call for entry: Ceramics Biennial (Belgium)

Opening of applications call : November 1, 2013 > Closing June 30, 2014

  • For the Exhibition of COntemporary ceramics (May 24 > June 7, 2015)
  • For the Thematic Exhibition of Contemporary ceramics (May 24 > June 7, 2015)
  • For the Market of ceramists (May 24 & 25, 2015)
Duration of the event

The 14th Biennial of Ceramics Andenne will be held on 24 and 25 May 2015. The exhibitions of contemporary ceramics will be extended until 7 June 2015.

The Ceramists market will run on May 24 & 25, 2015.

Eligible applications

There is no restrictions of nationality or age to participate .

The main medium must be ceramic.

Applications delivered by individual artists are welcome. Groups of
artists are not accepted ; an artist belonging to a group may, however,
submit a file individually.

The artist must specify whether he wishes to
participate to the Exhibition of Contemporary Ceramics , the thematic
exhibition of contemporary ceramic, or the ceramists market .

Each artist can apply only once for the same exhibition.

If the artist wishes to apply for more than one exhibition,
he have to submit a file for each one, specify for which exhibition the
file is submitted for and join the specific related documents

Details on submissions for the Contemporary Exhibition and for the Ceramists Market

Applications must be submitted electronically (e -mail ) or on
digital media (such as CD- ROM) or by the online form. The file can also
be submitted on paper but the pictures of the works printed on paper
are not accepted .

Any media (projection , soundtrack, etc. . ) accompanying the works must be mentioned in the file .

The artist must ensure that the works can be packed , moved or transported.

There is no participation fee for the exhibition of contemporary
ceramics. The participation fee for the ceramic market is 135 € .

For the Exhibition of Contemporary Ceramics, four works (max) may be presented during the exhibition.

For the Cermaists market, there no limitation of exhibited works. This is left to the good sense of the participant.

Important information : during the exhibitions of contemporary
ceramics, works can be sold with a 30% commission for the organizer. At
the Market, once the registration fee paid, the sales profit returns
fully to ceramists.

A Jury will reward some artists participating the exhibition of contemporary ceramics and also to Ceramists market.

Details on submissions for the Thematic Exhibition of Contemporary Ceramics

A new section is open into the exhibition of contemporary ceramics.
The Biennale is calling for proposals for an exhibition of works created
specifically for the 2015 edition .

The theme of this year is “FRONTIER“. For further details see this page.

By artists, it is understood artists developing a contemporary approach using ceramics, regardless of age or nationality.

The submitted works may be part of a new project or an existing
process, but the works that have been exposed before are not accepted.
Only original works, with ceramics as primary medium, are accepted.

The artist must propose between 2 and 4 works or one installation. If
the artist proposes an installation, this one should be able to be
shown indoor or outdoor.

The file must contain drawings, plan drawings or pictures of the
project, and contain complete information on the technical
specifications of the work as well as the statement of intent explaining
the link with the given theme (use the attached inscription form) .

Important information : there is no participation fee for this
exhibition, but during the exhibitions of contemporary ceramics, works
can be sold with a 30% commission for the organizer.

A Jury will reward some artists participating to the exhibition.

For full details please visit their website:

call for artists: NCECA/crafthaus Conference Scholarship 2014

NCECA/crafthaus Conference Scholarship 2014

NCECA Conference
March 19-22, 2014 Milwaukee, WI
Material World

How to apply:
Copy/paste submission form into a word.doc, fill out form and e-mail to:
[email protected] with the reference “NCECA Conference
Scholarship 2014.”

Deadline for email application: Feb. 7, 2014
Notification Date: Week of February 10, 2014.


Cindy Bracker, NCECA Communications Director

Sam Chung, NCECA Director-at-Large
Assistant Professor – Ceramics, School of Art, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, Arizona State University

Judging Criteria:
– Applicants must be currently enrolled with both NCECA and crafthaus!
– Cindy Bracker and Sam Chung will select one scholarship recipient
based on a review of images posted on the applicants’ crafthaus page and
brief responses to a short questionnaire (see application form for

Scholarship Details:
Complimentary pass to the 48th Annual NCECA Conference taking place March 19-22, 2014 in Milwaukee, WI.
* Shuttle tour ticket, enabling the Blogger to get to the conference exhibitions. (Longer excursion routes are excluded).
* One-year additional NCECA membership once the current membership expires.
* One-year additional crafthaus membership once the current membership expires.
* Prominent blogspace on crafthaus for one year. NCECA provides reciprocal blogspace on
* NCECA will work with the winning candidate to include him/her in
events and meetings with NCECA, staff board and conference presenters.

