APPEL DE CANDIDATURE : ARTISANS ET DESIGNERSDate limite d`inscription : 1er Mars 2014

Aimeriez-vous faire connaître vos oeuvres auprès de l’industrie du Design en 2014  ?

Pour son exposition AVENUE DE LA CULTURE , le SIDIM recherche des artisans et designers toutes disciplines proposant des oeuvres pouvant intéresser une clientèle de designers ou d’entreprise.

a pour but de mettre de l’avant votre contribution auprès d’un réseau
de plus de 20 000 professionels du design, médias spécialisés, acheteurs
corporatifs et amateurs d’art.

Suivez ce lien pour envoyer votre candidature

Selon un sondage en 2013, 93% des visiteurs du SIDIM ont un intérêt marqué pour les produits faits à la main et le design d’ici.

Voici quelques objectifs que le SIDIM peux vous permettre d’atteindre :

  1. Accéder au réseau des acheteurs corporatifs, des designers et de leurs clients.
  2. Vous faire voir des principaux médias spécialisés (plus de 400 médias sur place! )
  3. Vous positionner dans une niche de consommateurs intéressées à votre produit.


  • Dates : 22-23-24 et 25 Mai 2014
  • 2 jours industrie du design / 2 jours grand public
  • Lieu : Place Bonaventure, centre ville de Montréal
  • Nombre de visiteurs : +/- 20 000 (industrie du design, médias et grand public)
  • Plus de 400 médias locaux et internationaux sur place.
  • Statistiques
    : 32% des visiteurs ont un revenu annuel supérieur à 100K avec un
    intérêt marqué pour investir dans l’art et le Design.
  • Les ventes sont permises sur place. Aucune commission exigée.
Suivez ce lien pour envoyer votre candidature
Pour toute demande de renseignements ou pour envoyer votre candidature, veuillez nous contacter aux coordonnées suivantes :

Richard Deslys
Chargé de projet, Exposition du SIDIM 2014

[email protected]

Hélène Leblanc

Chargée de projet, Exposition du SIDIM 2014
[email protected]

En collaboration avec le SIDIM 2014Agence Artxterra et Agence PID

Google’s Translation:
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS : ARTISANS AND DESIGNERS` Registration deadline : 1 March 2014
Would you like to share your work with the Design Industry in 2014 ?
For his AVENUE DE LA CULTURE exhibition SIDIM search craftsmen and
designers all disciplines offering works that may interest a customer or
company designers .
The forward to your contribution to a network of over 20,000
professionals in the design , specialized media , corporate buyers and
art lovers exhibition aims .

Follow this link to send your application

According to a survey in 2013 , 93 % of visitors SIDIM have a strong interest in handmade products and design here.
Here are some goals SIDIM can help you achieve :

    Access to the network of corporate buyers , designers and their clients.
    Do you see the main specialized media (more than 400 media on site !)
    Position yourself in a niche of consumers interested in your product.


    Dates: 22-23-24 and 25 May 2014
    2 days design / industry 2 days public
    Location: Place Bonaventure, Montreal downtown
    Number of visitors: + / – 20,000 ( design industry , media and the general public)
    Over 400 local and international media on site.
    Statistics: 32 % of visitors have an annual income greater than 100K with a strong interest in investing in art and Design .
    Sales are permitted on site. No commission charged .

Follow this link to send your application

For any inquiries or to submit your application, please contact us at the following address :
Richard DeslysProject Manager, Exhibition SIDIM 2014r.deslys @ artxterra.com514-660-9417
Hélène LeblancProject Manager, Exhibition SIDIM [email protected]
In collaboration with the SIDIM 2014 , Agency and Agency Artxterra PID

call for entry: The UNF National Juried Ceramics Exhibition

Potter’s Guild is pleased to host The UNF National Juried Ceramics
This show will highlight ceramic excellence, according to juror Bede
Clarke. Participation is open to all artists 18 years of age or
older living in the United States. Work submitted must be original, must
clay as the primary material, and must have been completed within the
last 3

