Call for Artists: Craft Expo 2014

Show dates: July 18-20, 2014
Entry deadline: January 10, 2014
Entry fee: $40 per 5 images; $60 late entry fee
Guilford Art Center invites artists to apply for
participation in Craft Expo 2014, one of the oldest and finest outdoor
craft shows in the northeast. Works must be handmade in the USA or
Canada by an individual and/or with help from a limited number of
assistants/apprentices. Artist work is juried from digital images, and
must be of high quality, be well-designed, and convey artistic
originality and vision. Event benefits Guilford Art Center’s educational
programs. See for details.

call for entry: Westerwald Prize 2014

European Ceramics
Call For Entries

The WESTERWALDPRIZE was first awarded in 1973 to present outstanding ceramic art and craft work in the framework of a competition and exhibition at the Keramikmuseum Westerwald (KMW). This remains a priority of the administration of the Westerwald region for the 13th WESTERWALDPRIZE in 2014. A further aim is to promote the dialogue between ceramics and art in the region and to support cultural exchange within Europe.

The Westerwald Prize
In 2014, five prizes are to be awarded for outstanding ceramic work in the following areas:
•Saltglaze: stoneware and porcelain
: The Höhr-Grenzhausen Municipal Prize
•Design / serially produced ware
•Vessel / Form / Decor
•Sculpture / Installation
•Talent Award
(up to the age of 35 – b. 1978) (applicable for all the above categories)

Download all the details in english here:

Please note that the closing date for entries is 19 January 2014

FUSION Magazine Feature Artist Column – Student Applications

FUSION invites submissions for the magazine column that will feature
one student clay artist and one student glass artist in the winter
issue. Applicants should be currently enrolled in a post secondary
institution for ceramics or glass or have graduated in 2013.
Submissions must include an artist statement and/or biography that is no more
than 300 words in length, along with two professional quality images of
recent work (within 12 months). The images must be minimum 1200 pixels
(4 inches) x 1500 pixels (5 inches) at 300 dpi, JPEG Format. The images
should be of professional quality. Poor quality images will not be used.
Featured artists will be selected by the Magazine Committee.

Submissions must be sent electronically to the FUSION Office at
[email protected]. Please use “FUSION Magazine, Feature Artist
Column – Student” as the subject heading of your emailed submission.
Applications due: Nov 10, 2013

Call For Entry – CARNEGIE CRAFT 2013

November 1 – 24, 2013

A Premiere Showcase of Excellence in Craft

DEADLINE: Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Carnegie Craft Juried Biennial Exhibition is an event that shows a
wide range of talent from Ontario-based craft practitioners.

Carnegie Craft 2013 is open to both emerging and established professional craftspeople.

Material categories that will be considered by the jury include
ceramic, wood, textile, metal, glass and mixed media. This is a great
opportunity to show your work, and to be considered for one of eight
awards! During the evening of the opening reception on Friday, November
1st, winners of the following awards will be announced: $1,000 for Best
in Show, two $500 Awards of Excellence, and five media-specific awards.

Entries to be submitted to the Carnegie Gallery –
Friday Oct 25th 3-7pm and Sat Oct 26 12-4:30
Up to 3 items may be submitted for jurying with a fee of $20.00 per item. Entry fees are non refundable.
Jurying and notification of results on Monday Oct 28.

Download an entry form:

Carnegie Craft 2013 Call for Entry

The Carnegie Gallery | 10 King St. West, Dundas, ON | [email protected] | 905-627-4265