emerging artist: Shannon Merritt
Find out more about Shannon and her work here: sqmerritt.com
Want to be featured as an emerging artist on musing? All you have to do is send me some images, a brief write up if you’d like, and a website if you have it to [email protected] If you could put emerging artist in the subject header of the email so it doesn’t get lost in my spam folder that would be great. Thanks!
emerging artist: Leah Spagrud
work I am currently creating stems from a long time fascination with the
teapot. When I began working in clay in 2008, all I wished to create
was an aesthetically pleasing and well functioning vessel for tea.
However, this form proved too challenging, and in frustration I set it
aside. Only recently (and after a number of years learning to work with
clay) have I began to readdress the teapot, and pouring vessels in
movie day: Greg Payce
A huge congratulations to Greg Payce who has just won the Saidye Bronfman Award. A well deserved honor for this incredible Canadian Ceramic Artist.
Find out more about Greg and his work as well as the Saidye Bronfman Award on the Canada Council for the Arts Website