by Carole Epp | Apr 27, 2011 | Uncategorized

Neufeld, from Osler Saskatchewan, is ex military and a former firefighter. He works with concepts of masculine identity, currently in the form of ceramic transformations of engines and transmissions.

Taking a typically male pre-occupation with muscle cars, he replicates these components in ceramic. Finished like fine china, these sculptures take a grease monkey’s love of car parts and transform them into something precious. Placed on teacarts or chaises longue, these are made the object of attention the equivalent of a prized tea service or reclining nude.

Show runs: April 15, 2011 – July 3 2011 at Two Rivers Gallery in Prince George.725 Civic Plaza
Prince George, BC, V2L 5T1
by Carole Epp | Apr 23, 2011 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Northern Michigan University
School of Art and Design
Assistant Professor Position
Application Due: 05/20/2011
Assistant Professor, Ceramics. Tenure earning, fulltime appointment. Active, growing school of art and design seeks an energetic, ceramic artist with previous university/college teaching experience, which could be a graduate teaching assistantship. The candidate must demonstrate a thorough knowledge of ceramic processes and techniques, including: wheel throwing, hand-building/sculpture, mold making, clay and glaze formulation (Hyperglaze software), and low/mid/high temperature applications. Also required: understanding of contemporary issues in ceramics and historical ceramic traditions, ability to integrate technology into teaching, and awareness of most current standards in professional studio practice. Candidate will teach three courses per semester including cognate (foundation) and studio courses where required, maintain professional involvement in the field of ceramics and if applicable, participate in university and school committee work. Candidate must also supervise and maintain a 6,000 square foot ceramic studio for undergraduate students. Familiarity with Apple computer platform and digital presentations preferred. MFA must be completed by August 2011. See our web site for facilities and course descriptions at To be considered as a viable candidate, applicants must address all requirements for this position in their letter of application and/or portfolio.
Start Date: August 2011. The position will be posted until May 20, 2011. Interested applicants are requested to submit a letter of application, statement of teaching philosophy, curriculum vitae, transcripts, three contacts for references and a portfolio that should reflect the requirements and preferences of the position description as posted and consist of 23 images (PDFs) of the applicant’s work (a minimum of 10 images) and ten images of student work to NMU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and is strongly committed to increasing the diversity of its staff. Marquette, MI is consistently named as one of the top 10 places in the nation for quality of life and raising a family.
This application requires that each portfolio image should be a single PDF file (not larger than 5MB) and should be placed in “Other Document”. All 23 “Other Document” attachments must be filled in order for the application to be completed! “Other Documents” should include both applicant’s work (a minimum of 10 images) and student work and should be identified as such on each file.
Application Information
Contact: |
Michael Cinelli, Director and Associate Dean School of Art and Design Northern Michigan University |
Phone: |
906-227-2194 |
Fax: |
906-227-2276 |
Online App. Form: | |
by Carole Epp | Apr 22, 2011 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
The Lethbridge Gallery has established a strong reputation for exhibiting works demonstrating exceptional detail and creativity. With the intention of fostering the next generation of artists, Lethbridge Gallery initiated the Lethbridge 10 000. This exciting art competition is open to national and international artists for small-scale artworks. Entrants may submit paintings, drawings and 2D artworks up to 60cm in any direction. The judging criteria is based on three equally evaluated criteria of creativity, originality and skill. $10 000 will be awarded to the winner.
Click here for Conditions of Entry
and Online Entry Form
Entries Close |
29 April 2011
Finalists announced |
16 May 2011
Winner announced |
4 June 2011
Exhibition dates |
4 June 2011 – 26 June 2011
by Carole Epp | Apr 21, 2011 | Uncategorized

