call for entry: International Ceramic triennial UNICUM

The National Museum of Slovenia is setting up the III.
International Triennial of Ceramics Unicum 2015. Triennial is a connection
between international and Slovene area and it gives a fresh insight into
artistic ceramics. Its intention is searching for elementary artistic research
in connection to contemporary thought. III. International Triennial of Ceramics
Unicum 2015 contains competitive part and accompanying events and exhibitions
all over Slovenia.
For more information visit our website:
Call for
applications and application form on our website:



August 22 – October 5, 2014

Entry Deadline : June 16, 2014
Entry Fee: $30
Apply online at:

Prizes: $500 Best in Show, $150 Honorable Mention

Lillstreet’s 7th annual juried ceramics exhibition is dedicated to
the art of setting the table. Ceramic artists are invited to submit
contemporary tableware in the form of a place setting. A minimum of 4
pieces are required to qualify as a set: dinner plate, salad plate,
bowl, and one cup or mug. However, sets containing more than 4 pieces
are welcome. Entries will be evaluated on: functionality, design,
utilitarian comfort, aesthetics, and cohesiveness of the set.

Submission Requirements:

  • Brief Biography
  •  5 images of proposed set (1 overview and 4 details). Work proposed
    must be actual work available for the exhibition and must have been made
    within the last 3 years. A minimum of 4 pieces are considered a set.

Delivery of Accepted Work:
All accepted work must be delivered to Lillstreet between August 4 -11.

Sales and Return of Unsold Work
Lillstreet Gallery will retain 50% commission on all sales. Any unsold
work will be returned to the artist within four weeks of the exhibition
closing date at the expense of the gallery.

About the Juror
Heather Mae Erickson is an artist, craftsperson and a designer. She
earned her BFA in Crafts with a concentration in Art Education at The
University of the Arts and an MFA in Ceramic Art at Cranbrook. Erickson
is currently a visiting teaching artist at The University of Colorado,

Questions? Please email: [email protected]

call for speaker and demonstrators: The Australian Ceramics Triennale

COB Friday 22 August 2014 
Stepping Up, the 2015 Australian Ceramics Triennale, is the premier event that
brings our ceramics community together. To be held in the national capital,
Canberra, an exciting and diverse program will showcase ceramics through a
series of important discourses and conversations, masterclasses and
Public programs commence Monday 6 July 2015 
Program Thursday 9 – Saturday 11 July 2015 
Guidelines for Speakers 

Speakers will deliver a presentation for ten minutes, followed by a moderated Q
and A session with conference delegates. 

A final abstract must be prepared by each speaker and submitted to the session
chair by 1 November 2014 for inclusion on the website (300 words) 

