Call for entry – Young Ceramists Tile Competition

INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION YOUNG CERAMISTS TILE COMPETITION AIM OF COMPETITION To support young ceramists, increase cultural partition and contribute to contemporary ceramic art within the annual Spring Festival organized by Usak University. THEME OF COMPETITION Free. COMPETITION CONDITIONS

  • Associate degree, undergraduate, graduate degree and Arts Proficiency (doctorate) students of ceramics and tile departments of University Academies and Fine Arts Faculties and equivalent Faculties in Turkey and abroad can participate.
  • The size must be 15X15 cm and the thickness must be 1 to 5 cm.
  • The works must be fired and glazed.
  • The participant’s work will adjust to ceramic techniques and materials. Pieces with less than %80 ceramic work will not be accepted.
  • Each participant can participate with only one piece.
  • Name, last name or signature must be on the right corner of the tile not to exceed 3×1 cm.
  • The works will not be returned.
  • The tiles selected after the evaluation of the Jury will be exhibited on the wall built in Usak University 1 Eylul Campus ‘Art Park’.
  • The back sides of the tiles must be designed to be mounted on the wall.


  • The participants must fill the attached form in full and send or deliver it with the work until April 05 2010 to the mentioned address.
  • 300 dpi jpeg formatted picture of the work must be e-mailed or sent with the work.
  • The participants may follow their application from our web address.


  • Success Award – 1000,00 TL + Plaque + Success Certificate + catalogue
  • Special Jury Award – 750,00 TL + Plaque + Success Certificate + catalogue
  • Youth Award ( Café Lâl / Adem YALCIN ) – 750,00 TL + Plaque + Success Certificate + catalogue
  • Personal and Corporation Awards

* Participation Certificate and catalogue will be given to the artists who pass the jury evaluation and did not receive an award. RESULTS AND EVALUATION The Jury will meet and evaluate on Wednesday, April 07 2010 in Usak University Fine Arts Faculty. The results of the competition and date of award ceremony will be announced in Usak University web site. The tiles awarded and selected will be exhibited on the I. International Young Ceramists Tile Competition wall built in Usak University 1 Eylul Campus ‘Art Park’.and the awards will be handed at the opening and award ceremony. DELIVERY The works must be delivered in person or sent by post or freight until April 05 2010 Monday to Usak University. The responsibility of delay and damage cased in post or freight will not be accepted. For more info check out the website or contact at the following:Address: Usak Universitesi, Guzel Sanatlar Fampusu, 64200 USAK/TURKIYETelephone: 0.276.263 43 26 – 40 82
Email: [email protected]

Call For Entries ~ Resin Clay Art

Deadline is January 20, 2010

Clay artists and sculptors, mixed media artists and mad scientists
alike! Here is your call to join the Resin Revolution ~ we want your
artistic vision and willingness to experiment to show the world just
what is possible with the amazing properties of resin clay!
We are looking for resin clay art submissions for Kerin Gale’s
upcoming first book published by North Light Books.

There Are Two Ways To Be Published
This Call is a bit different than others you may have seen. There are actually two
ways to get into the book. One is to submit up to three pieces of your work
(with up to three images of each project). The other way is to tell us how using
resin clay has helped your progress in your artistic vision ~ basically a
testimonial. Any artist has the potential to be included one, two or three times for artwork and once for a testimonial.

Here is what you’ll need to know to enter your submission(s):
About Art Entries
Anything goes really! Your piece(s) can make use of the adhesive properties of
resin clay to hold other elements together, as actual elements or the entire piece
can be made of clay. The only real requirement is that some part of your entry
includes resin clay. Your piece can be jewelry or other wearable art, or can be
decorative or functional. Unique and well executed pieces are especially sought

Remember that submitting high-quality images with as much detail as possible is very important. The background should be plain so as to show your work in the best light with no distractions.
You may submit up to three entries with up to 3 shots of each piece. Submit only
images with good contrast and detail. Photos need to be at least 5” x 7” at 300
DPI and in a .tif or .jpg file format. File names should be your name and the
title of your piece, such as kerin-gale_cold-hearted1.jpg, kerin-gale_coldhearted2.
jpg, etc. Please also include in your email:
• Your name as you would wish it to be displayed, if accepted
• URL(s) of your website(s) or blog if you have one
• Title of your piece(s) or specify “Untitled” if applicable
• Dimensions (height x width x depth) and unit of measure (inches or feet)
• A short description of what you made and anything we should take note of.

About Testimonial Entries
Please keep the length of the testimonial entries at around 250 words or less.
Also include in your email:
• Your name as you would wish it to be displayed, if accepted
• URL(s) of your website(s) or blog (if you have one)
The “testimonial” entries will be included throughout the book along with your
name and web site (or alternatively an email address if you do not have an online

Submitting Entries
• All submissions will be accepted via email only. Send your individual
entry or entries to [email protected]
• Because we may accept all or none of your entries please send a
separate email for each entry (up to four ~ three for your art work
images and one for a testimonial)
• There is no entry fee required for your submission(s)

PLEASE NOTE: If your entry is accepted, you will be notified by February
10, 2010. If accepted, you will be required to complete and sign a
“Permission to Publish” form.

