emerging artist: Marisa Hricovsky
monday morning eye candy: Jessica Kreutter
monday morning eye candy: “Beauty and Natural Forces: Part II” by Sarah McNutt
“Beauty and Natural Forces: Part II” by Sarah McNutt
Year: 2014
Location: Solana Beach
San Diego, CA
Materials: Unfired mold clay
Measurements 3′ x 1′ x 5′ feet
Location: Solana Beach
San Diego, CA
Materials: Unfired mold clay
Measurements 3′ x 1′ x 5′ feet
work of a pair of sister pieces exploring the fleeting and controlling
nature of the idea of beauty when subjected to natural forces. This work
was handbuilt at San Diego State University, from unfiredable junk
clay, and allowed to disintegrate over a few hours in the ocean. It is
subjected to sun, waves, salt, and sand leading to it’s ultimate