by Carole Epp | Apr 7, 2011 | Uncategorized

The following is via Designboom
our friends at hong kong-based architectural firm map office are sending out a call to bring attention to the disappearance of contemporary chinese artist ai weiwei. last sunday, april 3rd, 2011, ai weiwei and his friend wan tao were stopped and detained by police authorities, from boarding a flight from beijing airport. they were then escorted away
since then, there has been no word as to their whereabouts until now. a statement was released this afternoon from a state-run global times newspaper breaking china’s media silence on the situation, stating that ai weiwei has no respect for the laws of his country, and that he is on the verge of pushing the limits of legal tolerance. for this, ai weiwei’s behaviour will be evaluated and he will pay a price for his actions.
the artist is best known for his political activism revolving around the earthquake that hit china’s sichuan province in 2008. since then he has faced physical abuse from authorities, his new studio was recently demolished and his name and work has been censored throughout china among other events and incidents.
you may read more about the detainment of ai weiwei by jerome cohen here.
ai weiwei’s work ‘sunflower seeds‘ is currently on show at the tate modern in london.
in may his ‘cirlce of animals / zodiac heads‘ world tour will begin in the grand army play near central park in new york.
*** Update thanks to Lori Buff:
A petition has been started to ask congress to request Weiwei’s release. To see and sign the petion, click here:
It’ll just take a minute!
Once you’re done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word!
by Carole Epp | Apr 6, 2011 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday

**Overseas deadline June 8th 2011**
Since its debut in 1999. Cheongju International Craft Biennale(CICB) has biennially extended the horizon of Craft from “Hands of Harmony”, “The Breath of Nature”, “Use”, “Temptation”, “Creative Evolution”, “Deeply and slowly” through “Outside the Box” as themes. through as themes. Even though CICB has brought about an innovation and change in craft world. Concerns have been expressed. One of them was the surplus of artistry.
There was a request we need to meditate on the lesson craft have two pillars: usefulness(necessity) and artistry(beauty). So we CICB will try to re-read the usefulness as an essence of craft based on the truth, ‘craft in a daily lift here and now’. That is why CICB suggests as its theme. This theme includes an aesthetic usefulness beyond the implemental usefulness.
Kindly expected deep and diverse craft-interpretations on the theme will be shown through this “The 7th CHEONGJU International Craft Competition”.
Genre: All craft artwork projects demonstrating a creative and original vision Qulifications for Entry: All nationalities and genders are welcomed to apply. We accept both individual and group projects of 3 artists or fewer.
For all the details and dates to remember please visit their website here.
by Carole Epp | Mar 29, 2011 | Uncategorized
From their website:
“Interest in ceramics education is dwindling: our response is a national clay programme to ‘refire’ kilns in schools and inspire learners. About the programme
Firing Up is a new national programme of highlighting clay and ceramics. The initiative has been development by the Crafts Council through a steering committee of representatives from NALN, NSEAD, University of the Arts (London), Clayground Collective and Ofsted. The core elements have been designed to:
1. Raise awareness of the importance of clay in our everyday lives and in world cultures;
2. Support schools in using this medium creatively and confidently, and in optimising its educational value for students and creating sustainable local links;
3. Showcase and exhibit the work of young people; and
4. Demonstrate the links between clay-work and the wider creative industry sector showing that working in ceramics is a viable career choice.
The programme uses a ‘cluster’ format that will be constructed around the ceramics departments within partner Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Each regional cluster will consist of one HEI who will supply a ceramics ‘ambassador’ (usually the ceramics course leader), a technician and up to ten students, and five secondary schools.
It includes the following core elements:
• ‘Kiln Rehab’ – the rejuvenation of clay facilities in participant schools, supported by the expertise of ceramic –specialist staff from partner HEIs.
• ‘Clay Skills Training’ – twilight CPD for cluster teachers to build confidence and expertise using clay in the classroom.
• ‘Project Clay’ – an innovative creative workshop programme designed by Clayground Collective and delivered by local practitioners to enthuse and inspire the school community through a collaborative project.
Each phase of the programme has been carefully designed to support and inspire schools in using this magical material confidently and creatively with their pupils, in as broad a way as possible. In particular, we hope that through the building of sustainable relationships with HEIs and local schools, as ‘critical friends’, schools will feel inspired to take risks and enlarge upon the scope of the medium in a cross-curricular dimension as part of a creative curriculum.
Firing Up is generously supported by a 3 year grant from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and Paul Hamlyn Foundation.”Please visit the UK Craft Council’s website for more info.
by Carole Epp | Mar 26, 2011 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Deadline: All Applications must be received by JUL 15th
Lillstreet Art Center announces their 4th Annual International Ceramic Exhibition call for entries. They are accepting applications for all functional vessels and vessels referencing function that pay special attention to surface treatment. The exhibition will run from August 26th – September 18th, 2011.
To apply, please submit a maximum of 3 images and a $35 application fee to:
Founded in 1975, Lillstreet Art Center is a large community of artists and students working side-by-side in a friendly environment which encourages and inspires artistic growth in the individual. Lillstreet Art Center supports the arts through an artist residency program, gallery, studio space, education, and an outreach program. Lillstreet Art Center is located in Chicago, Illinois.
by Carole Epp | Mar 15, 2011 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Deadline for Entry: APR 25
Coming Up Next . . . an exhibition featuring work by emerging fine craft artists
The Alberta Craft Council is organizing it’s 5th annual juried exhibition that is open to emerging craft artists who are in the first five years of their career or in the last year of their formal education.
Deadline for Entry: Monday, April 25, 2011
Exhibition Dates: May 28 – July 9, 2011
Artist Reception: Saturday, May 28, 2011, 2 – 4 pm
If you are creating contemporary fine craft (clay, glass, fibre, wood, furniture design, jewellery, or metals) with fresh new designs submit:
• a current cv
• artist statement and/or bio
• 3 to 5 good quality images (digital – 4”x6”) of work to be presented in the exhibition
• portrait image of artist in the studio or against a neutral background
• an image list that includes title, medium, technique, year made, size and photo credit
*NOTE: All submissions must have been produced in the last year*
This submission can be sent via e-mail or mail. E-mail: [email protected]
Mail: Alberta Craft Council, 10186 – 106 Street Edmonton, AB T5J 1H4
Questions on this call? Please contact Annette or Laura at (780) 488-6611 ext 221 or [email protected]