A completed final paper must be submitted for the printed program by 1 March
2015 Themes 1. 
Up- the Changing World Around 500BCE Heraclitus said “The only thing that is
constant is change”. Despite intermittent periods of relative stability, change
continues to be a central characteristic of life, particularly in the late 20th
and early 21st centuries. As a group of people who work with or are associated
with one of the world’s oldest art materials, how do we adapt to or, indeed,
drive change? Ceramics courses in universities (and those TAFEs that are still
running them) are being cut to save money, whilst community pottery groups are
booming, and international residency opportunities and mentorships are
increasing. So what will ceramics training and education look like in the
future? From the rapid prototyping of old (throwing on the potters’ wheel), 3-D
printing is being explored in ceramics – it is fast becoming commonplace in
other materials. What are the implications of this for studio pottery and
ceramic design? Will the seductive power of ‘new’ technology spell the end of
studio practice as we have known it, or will clay – the material of our current
creation – prove resistant to uptake? Laser and waterjet cutting have found
their niches in craft practice (including ceramics), as have many other
industrial processes; so is there a studio of the future that will engage with
all of this? By 2020, over one third of the world’s population will live in
China and India, and when the whole of Asia is counted, projections have more
than 50% of the world’s population living in this region. Australia is well
placed to be active in securing a seat on this express train, but what are we
doing about it now? How will this affect our practices, our output, our
livelihood and our understanding of ‘our’ culture? 
1- New technologies 
2- Asian Century 
3- Education 
Stepping Up- Your Role in the future Although there persists a romantic view of
the potter or ceramic artist working alone or in a small team – either in a
rural or urban setting, how closely does this reflect the truth? We are all
citizens of the world and, as such, have a responsibility to contribute to its
betterment and that of the ecosystems it supports. This engagement can take
many forms, and the opportunities to use the skills and understanding that we
have to useful ends are many and various. Personal concern, within our own
studios, about our impact on the environment and our own health; official aid
programs, development projects and community events, targeted at improving
health outcomes for those populations who are disadvantaged or in need of
assistance are just some of the many ways in which meaningful engagement with
the broader world can take place. 
1- Social responsibility 
2- Community 
3- Environment 
Stepping Up- Making Money In discussions at ceramic gatherings, the elephant in
the room is often money and economic survival. It is essential in today’s
connected world that we utilise all marketing resources available. But this can
mean much more than developing a website or printing business cards. The way in
which social media, industry collaborations, networking and fundraising have
become the norm rather than the exception in the commercial world demands that
we explore, as creatively as possible, all avenues for selling our work or our
skills. One all too often witnesses a slight sniffiness associated with the
whispered comment ‘commercial’ when people see selling exhibitions, marketing
strategies or advertising ploys that do not pretend to be otherwise. To what
extent are we selling our souls to the devil when we ‘make to sell’? What are
alternative and creative ways to develop commercial partnerships, and novel
ways to raise capital for ventures both inside and outside the studio? 
1- Marketing (social media, videos etc.) 
2- Collaborating (with industry e.g. architects, restaurants, etc) 
3- Initiating (innovative self-funding – rather than grants!) 
Guidelines for Demonstrators 

Demonstrations are for five hour blocks 

• An individual may only present once during the conference 

A final demonstration outline must be prepared by each demonstrator for
publication prior to the conference. This should describe the proposed
demonstration and if more than five hours is required. Demonstrators should
also list the equipment and materials they will require. 
note: Travel, accommodation and participation funds are currently not
a speaker or demonstrator You may nominate someone to be a speaker or
demonstrator. Please e-mail Mel George, Project Manager with your suggestions.
Email: [email protected]

call for entry: SPOON ME! @Medalta

This year we thought we’d switch things up. It all started in September 2013 with our SExSE invitational residency (South East Alberta by South East Asia) and the talented Vipoo Srivilasa.
Vipoo challenged all of our residents to a spoon competition and we
were all hooked. The spoons created during this competition travelled
with Vipoo’s work to the Ceramic Top 40 exhibition at Red Star Studios
and are now off to Boston with his project OBJECT:SPOON.

As all this was happening we started seeing spoons everywhere. With
this object – that has gone in and out of fashion – making a serious
comeback in studio ceramics, we decided to extend the challenge to our
international invitational exhibition. Spoons are the New Cup!


  • Application Deadline: Monday, June 30, 2014
  • Exhibition: September 1 – November 29, 2014
  • Email Notification Begins July 15th, 2014
  • Accepted Work Due August 15th, 2014
  • Up to five entries accepted
  • Submission Fee: $20.00 (CAD)
  • All artists payments & sold/unsold work will be shipped in December 2014
  • Opening reception TBA

So this year send us your SPOONS, your ladles, your scoops and your
servers. If a spoon is the feature of an object such as a soup tureen or
a larger set, send us your soup tureens and sets too. We want to see
what you come up with.

Not working in ceramics? No problem – this year we are opening it up
to our friends in other craft mediums too … clay, metal, glass, wood
& fibre.

We are very happy to be working again with the talented Musing About Mud
blogger and Canadian ceramic rockstar, Carole Epp. She will have the
hard task of Juror, narrowing down the entries and selecting the prize

Speaking of Prizes! Last year we partnered up with Medicine Hat
College, and together we gave away a free month long residency at
Medalta with accommodation to the Grand Prize winner KyoungHwa Oh. We can’t wait to have her in the studios this June … she makes some pretty great spoons too.