Michael Ciavarella
Official opening: Friday 29 April, 6.00pm
Opening speaker: Stephanie Outridgefield
Contemporary Artist (Public Art) The concept of miniature artworks en masse has been intriguing and fascinating art-lovers from the very beginning of Up in Smoke at the Clay Energy Conference in Gulgong, where 150 matchboxes were filled with a ceramic artwork crafted by each contributing artist. Michael Ciavarella has an ambitious long-term goal of a collection of 5000 matchbox artworks to be exhibited at the International Ceramics Conference in Finland in 2014. Ceramic artists from around the world are invited to contribute an artwork to the collection.Noosa Regional Gallery[email protected]
by Carole Epp | Apr 7, 2011 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
The 46th Annual NCECA Conference, “On the Edge”, will be held in Seattle, Washington at the Washington State Convention Center, March 28 – March 31, 2012. In conjunction with the conference, The Bellevue Arts Museum will host the 2012 NCECA Invitational “Push Play” from January 19 to June 17, 2012.
The NCECA Invitational is a themed, curated exhibition that features leading edge, large scale and often challenging ceramic art. Held in even-numbered years, a foundation group of works are selected by invitation; then additional artists are invited to submit images that support the theme for consideration. The submission process is open to all artists working in ceramics. This format brings established reputations and emerging talent to bear on the selected theme and adds vitality and fresh perspectives to an ongoing dialogue. A color catalogue documents the exhibition experience and contains artist statements, pertinent essays and color images of the art. The exhibition is curated and organized by NCECA Exhibitions Director, Linda Ganstrom.
The 2012 NCECA Invitational focuses on the importance of play as related to art and life.
Push Play
Want to play? Such an invitation offers the possibility of learning through pleasurable, focused activity. Associated with nature, physical interaction and props, play allows the participant the freedom to observe, respond, interact and react in ways not prescribed, although some rules still apply with consequences for those who don’t play fair. The stories that evolve from play, in their authenticity, act as triggers for personal fantasy, artistic imagining and creative problem solving. The open nature of play and playthings endows them with the power to help establish gender roles, identity, social status and career roles. Governed by a set of rules or boundaries, an outside force directs gaming or sports play. As technology interfaces with gaming, play offers virtual experience, regulated and safe, but still exciting. No longer relegated to the realm of childhood, games simulate realities ranging from war to spiritual quests while assigning players alternative identities and enhanced personalities. What are the benefits and costs of these various types of play? Is art play? Creativity lies at the heart of both art and play. When does play become art and how does skill figure into the mix? Artists often approach their work as highly focused play involving all their sentient faculties. Increasingly democratized by technology, art-making no longer requires the skills developed from material discipline. A movie can be filmed from a cell phone as evidenced by the 2010 Guggenheim and YouTube groundbreaking competition, “Play Biennial.” While everyone has potential as an artist, not all have the highly specialized skills to create artifacts with a marketable value. Where does ceramics fit in? Art making, particularly in clay, immerses the maker in sensual substance and offers an appealing alternative to technology and virtual reality play. The materials and processes of ceramics regulate the game. Whether intuitive or skillful, play in clay can be intensely engaging.
Sharing a neighborhood with the corporate offices of Nintendo and Microsoft, The Bellevue Arts Museum seems an appropriate place to investigate the question, “What is play today?” NCECA and BAM encourage artists to create works that “Push Play” up their 30 foot lobby walls to reach the gallery floors, weather the winter and spring outdoors, invite physical interaction and employ play as the subject of their art. Filling most of the second floor of the Bellevue Arts Museum, “Push Play” has room for large as well as more traditional format works. Art is serious business, so too is play. This exhibition seeks to encourage artists to move into a realm where play and its connections to art, technology, individuality and community are investigated and celebrated, while stimulating thought and provoking conversation regarding the relevance of play in contemporary life. Ceramics is the perfect medium to “Push Play.”
Linda Ganstrom, Curator Eligibility
This exhibition is open to any artist whose works incorporate primarily ceramic materials and processes. NCECA Members pay a discounted submission fee. If you are not sure whether you have a current membership in NCECA contact: [email protected]
Media & Limitations
All works must be primarily ceramic or unfired clay. Mixed media works will be accepted only if ceramic materials are the primary media, although video documentation of projects involving ceramics are encouraged. The curator will make final determinations. Large scale work can be accommodated. Floor works must be firmly stable. Wall-mounted pieces are limited to 20 lbs per section. Works may be hung from the ceiling in specific places. Work must have been produced within the last five years and not have been shown in previous NCECA exhibitions, Bellevue Arts Museum or the greater Seattle area. Calendar
Detailed information and Online Submittal form: Available Jan.12, 2011
Online Submittal deadline: July 5, 2011 (midnight EST)
Acceptance notification: August 1, 2011
Contracts and Statements due: August 15, 2011
Delivery of accepted work: Before December 19, 2011
Installation: December 20 – January 18, 2012
Exhibition dates: January 19, 2012 –June 17, 2012
Return of work: After June 17, 2012
For all the details visit their site here.