The recipient will receive prominent blog space on crafthaus and the
NCECA website geared towards the recipient’s field of expertise.
Crafthaus and NCECA expect the recipient to blog at least twice monthly
for a duration of 3 months miminum.

Suggested Blogging topics and timeline:
* Prior to conference: Introduction to audience, overview of own work,
preparations for conference, introduction to conference theme, speakers,
and exhibitions.
* During Conference: Updates on conference experience, such as
exhibition review, speakers etc. Note: These blog updates will be brief
to enable the scholarship recipient to fully concentrate on the
conference itself.
* After conference: Periodic updates starting with continued, further
in-depth conference coverage, then moving on to topic of Blogger’s
choosing as described in application. Overall continuation of blog for 3
months minimum.

Find the form here:

call for entry: The 2014 Indigenous Ceramic Art Award (ICAA)

The 2014 Indigenous Ceramic Art Award
(ICAA) applications are now open and Indigenous ceramic artists
from across Australia are encouraged to apply.

The ICAA encourages and stimulates excellence in this sphere,
providing cultural exchange opportunities for Indigenous artists
from around Australia and regional Victoria. This biennial award
exhibition surveys current Indigenous ceramic art practise,
demonstrating current developments in the field, including
contemporary and traditional works. Established under the patronage
of acclaimed artist Dr Gloria Thanakupi Fletcher, this Award
celebrates and supports the rich and diverse use of the ceramic
medium by Indigenous artists and acknowledges the special industry
of ceramic art.  
SAM is a regional Art Museum with a unique focus. It
collects Australian ceramics from the 19th and 20th century and its
ceramic collection is one of the best in Australia. SAM’s
collection of Australian and International ceramics now spans over
3000 works. Due to the Indigenous Ceramic Art Award, SAM now
has a growing collection of contemporary Aboriginal ceramics.

An exciting public program of cultural activities also
accompanies the exhibition and typically includes: ceramic
workshops with artists, exhibition floor talks, ceramic workshops
for children, and ceramic workshops for Indigenous men and

The prizes for the 2014 Indigenous Ceramic Art Award

First Prize $20,000 Acquisitive
Second Prize $10,000 Acquisitive
Encouragement Award (for a Victorian artist) $3,000

Please note below the following important dates;


March 2014

Friday 25th April 2014

Saturday 24th May 2014

Sunday 25th May 2014

EXHIBITION DATES Friday 16th May – Sunday
10th August 2014

From Friday 29th August 2014

The Indigenous Ceramic Art Award is proudly supported by major
partners; Sir Andrew and Lady Fairley Foundation, Margaret Lawrence
Bequest and Mr Allan Myers AO QC, and sponsor S & J Rothfield
Family Fund. Shepparton Art Museum is proudly provided by Greater
Shepparton City Council.

a couple calls for entry for The Journal of Australian Ceramics


Here’s a challenge!

Enter our CERAMIC SHOTS photographic competition for the April 2014 issue of The Journal of Australian Ceramics.
The best entries will be published, with the winner receiving a prize to the value of $200.
To participate in the #clayselfie competition:
1. Snap a selfie with one of your ceramic works, then post it to Instagram tagged #clayselfie.
2. Email the image to [email protected]; subject: #clayselfie;
attach the largest file you have of the same image along with your full
contact details, the photographer’s name (your name if it’s a true
selfie!), where and when the photo was taken.
… then wait and see if you win!
Entry deadline: Monday 17 February 2014

Calling “emerging” potters, ceramic artists, writers and photographers …
The July issue of The Journal of Australian Ceramics (issue 53/2) has
of course!).
I would love to hear from you if you would like to be
involved. Be as creative as you wish your ideas then email me
([email protected]).
Now is YOUR time to be featured in The JAC!

Vicki Grima
Editor, The Journal of Australian Ceramics
T: 1300 720 124
E: [email protected]