This year we will have purchases prizes for the Medalta contemporary
collection and several selected artists will be featured on the Musing
About Mud blog. For last years featured artists & Carole’s fabulous
coverage of the previous years show click here.

We’re cooking up even more prizes this year, we’ll update you here as
soon as they’re cemented.. but we’re definitely offering a June 2015
residency at Medalta as our grand prize!

The entry can be done completely online below by uploading your images and information.


Carole Epp is likely best known for her work on Musing About Mud,
( an online resource of ceramic related
content. She is a graduate of the Australian National University,
produces two distinct lines of functional and sculptural ceramics,
exhibits internationally, and at the end of the day is a mother to two
charming young boys.


The exhibition is open to all international artists. Work can be
either functional or sculptural so long as it addresses the idea of “the
spoon”. Please submit only original work that has been completed in the
last two years.

You can submit up to five entries, with the $20 (CAD entry fee).
Entries could include 5 separate spoons, or any of the entries can be a
set.  If the entry is to be juried as a set, please put set in one
photo, all sets will be priced as a set and sold together.

Front and back views are not required, but if you feel it’s necessary
to properly convey your piece using a front and back view then using a
side by side shot as one of the entries/uploads is recommended.

Work must not exceed 2 feet in width.

All work must be properly prepared for exhibition, be durable enough
to survive shipping and display, and come with exhibition/assemblage
instructions and hardware if applicable.

Medalta reserves the right to reject any work that is not suitably
prepared for exhibition or that differs from the original submission.
Medalta reserves the right to use images and photographs of accepted
works for the purposes of promotional materials, including postcards,
calendars, local media as well as online promotion.


All artwork must arrive at Medalta no later than August 15th. Artists
are responsible for all shipping and insurance costs to the gallery.


  • All entries must be for sale, (priced in Canadian Dollars).
  • Medalta will receive a commission of 40% on all sales.
  • All work will be available online.


GRAND PRIZE! One lucky artist will win one month in Medalta’s June 2015 residency!
We’re cooking up even more prizes this year, we’ll update you here (and Facebook & Twitter) as soon as we have more to report. So check back often!
Purchases Prizes will be awarded for Medalta’s Contemporary Ceramics collection.
Several of the selected artists will be featured on the Musing About Mud blog.
Awards will be determined by the juror and announced at the opening reception. Artists do not need to be present to win.

Visit their website to apply.

Any questions regarding this show can be directed to Medalta’s fabulous Exhibitions & Collections Curator …
Jenna Stanton
[email protected]
Curator, Exhibitions & Collections
Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada

call for entry: PLAYDATE: a Juried Show

Ceramics Center is now accepting submissions for “Playdate”, a juried
show exploring the role of games, toys, and childhood memories as
inspiration in the creative process.   Artists working primarily in
clay, glass, or a combination of both are invited to submit work.  
Submissions must have been completed in the last two years and reference
or be inspired by toys, games, or childhood memories.  Mixed media and
all traditional or innovative clay and glass forming techniques are
welcome, but artwork must be primarily clay and/or glass.


will be juried by the current Resident Artists at The Ceramics Center:
Gratia Brown, Teresa Childers, Tammy Kopecky, Amy Nichols, Will Rimel,
Wendy Thoreson, Lauren Tucchi, and Amythest Warrington, Lindy Ethier


Best of Show and two Honorable Mentions will be awarded by Coe College Faculty John Beckelman and Jen Rogers.
CASH prizes will be awarded to a “Best of Show” and up to two “Honorable Mentions”


April 4th-  2014 – Deadline to apply.  
April 25th – Accepted Work Due at The Ceramics Center
May 2nd – June 5th – “Playdate” is exhibited in The Ceramics Center Gallery.
July 15th – All work returned to artists.

Entry Fee

Artists pay a $25 entry fee for up to three images of three submissions.

The Ceramics Center

Located In The Cherry Building
329 10th Ave. SE, Suite 117
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Phone: 319.365.9644
[email protected]