply Now

The Almighty Cup Show show is a fundraiser for the Shaped Clay Society, a student run clay club at Syracuse University. All entry fees go directly to the club to support student scholarships, activities, and conference attendance and provides professional development through local, national and international experiences in the field of ceramic arts.  The Shaped Clay Society is committed to giving its members the necessary tools and experiences to successfully take their art into the communities of the world.  Contact Information: Devon Gelhar, Shaped Clay Society President, [email protected].

Juror: Garth Johnson, Curator of Ceramics at the Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY

Eligibility: Open to all residents of the United States of America.

Entries:  $30 for up to 5 entries. Maximum file size 7 MB. Minimum size 5″ in short direction @ 150 dpi. Maximum 2 images per entry. Digital images should be labeled with the artist’s last name_first name and the entry #. (Charlie Brown would be brown_charlie_1a) Cups must be made primarily of clay. The idea of cup may be interpreted freely. Work may not exceed 12 inches in any direction or 20 pounds. All exhibited work must be for sale.  A 50% commission will be taken on all sales.  Selected pieces must be available for the duration of the exhibition.  Substitutions for accepted work will not be allowed.

Shipping and Insurance:  The artist is responsible for the shipping and insurance of the work to the gallery. Gandee Gallery will be responsible for insurance during the exhibition and return shipping of unsold works.

Documentation: Gandee Gallery reserves the right to photograph all works displayed in the exhibition. These images may be used for documentation, sales, promotion and publicity.

Awards: CLAYSCAPES Pottery in Syracuse, NY along with the Shaped Clay Society will be sponsoring awards of up to $500.

Important Dates:
May 9: Online application available
August 26: Online application closes
September 6: Notification begins via e-mail
October 2: Work due to Gandee Gallery
October 19: Show opens at Gandee Gallery and Online.
January 12: Show Closes.

Full details HERE.

call for entry: SIP a Ceramic Cup Show

Online Application Closes: November 30, 2019 (midnight)
Entry Fee: Members: Free | Non-Members: $20 for 3 entries
Notification Begins via Email: December 20, 2019
Shipped Work Due: January 29-February 21, 2020
Hand-Delivered Work Due: February 24-28, 2020
Exhibition Dates: March 6-March 13, 2020
Return Shipping of Unsold Work: March 14-17, 2020
Hand-Delivered Unsold Works Picked Up: March 14 (at gallery) or March 16-20 (by arrangement)
The application is open to all artists 18 years and older. An artist may submit 1-3 original works, which have been completed in the last two years. Works not gallery-ready or not exhibiting good craftsmanship, may be omitted from the exhibit. Accepted works that differ significantly from the entry images or suffer from poor presentation will be disqualified.

Work may not exceed the dimensions of L–6” W–6” H–8” (including handle) or weigh over 2lbs.
Images should be submitted as jpegs and sized at 300dpi and 10 inches (3000 pixels) on its shortest side. Files should be labeled first name_last name_entry number (e.g. John Smith would be john_smith_2.jpg).

Media Restrictions:
Drinking vessels (cups, mugs, yunomis, tankards, tumblers, goblets, tea bowls, etc.) must be made primarily from clay and 100% functional with food safe glazes. Work may not exceed the dimensions of L–6” W–6” H–8” (including handle) or weigh over 2lbs. All exhibited work must be for sale. Selected pieces must be available for the duration of the exhibition.

Before you apply: If you are new to photographing 3-D artwork, or would like a refresher on good photography practices, please read this article Photographing Cups

Contact Information:
Jessica Broad | Savannah Clay Community
[email protected]

Full Prospectus HERE.