by Carole Epp | Mar 22, 2019 | call for entry
November 13-29
Butler Art Center is hosting an exhibit honoring the drinking vessel and the containers used to store all things spirited, dedicating the show to the “Art of the Drink.”
Open to all functional vessels used for the consuming, storing and pouring of beverages, the exhibit runs from November 13- 29, 2019.
Juror: Yoko Sekino-Bove
Application Fee: $25 for 3 entries
More details and application form HERE.
by Carole Epp | Jan 8, 2019 | call for entry
The Missouri Western State University Clay Guild is sponsoring the National Ceramic Exhibition titled Twin Cups. The exhibition is open to all artists 18 years and older residing in the U.S. Submitted artworks may be either functional or sculptural representations of a pair of cups, mugs, or drinking vessels, etc. A $30.00 jury fee entitles each artist to submit a maximum of three entries (each entry consisting of a set of two). Artworks must have been completed within the last two years.
$500 – Best of Show
$200 – 1st Place
$100 – 2nd Place
Awards will be selected at the sole discretion of the juror.
Juror: Veronica Watkins
Find all the details HERE.
by Carole Epp | Dec 5, 2018 | call for entry
Are you an emerging or early career ceramic artist with plans to complete an overseas residency, mentorship or other professional development opportunity? Then you might be eligible for a Cultural Trust grant.
The Ian Potter Cultural Trust offers grants of up to $10,000 to assist talented early career artists to gain experience, develop networks and learn skills from leaders in their field.
The Cultural Trust provides support for structured professional development and networking opportunities overseas such as:
• Residencies
• Mentorships
• Study tours which have a clear skills development focus
• Private lessons
• Internships
• Workshops
• Conferences and festivals
For more information on eligibility and how to apply, go HERE.
Applications close: 15 January 2019
Please note, the current funding round only applies to projects or travel after 3 May 2019.
Photo: Amy Kennedy, Untitled, 2014, artist-blend glaze material, h.12.5cm, w.41cm, d.35cm; Christopher Sanders Photography
Amy Kennedy received a Cultural Trust grant in 2011 to travel to the US and complete a 10-week artist residency at the Anderson Ranch Arts Centre, present at a ceramics conference and visit art museums, galleries and artists’ studios to complete research.
by Carole Epp | Nov 7, 2018 | call for entry
Now in its fourth year, LAST CALL has become one of the most anticipated juried ceramics exhibitions by makers and collectors alike.
LAST CALL is an annual survey of contemporary ceramics, whose intended function is geared towards storing, pouring, and drinking alcohol. The exhibition is open to every type of clay, temperature, and atmosphere. We will be looking for the very finest growlers, bottles, flasks, flights, steins, pilsners, mugs, goblets, rocks cups, liquor sets, sake sets, ice buckets, shots, etc!
Companion Gallery will be printing a full color catalog, hosting an opening gallery reception, and the entire exhibition will be available for sale online.
We look forward to seeing your entries!
The exhibition opening will be held at our new location on Friday March 1st, 2019.
Companion Gallery 3600 East Mitchell Street, Humboldt, TN, as well as ONLINE at
A FULL COLOR 8.5 x 11 print catalog will accompany the exhibition.
Participating artists will each receive a complimentary print copy.
Entry Deadline: Friday July 20th, 2018 12 Midnight CST
- Open to US and CANADIAN residents 21 and up.
- $30.00 for 3 Entries.
- Digital Images should be labeled with the artists last name, underscore, first letter of first name, and the entry #. (Example: Skippy McGrueber would be mcgrueber_s1.jpg, mcgrueber_s2.jpg, mcgrueber_s3.jpg, etc)
- Images must be print ready, well lit, in focus, 300 DPI cropped into a square sized to 1000 x 1000. Because we are printing a catalog, photography will be a determining factor during the jurying process. Please do not embed images in the body of the email. Sent them as attachments to the email.
- one detail of each entry is welcome and should be labeled as 1B, 2B, and 3B. See above.
- Photo TIP: To ensure your piece fits into a square format photo, shoot vertical pieces horizontally and horizontal pieces vertically before cropping. Images above are all good examples.
Email 3-6 labeled images to Eric at [email protected] with the subject line: LAST CALL IV
This email IS your application.
Images will be forwarded to juror Carole Epp on January18th at midnight CST and notifications will go out the following week.
Each Application must include (Copy & Paste)
- Artist’s Name:
- Email address:
- website or instagram:
- mailing address:
- cell phone number:
- a description of each image including title, type of clay, cone, kiln atmosphere, dimensions, and price.
Entry #1. Rocks Cup. Porcelain with underglaze and celadon glaze. Soda fired to Cone 10.
4.5h x 3w x 3d $85.00
All work submitted should be fully functional and all glazes must be food safe. Our customers and collectors expect and deserve the highest level of craftsmanship. Be sure that feet are smooth and work is free of any sharp burs or cracks. Pourers should pour, corks or stoppers should seal properly, etc.
The Companion Gallery celebrates ALL forms of expression. However, because of the number of children that frequent the gallery we will not be accepting any work considered to be profane or vulgar.
Basically, there’s kids around- be cool.
Application Fees are *ONLY payable online.
*Canadian applicants will be sent an email invoice for the app fee after the application has been emailed. Invoices need to be paid by the entry deadline to be considered.
We look forward to seeing your entries!
**Click HERE to pay the application fee
Deadline for Entries: Friday January 18th 2019, 12 Midnight CST
More info and to learn about COMPANION GALLERY here.