Questions ~
Due to the anticipated response for this publication, entries with questions will be addressed only as time permits. It is strongly suggested that you read and
carefully follow the submission guidelines. If we need any additional information
it will be much more time effective for us to contact you.
• The brand of resin clay I use exclusively is from my
favorite formulas are Aves® ‘Fixit Sculpt and Apoxie Sculpt.
• If you have product usage questions about Aves® products, visit the FAQ
portion on their website or send an e-mail to [email protected]
• If you have a favorite brand of resin clay and/or finished pieces made with
another brand of two part self-hardening epoxy (resin) clay you are
welcome to submit your entries.

LUX Center for the Arts National Juried Cup Exhibition

Deadline: February 2, 2010
Exhibition Dates: APRIL 2 – May 29, 2010

In LUX Center for the Arts’ second annual nationwide juried cup exhibition, University of Florida ceramics professor, Linda Arbuckle, will make selections from some of the most intriguing and exceptional cups produced by contemporary ceramic artists. Functional and non-functional interpretations of the cup, produced in clay, may be submitted.

Entry Fee: $20 (up to 3 works per artist; 2 views per piece)
Entries must be received by: February 2, 2010
Notification Date: February 26, 2010 (by email only)
Exhibition Dates: April 2 – May 29, 2010
Opening Reception: Friday, April 2, 2010, 5-7 p.m.
Ship accepted works to gallery: March 12-19, 2010
Unsold work returned to artist by: June 30, 2010
Open to all artists working in the medium of clay residing in the United States of America. ENTRIES
Each artist may submit up to three works with two views per piece. Work must be made primarily or entirely out of clay. All entries must be for sale and available for purchase, must be original and executed within the last two years. Size may not exceed 12 inches in any direction or weigh more than 15 lbs. Entry fee $20 (only checks and money orders made payable to LUX Center for the Arts will be accepted). Entry fee, entry form and CD-ROM of images must be received by February 2, 2010. (A fee of $20 will be charged on all returned checks.) Only images on CD labeled with the applicant’s first and last name will be accepted. The images should be in JPEG format and sized to 300 dpi and 4 x 6 inches. All files must begin with applicants first initial and last name followed by image number (e.g. Jane Smith would be JSmith1.jpg), and must be in a folder with applicant’s full name as the folder name.
Submit CD and fee along with your completed entry form on page 4. If you would like your CD returned, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with adequate postage for return. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by email only.
No substitutions for accepted artworks will be allowed.
Accepted artwork must be hand delivered or shipped to the LUX Center for the Arts the week of March 12-19, 2010. The cost of shipping to and from the gallery is the responsibility of the artist. Accepted artworks must arrive with the appropriate return USPS postage or prepaid FedEx or UPS return shipping label. The LUX Center for the Arts is not responsible for any damage during shipment. Works will be insured for 50% of the stated value from time of delivery to the end of
the exhibition. Unsold artwork will be returned to the artist no later than June 30, 2010. INSTALLATION
All artwork must be ready for installation upon arrival at the gallery. LUX Center for
the Arts reserves the right to reject any artwork due to inadequate preparation for
installation, if it differs from the accepted work or for any security or public safety
reasons. After installation, no artwork may be removed from the exhibition until the
close of the show. Please note: No substitutions for accepted artworks will be allowed.
LUX Center for the Arts holds a 50% commission on any sold artwork. Commissions
received through LUX Center for the Arts sales help support the education and
community outreach programs of the not-for-profit center.
LUX Center for the Arts reserves the right to photograph exhibited work and use
either these photographs or the artist’s entry images in both printed and electronic
materials for publicity, promotion, education and future grant proposals.
Visit for more information.

Call for Artists: Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition Application

Deadline: March 1

Now in its 49th year, the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition [TOAE] is a juried showcase featuring contemporary fine art and craft that takes place on Nathan Phillips Square every July. As the largest outdoor art exhibition in Canada, the TOAE offers a fresh-air alternative to conventional art shows and galleries. Approximately 500 artists participate and over 100,000 visitors attend the exhibition every year. Side by side, established artists, undiscovered talents and innovative students sell their work directly to the public and make lasting connections with art dealers and collectors. In 2009, the TOAE presented over $35,000 in cash awards and prizes to participating artists.

We welcome applications from artists working in a wide range of traditional and experimental art forms. Applications can be downloaded from the TOAE website at or call 416.408.2754 for more information.

100 Tea Bowls -call for entry

The Art League is pleased to present 100.Tea.Bowls in collaboration with the ceramic artists of the Torpedo Factory. 100.Tea.Bowls invites artists to create a harmonious composition through the tea bowl clay form. This exhibit is presented in tandem with our immensely popular biennial Ikebana Show. Prospectus/Call-to-Artists/Entry Form click here

Awards Reception: Sunday, March 7, 2010 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm
The exhibit will also encompass several special events, including:

  • Japanese Tea Ceremony and discussion of the work of Chado, the Japanese way of tea, with Stephen di Girolamo of the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution:
    Sunday, March 8, 1:30 pm
  • Musical Performances by the Washington Toho Koto Society, performed by Mrs. Kyoko Okamoto:
    Thursday, March 4, 6:30 pm (private reception) and Sunday, March 8, 3:00 pm

Juror Ceramic artist Terry Gess—Mr. Gess has received international awards and recognition for his work. He was invited to live and work in a teapot factory in the People’s Republic of China, collaborating with a master Chinese potter in the development of new teapots. His formal education includes study at the Cleveland Institute of Art, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, and Penland School of Crafts.