Craft + Design Enquiry – Call for papers

Sustainability – Issue #3 Call for papers

The Carbon issue – Sustainability in craft and designThis issue welcomes academic papers documenting research that contributes to an understanding of sustainability as a context for craft and design. This understanding ranges from the practical to the symbolic.Papers can include:

  • A review historical movements such as the Arts & Crafts movement or Bauhaus
  • A reflection on current craft and design projects
  • An engagement with contemporary sustainability discourse
  • A speculation on the future of craft and design in a world more than two degrees warmer than today
  • A critical examination of the relationship between sustainability and the aesthetic dimension

Specific areas of interest include: Green thumbprint Can handmade production provide a more sustainable alternative to industrial processes? Craft ethicDoes the broader ethic of craft, involving local production, symbolic value and social exchange provide an alternative to global consumerism? Carbon aesthetics How does the material and organic dimension of craft appear from the ‘cloud’ of online communication – as outmoded or higher truth?Papers are due on 30 June 2010. It is highly recommended that you send an outline to the guest editor by the 30 March 2010.Kevin Murray is Guest Editor for this issue. Inquiries, contact Kevin Murray at [email protected]Or Jenny Deves at [email protected]To submit papers please register onlineFor author guidelines

Call for entry – Publication opportunity – SlowArt Productions

Above: Covers of Direct Art Vol. 15,13,14, 16

Direct Art Magazine
Volume 17 – Fall 2010 This call is for the annual competition for publication in Volume 17 of Direct Art Magazine, Fall/Winter 2010 issue. Over twenty two artists will be recipients of publication awards including the front and back covers of the magazine and feature articles up to six pages in length. The competition is open to all artists working in any media. Postmarked deadline March 31, 2010.
For prospectus print from Internet at
or e-mail SlowArt at [email protected]

Call to Artists: Public Art Competition, Red Deer

Deadline for Submission of Interest: March 29

Submissions of Interest are being accepted for the installation of three significant large scale works of art for the G.H. Dawe Centre.

Project 1: The west-side wall along the new main entrance of the building is approximately 12m in length. The artwork here could be a mural, mosaic, low relief sculpture, etc. This $107,200.00 public art project will be an artist designed installation or sculpture.

Project 2: This 3.5m in diameter site is located at the west end of the interior mall and is outside the main entrance of the Red Deer public library, Dawe branch. The City of Red Deer has deemed this site suitable for an artist led collaborative freestanding artwork, created with the RDPL patrons and/or students from St. Patrick’s and G.H. Dawe Community schools. This $33,400.00 public art project will be an artist designed installation or sculpture.

Project 3: This site encompasses a long curving exterior wall to the pool and gym areas. Total length of this wall is 43.3m and is broken up with a series of large paneled glass windows. It could be suitable for a glass/window treatment (visibility must be maintained) or a mural, etc. This $33,400.00 public art project will be an artist designed installation or sculpture.

Artwork for all three project sites will be of durable fabrication and resistant to vandalism and other associated concerns inherent to a large public facility and all should reflect the themes of this unique complex: education and learning, recreation, fitness and healthy lifestyles.

Submissions of Interest should include:
– Letter of Interest
– Qualifications and/or Resume
– Photos/slides/DVD of up to 20 images
– Description (if available) of previous projects and/or commissions
– Note: Please do not submit renderings/maquettes for your proposal at this stage

Deadline for Submission of Interest is March 29. The selected artists/art groups will be notified (by letter or phone) with the Terms of References by April 30.

For further information contact:
Pat Matheson at (403) 309-4775 email: [email protected]
Kristina Oberg at (403) 309-2637 email: [email protected]


DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: MARCH 31, 2010 (postmarked or received) Touchstones Nelson is currently seeking proposals from artists working in all media for the 2011/ 2012 exhibition season! Touchstones Nelson is located in downtown Nelson BC, and houses two contemporary art galleries as a well as a permanent historical exhibit. Our galleries feature solo and group exhibitions by regional, national and international artists. For more detailed information, including submission guidelines and floorplans, please visit

Origin: The London Craft Fair

Origin is an annual showcase of original contemporary craft, bringing together 220 of the most innovative UK and international makers for 1 week. It offers a rare chance to buy directly from the makers and meet them face to face. Origin 2010 will relocate from Somerset House to the newly refurbished Old Spitalfields Market from the 23rd-29th September 2010. This exciting new venue in the heart of creative London and the new timing of Origin as a major presence during the London Design Festival will inject new life and a renewed sense of excitement into this highly respected, established event.Established Makers
Exhibitors who have been in business for 3 years or more.
Deadline: 12th April 2010

New Makers Initiative
Exhibitors who have been in business for less than 3 years.
Deadline: 4th May 2010

For all the info visit their website here.