Best of

Exhibition Dates:  March 4th 2014 – April 18th 2014 

Application Deadline: Sunday, February 2nd by
Midnight Pacific Time

Email Notification Begins: February 10th

Accepted Works Due: February 26th

Bede Clarke is currently a Professor of Art at the University
of Missouri. He received his BFA from Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, Florida, and
his MFA from the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.
He holds many awards for his wood
fired ceramic work and has exhibited, lectured and taught workshops

UNF Gallery of Art
Founders Hall 
Building 2 • Room 1001
UNF Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32224

call for artists: American Craft Exposition (ACE)

The deadline for the American Craft Exposition (ACE)
is only 6 weeks away! Don’t miss the opportunity to apply for this
nationally ranked show. ACE will be held August 21-24, 2014 in Evanston,
IL on Chicago’s prosperous North Shore. The online application deadline
is Friday, February 28. 
The application fee is $50.00. For more information, visit
of the country’s premier fine craft shows, the American Craft
Exposition, presented by The Auxiliary of NorthShore University
HealthSystem at Evanston & Glenbrook Hospitals, brings together over
150 superior artisans exhibiting one-of-a-kind, museum quality work.
This important art event is also a major fundraiser supporting critical
ovarian cancer research at NorthShore University HealthSystem. A highly
competitive juried show, ACE features hand-crafted work in 12
media—baskets, ceramics, fiber decorative, fiber wearable, furniture,
glass, jewelry, leather, metal, mixed media, paper and wood – and draws
approximately 6,000 patrons annually.

call for artists: 2014 Chilkoot Trail Artist Residency Program

Yukon Arts Centre, Parks Canada and the US National Park Service are
seeking three visual artists – one from Canada, one from the United
States and one regional (Yukon or Alaska) – to participate in a
cross-border creative journey.
The Chilkoot Trail Artist Residency Program invites artists to hike the
famous Chilkoot Trail, passing through Klondike Gold Rush National
Historic Park (Alaska) and Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site
(northern British Columbia). Entering its fourth consecutive
year, this one-of-a-kind program is a unique opportunity for artists to
practice and promote their work in a spectacular setting!
Some details about the program:
  • each artist will individually spend a two week period (between late June
    and early August) hiking the historic trail once traversed by Tlingit
    First Nation traders and Klondike Gold Rush Stampeders, spending one to
    three days at each campsite
  • selected artists are expected to interact with hikers, make art and engage with site’s natural and historic heritage
  • each artist must provide and carry all of their backpacking gear, food
    and art supplies for the journey;  artists should be accompanied by a
    friend or family member as support during their trek
  • during and following the residencies, artists will present public
    outreach programs through artist talks, workshops and/or demonstrations

  • a $1000 CAD honorarium will be provided by the Yukon Arts Centre, as
    well as up to $400 USD for travel expenses from Alaska Geographic and
    $100 USD for art supplies from Skagway Arts Council
Deadline for submission is February 1st, 2014. Program information and application forms are available at
. For more information, please email
[email protected].
Angharad Wenz
Gallery Intern

call for entry: International Triennial of Silicate Arts

March 2005 the 1st International Triennial of Silicate Arts was
held in the Hungarian town of Kecskemét. Organised by the
International Ceramics Studio, a world famous ceramic art centre
and the Foundation for Contemporary Ceramic Arts. From an idea originated
by János Probstner, founder and director of the ICS, this
is a new internatinal exhibition and competition focussing on the
silicate arts of ceramics, porcelain, glass and concrete.
aims of the International Silicate Triennial are to stimulate both
fine and applied artists to create interesting and innovative objects
and to give scope to the industrial and artistic application of
new materials and technologies, encouraging the widening of directions
in 21st century silicate arts. 
would like to take this opportunity to inform you that the 4th
International Silicate Arts Triennial
will again take place
in Kecskemét, Hungary in August 2014 and we hope it will build
on the success of this first competition and become a major part
of the international exhibition forum. Information and application
forms for the 4th Triennial will be available on our website from
December 2013 and the application deadline will be 31st March 2014.
by the Foundation for Contemporary Ceramic Arts and the International
Ceramics Studio.
will be available on this website as they are confirmed. Application forms are available for download on the conditions page