260 Fingers: An Invitational Exhibition of Ceramic Art


175 Third Ave. Ottawa, ON

Opening/Vernissage: Friday, November 8, 6-9pm

Saturday, November 9 and Sunday, November 10, 10am-5pm

Just as the farm-to-table movement shows us where our food comes from and how it is grown, handmade pottery urges us to consider the story behind the objects we hold in our hands. It is a story about processes, materials, and an individual artist’s skills and creativity as they express themselves through clay.

To join in a conversation with 26 ceramic artists and learn more about their relationship with clay, come to 260 Fingers at the Glebe Community Centre from November 8 to 10!  For the 15th consecutive year, 26 of Ontario and Quebec’s most accomplished ceramic artists are converging to exhibit and sell some of the most innovative and inspiring clay work being produced in the region.  The breadth and caliber of this invitational show is recognized as unique in both provinces and features work from functional to sculptural, wood-fired to electric-fired, subtle to highly decorative.

On Friday, November 8, from 6-9pm, the gorgeous, domed atrium of the Glebe Community Center will open its doors to visitors eager to be among the first to view and purchase this year’s new work. Open to everyone, the vernissage is a vibrant celebration of ceramic work complete with music, food, drink and lively conversation. The show continues Saturday November 9 and Sunday November 10  from 10am –5 pm. The artists are always available for discussions, and, with such a wide range of work and artistic practice, visitors often have questions. There are also guided tours both Saturday and Sunday during which artists talk about their work and techniques.

In addition to the solid core of accomplished potters that have made 260 Fingers such an eagerly anticipated event, eight new guest artists will be adding to the excitement with their best new work. 260 Fingers is different every year, but there is one thing that doesn’t change: the excellence of the craftsmanship and the vibrant atmosphere of an inspired artistic community that comes together to celebrate and talk about clay.

This year, among the 26 participating artists, seven are potters who fire with wood, a laborious and risky method that can result in spectacular yet subtle vessels.  We are thrilled to welcome guest artists Bruce Cochrane and Tony Clennell, both well known teachers and veteran wood firers. Also in this group are Heather Smit, Anne Creskey, Andrew Kellner, Jen Drysdale and John Ikeda. Wood firing is part wild risktaking and part stuborness as it can take days to load the kiln with the pots in strategic places, and days and nights to feed wood into the fire to produce the complex interactions between clay, flame, ashes and salts. The results can be pure, poetic magic.

260 Fingers is a free event. For more information or high-res images, please email [email protected] or call Maureen Marcotte at 819-459-3164.

Participating artists for 2019 are members Anne Creskey, Bill Reddick, Carolynne Pynn-Trudeau, Chandler Swain, Cynthia O’Brien, Don Goddard, Heather Smit, Jen Drysdale, John Ikeda, Leta & Don Cormier, Maria Moldovan, Maureen Marcotte, Reid Flock, Rita Redner, Saskia Praamsma, Susie Osler, Teresa Wingar and guests Bruce Cochrane,Tony Clennell, Andrew Kellner, Terri MacDonald, Patrick Yeung, Michelle Mendlowitz, Marney McDiarmid, and Janet Keefe. To see more about their work visit: www.260fingers.ca

Facebook: www.facebook.com/260Fingers/

Twitter: twitter.com/260Fingers

Instagram: www.instagram.com/260Fingers

call for submissions: Clay and Glass Artists


The Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery is currently accepting submissions from Canadian artists from all backgrounds and career levels working in clay and glass for an exhibition on the theme of Diversity and Inclusion to be presented in Fall 2021.

We are pleased to announce an open call for submissions from Canadian clay and glass artists for a group exhibition with the theme “Diversity and Inclusion.” The exhibition will coincide with the 2021 Creative City Network Summit to be hosted by the City of Waterloo. We welcome submissions from artists who broadly identify with the theme of Diversity and Inclusion in their artistic practices and experiences including, but not limited to, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religion, and mental or physical abilities. Multi-media works and those that incorporate new media within the use of clay, glass, and copper enamelling will be considered.

The selected works will be presented in the exhibition from September 2021 to January 2022. The Gallery will provide an artist fee (as set out by CARFAC) to the selected artists and cover the costs of shipping and insurance for the duration of the exhibition.

Located in Waterloo, Ontario, the Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery is Canada’s only gallery dedicated to the exhibition and collecting of contemporary Canadian clay, glass, and copper enamelling. Through exhibition programs, publications, a clay studio, and an archival centre, the Gallery supports research and creation by emerging, mid-career, and established artists. The Gallery is accessible, with the exception of exhibitions and events held in the John A. Pollock Family Courtyard, which is not fully accessible to visitors with particular mobility aids at this time.

We acknowledge that we live and work on the traditional territory of the Attawandaron, Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee peoples. The Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land promised to the Six Nations that includes ten kilometers on each side of the Grand River.

We welcome submissions from all qualified applicants and encourage submissions from groups that are typically underrepresented in institutional spaces, including racialized and Indigenous individuals, LGBTQ2S+ identifying individuals, francophone individuals, Deaf persons, and persons with disabilities. If you require any accommodations during the submissions process, please contact [email protected] or 519-746-1882.

Submission Deadline
All materials must be emailed to [email protected] with the subject line “Diversity and Inclusion 2021” by Friday December 15, 2019. Notification of the results will be sent by February 2020.

Submission Materials
In a single document, emailed to [email protected], with the subject line “Diversity and Inclusion 2021”, please submit:

  1. A written statement describing the work that you propose for the exhibition as well as its significance to the theme (50-100 words). Works in-progress and concepts for works to be completed will also be considered.
  2. Up to 5 images of your work, including titles and dimensions of works. Provide sketches for works that have not yet been completed.
  3. An artist statement describing your practice, interests, and what the concept of diversity and inclusion means to you (up to 250 words).
  4. A CV that includes, at minimum, your education as well as any relevant exhibition, publication, and installation history.

For more information please contact:
[email protected]

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Instagram: @cdnclayandglass
Facebook: @theclayandglass
Twitter: @cdnclayandglass
Web: www.theclayandglass.ca