by Carole Epp | Jan 27, 2010 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Exhibition Dates: June 5 – July 17 (Discovery Gallery)
Artists Reception: TBA The Alberta Craft Council is organizing it’s 4th annual juried exhibition that is open to emerging fine craft artists who are in the first five years of their career or in the last year of their formal education. If you are creating contemporary fine craft (clay, glass, fibre, wood, furniture design, jewellery or metals) with fresh new designs submit:
- current CV
- artist statement
- bio
- 3 – 5 good quality images (digital – 4″x6″ 300dpi) of work presented for the exhibition
- Portrait image of artist in the studio or against a neutral background
- an image list that includes title, medium, technique, year made, size and photo credit
Note: All submissions must have been produced in the last two years.
Send your submission to the Alberta Craft Council 10186 – 106 Street, Edmonton AB T5J 1H4.
by Carole Epp | Jan 21, 2010 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Installation Deadline: September 1, 2011
Open to regional, national and international artists The City of Lethbridge is inviting artists to participate in a three stage public art competition. The winning submission will receive a commission to create and install a public art work on site at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery in conjunction with the grand re-opening of its newly renovated spaces.
For further information please contact Suzanne Lint at [email protected], Executive Director, Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge (AAC), 403.320.0555,
by Carole Epp | Jan 19, 2010 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Lincoln Arts & Culture Foundation, April 24 to May 30, 2010
Lincoln Arts & Culture Foundation will present its twenty-third annual juried competition of ceramic works April 24 – May 30, 2010 featuring artists residing or working in the United States, Mexico & Canada. This celebratory exhibition of contemporary ceramic art (sculptural, non-functional,functional) will be held on the property of the renowned Gladding, McBean Terra Cotta Factory, and displayed inside an original 35-foot beehive kiln and in the historic architectural design studio. Access to the exhibit is by tour only. Prospectus available
by Carole Epp | Jan 19, 2010 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
February 2, 2010, Call for Entry
Exhibition Dates: April 16 – June 20, 2010
Location: San Angelo, Texas
The Eighteenth San Angelo National Ceramic Competition highlights a broad range of attitudes in the medium of clay from functional to sculptural work. The show is hosted and organized by the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts in close cooperation with Angelo State University. This competition is open to all artists who are residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico. All work, both functional and sculptural, must have been completed within the last two years. Works previously accepted into this competition are ineligible. Work may be entered by either digital images or 35 mm slides. Awards for the show are First place 2000.00, Second Place 1500.00, Third Place 1000.00 and 750.00 going to the Tile Prix Primo which is a special prize awarded by the Tile Heritage Foundation, in cooperation with the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts. This award goes to the tile maker whose tile in the juror’s estimation best reflects the ceramic traditions of America. Exhibition dates for the show are April 16 – June 20, 2010. An Invited Artist will also have an exhibition of work and will lead a workshop.
In conjunction with the exhibition, several activities are planned. There will be a panel discussion concerning contemporary ceramics held at Angelo State University on April 16th at 1:30 p.m. The panel will include the Museum Director, the Invited Artist and the Juror. The Invited Artist, will lead a workshop at The Old Chicken Farm Art Center on Saturday, April 17th. Numerous other events of interest to artists will occur. For more information on this event and to download the prospectus, click here 18th San Angelo National Ceramic Competition.
by Carole Epp | Jan 19, 2010 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Submissions must be POSTMARKED by June 1, 2010
Exhibition idea? No space? The Clay Studio is now accepting proposals for group or thematic Exhibitions. The premise for this program is to provide an individual or individuals the opportunity to develop a show idea from conception to fruition, with the support of the Gallery staff of The Clay Studio. The Clay Studio will provide:
- gallery space (either 365 sq. ft. or 560 sq. ft.)
- an invitation, mailing, and press coverage
- an opening reception
- costs for the return shipment of exhibited work.
A $500.00 honorarium will also be provided to the curator or curators of the exhibition.
Submission Process
No slides accepted for review, ONLY DIGITAL IMAGES.
- a 1-page curator’s statement detailing the premise of the exhibition and its pertinence to contemporary ceramics in hard copy
- the curators resume in hard copy
- a disc with 2 images of each artist represented within the exhibition. Images must be .jpeg files at 72 dpi, with the image’s longest dimension not exceeding 700 pixels. Each image should be labeled as follows: imagenumberyourfirstinitiallastname.jpeg, Example: 1jdoe.jpeg, 2jdoe.jpeg, etc.
- A corresponding image list with artist name, title, medium, size and year created in hard copy
NO DISCS WILL BE RETURNED AND NOTIFICATION WILL BE MADE VIA EMAIL. Individuals may submit only one proposal for consideration. Return Application to:
The Clay Studio
139 North Second Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Selection Process
The selection process will be based on the originality and quality of the submission and will be chosen by the Exhibitions Committee of The Clay Studio. The selected proposal will be programmed during the 2011 – 2012 exhibition season. The curator or curators selected will be notified by September 1, 2010. Please call Artistic Director Jeff Guido at 215.925.3453 x18 or email [email protected] if you have any further questions.