feeling the LOVE….

I just wanted to take a minute to say a huge thank you to Pottery Making Info!
What an honor to be named top blog of 2016 : )
(insert 20 minute long happy dance in my kitchen here)

And I was also recently listed as the third best in a list of 40 Ceramic Websites and Blogs on the Web by Feedspot. 

It’s a honor to play a role in this community, to participate, to engage, to learn, and to be inspired by each of you. Thanks to all my readers. Seriously. It makes my year that little old me from Saskatoon can play a part in this international community of makers. You all give so much, inspire so many. I’m just thankful to be along for the ride.


Art Pro Podcast with… me, Carole Epp

I wouldn’t really classify myself as a PRO at anything. I’m stumbling through my life and career trying to figure things out as I go so I find it interesting when others ask to interview me as though I had some type of a system sorted out or special behind the scenes knowledge. The more I know, the more I realize how little I actually know about all things art and career related. But heck I love listening to others talk about the ins and outs of their careers so maybe you’ll like to have a listen to me talk about mine : )

Huge thanks to Jessica Watchorn for the interview it was super fun!

Find out more and follow Jessica here:

instagram: @artpropodcast 

Christopher Reid Flock: Integration/Disintegration @CDN Clay and Glass Gallery

Artist Talk, Christopher Reid Flock: January 14, 2017 • 7:30pm
Opening Reception: January 15, 2017 • 2-5pm with remarks at 2:30pm

Follow Christopher Reid Flock on Instagram and Facebook. There’s a good chance there will be a live video of the artist talk on Facebook.
As an experimental ceramic artist,
Christopher Reid Flock’s work is profoundly influenced by the
significant time that he spent in Japan and the mentorship that he
received from some of Canada’s most respected potters. Among other
accolades, Flock was the recipient of the Winifred Shantz Award for
Ceramics in 2014. Although this ambitious exhibition will include some
works from his earlier career, it will feature more prominently his
large-scale, installation-based works that whimsically ‘play’ with
notions of function while merging rapid prototyping with classical clay

A companion exhibition will feature works by Flock’s mentors Bruce Cochrane, Diane Nasr O’Young and Kayo O’Young.
