emerging artist: Sue McLeod


Want to be featured as an emerging artist on musing? All you have to do is send me some images, a brief write up if you’d like, and a website if you have it to [email protected] If you could put emerging artist in the subject header of the email so it doesn’t get lost in my spam folder that would be great. Thanks! 

Saskatoon Potters Guild Presents Michael Flaherty this weekend!!!

Artist talk by Michael Flaherty (www.ceramicfundamentalist.com)
this Saturday, Dec. 14th, 330 Avenue G. South, 1 – 3 p.m., courtesy of
Sask Terra and the Saskatoon Potters Guild. Promises to be interesting!!

The Education Committee invites you to a two part workshop with Mike
Flaherty which will be held in the SPG student room on Saturday, Dec. 14
from 4 – 7 p.m. and Sunday, December 15 from 1 – 4 pm.
Check out http://www.ceramicfundamentalist.com/ and Mike’s blogs.

First demo (Sat.): puling and pinching large antler forms, arranging for drying, throwing with a template.
Second demo (Sun.): trimming, assembling the antler, setting up a drying armature, carving and smoothing.
Mike will also show us how he decorates with the underglaze he formulates himself. He will also be bringing terra sigillata.
will have to opportunity to make and throw with templates. Bring some
clay, your favourite throwing tools, plastic cards such as gift and
credit cards, tools to form/shape the template, i.e. scissors, small
files, punches, etc. 
You will be provided with handouts.
Feel free to bring your camera and/or video camera.
Please  [email protected] for the registration form. 
Mail a cheque made out to The Saskatoon Potters’ Guild to:
Education Committee
℅ Teresa Gagne
501 Avenue M North
Saskatoon, SK
S7L 2S7
Saskatoon Potters Guild

emerging artist: Gillian Mitchell

Bio – Having art in my life has inspired and shaped who I am today. After receiving my Diploma of Fine Arts from Red Deer College in 2009, I transferred to Alberta College of Art + Design where I graduated in 2012 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, with distinction. Being an artist has inspired me to share my knowledge and become a high school art teacher. I am currently attending the University of Calgary where I will receive a Bachelor of Education specializing in secondary art in 2014.

Fish Huts- This new work explores the idea of introducing one of a kind, handmade art into fish tanks. I love the idea of creating vessels. It gives my work a purpose: the idea of containing something or to hold something. Evolving from vases to sculputres to dishes and now to huts for fish to live in; the continual inspiration is the ocean itself.

Creating ceramic houses, caves, huts, homes and toys for fish has been a fun experiment. The pieces have proven to be super easy to clean, safe for the fish and a different take on art.

If you don’t already have a fish that needs a new hiding place, hopefully these cute huts will inspire you to go adopt a fish.
