call for artists: Clay Jewelry

Deadline July 11, 2014

Northern Clay Center is a community-based organization in Minneapolis
with a nationally recognized ceramics sales gallery. NCC will be
expanding the scope of its sales gallery to include a limited inventory
of ceramic jewelry.  We encourage artists who employ clay in their
jewelry to submit applications.

Please submit the following no later than July 11, 2014:

  • 8 – 10 images of work produced within the last two years.  Read NCC’s digital submission guidelines for more details. 
  • Corresponding list of date created, materials used, and prices for submitted images
  • Artist Statement
  • CV
  • List of other venues where your work is available
  • 4 sample pieces.  Mail work to: NCC Jury, 2424 Franklin Ave E.,
    Minneapolis, MN  55406.  Work should arrive no later than July 11.  Work
    mailed to NCC must come with return shipping, preferably via UPS or

Please note:  July 11 is not a postmark deadline.

NCC will review applications and notify artists no later than August
1.  Selected artists will be asked to send in a body of work for our
November 1, 2014 Holiday Exhibition and Sale deadline.

Questions:  Please contact Karen McPherson, Sales Gallery Manager, at [email protected] or at 612.339.8007 x 300.

call for entry: Port Hacking 18th National Pottery Competition and Exhibition

Port Hacking Potters are pleased to announce their 
48th National Pottery Competition will be held
 in September at the Community Gallery
of Hazelhurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre, The Kingsway, Gymea.


Entry Forms now available-

Phone 0407 229 151 or email to [email protected] 

(copy and paste address)

or download from Potters Online – Click Here

Join us on Facebook – Click Here

Entries close 8 September 2014.

teaching opportunity: NSCCD Course Applications due immediately!


Your proposal package should include the following information:

1. DESCRIPTION of the proposed course or workshop as you would like it to appear on the course brochure, fun, exciting and to the point! (MAX 75 words).
– Please include preferred dates, times and duration of the course.
– Maximum number of students in the class.
– Materials list or materials cost for students.

2. COURSE OUTLINE including brief descriptions of what is to be covered in each week’s class.

3. Current C.V. as it relates to your art practice.

4. BIO to appear on the Centre for Craft’s web page(MAX 150 words). Also include a link to your website if you have one.

5. DIGITAL IMAGES one of your most recent works to appear on the Centre for Craft’s web page and the course brochure. Also include images of process and project images.

You can send proposals electronically by email to[email protected]

Nova Scotia Centre for Craft and Design
Studio Coordinator
1061 Marginal Road, Suite #140
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4P7
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Alexis Doiron,
Studio Coordinator, at 492-2524.  [email protected]


August 2-31, 2014
249-B W 19TH STREET; HOUSTON, TX 77008


July 3, 2014 Last postmark date for entry forms.
July 12, 2014 Notification of accepted work by email
July 26, 2014 Deadline for receipt of accepted work
August 2, 2014 Opening Reception
September 4-30, 2014 Return of unsold work

Eligibility and Media

This exhibit is open to all artists in the United States working in clay; work must have been completed within the
past 18 months. All submitted entries must represent tableware, either functional or decorative. A maximum of 3
pieces per artist will be reviewed.
Find the full prospectus on their website: 

Cup: The Intimate Object X call for submissions

In the fall, the Charlie Cummings Gallery will be hosting Cup: The Intimate Object X, the tenth installment of our iconic annual cup show. This
year the exhibition will once again be an invitational and juried
exhibition showing five cups from each participant. We are pleased to
invite artists to submit cups for consideration for this exhibition
celebrating the most intimate and beloved of functional ceramic
objects. To submit your cups for consideration for this exhibition,
please email the following to [email protected] by July 18th, 2014:

  • Attachments:
  • – 5 medium resolution images of the 5 actual cups you would like to
    send for the exhibition. Named using the following format-
    LastnameFirstname_01.jpg, LastnameFirstname_02.jpg… Please note
    capitalization. No detail shots please.
    – Your resume or CV in PDF format.

  • In the body of the email include:
  • – Your full contact information including email, telephone, and website address.
    – A guide to the images you submit with title, type of clay, type of
    firing, forming process, and retail price. Please identify the entries
    using the naming format listed above.

There is no jury fee associated with this call for submissions.
Please read carefully, incomplete or incorrect submissions will not be

Exhibition calendar and details:

July 18 -Submission deadline.
Aug 1 -Notifications sent.
Aug 22 -Cups shipping deadline
Aug 29 -Cup arrival deadline -No late cups will be accepted.
Oct 4 -Exhibition opens online
Oct 31 -Exhibition closes
Mid-January 2015 -Cups returned.

Artist pays shipping and insurance for shipment to and from the gallery.
Gallery insures cups while on the premises.
CCG takes a 50% commission on all sales.

Send questions to [email protected], or call Charlie at 352-359-2015.

Cup: The Intimate Object X confirmed participating artists:
Linda Arbuckle, JoAnn Axford, Posey Bacopoulos, Noel Bailey, Marian
Baker, Mariana Baquero, Nolan Baumgartner, Peter Beasecker, Catherine
Boswell, Brooks Bouwkamp, Jessica A Brandl, Mariko Brown, Jason Burnett,
Jeff Campana, Benjamin Carter, Pattie Chalmers, Cheyenne Chapman
Rudolph, Steven Cheek, Fong Choo, Linda Christianson, Mark Chuck, Naomi
Cleary, Blair Clemo, Julie Covington, Carolanne Currier, Megan Daloz,
Chandra DeBuse , Harris Deller, Susan Dewsnap, James Diem, Maria
Dondero, Paul Donnelly, Scott Dooley, David Eichelberger, Adrienne
Eliades, Sanam Emami, Heather Mae Erickson, Linda Fahey, Adam Field,
Marty Fielding, Susan Filley, Brett Freund, Julia Galloway, Ernest
Gentry, Bruce Gholson, Andrew Gilliatt, John Glick, Rebecca Grant, Seth
Green, Mel Griffin, Martha Grover, Bianka Groves, Julie Guyot, Perry
Haas, Amy Halko, Steve Hansen, Jeni Hansen Gard, Chad Hartwig, Gary
Hatcher, Samantha Henneke, Autumn Higgins, Steven Hill, David Hiltner,
Barbara Hoffman, Noelle Horsfield, Meredith Host, Walter Hyleck,
Matthew Hyleck, Sarah Jaeger, Tom Jaszczak, Lydia Johnson, Lauren
Karle, Peter Karner, Brett Kern, Kelly King, Amy Kline, Michael Kline,
Barbara Knutson, Rob Kolhouse, Karin Kraemer, Justin Lambert, Martina
Lantin, Glynnis Lessing, Brenda Lichman, Becky and Steve Lloyd, Lorna
Meaden, Christopher Melia, Melissa Mencini, Catie Miller, Joe Molinaro,
Steve Murphy, Mark Nafziger, Ted Neal, CJ Niehaus, Brooke Noble, Shawn
O’Connor, Lindsay Oesterritter, Deb Oliva, Gillian Parke, Ronan
Peterson, Chris Pickett, Brenda Quinn, Jeremy Randall, Beau Raymond,
Dow Redcorn, John Reinking, Daphne Roehr Hatcher, Andy Romero, Audrey
Rosulek, Nigel Rudolph, Max Schauder, Matthew Schiemann, Melissa
Schooley, Brad Schwieger, Sam Scott, Yoko Sekino-Bove, Kate Shakeshaft
Murray, Leland Shaw, Grace Sheese, Luke Sheets, McKenzie Smith, Gay
Smith, Amy Smith, Andrew Steingass, Kyla Strid, Michelle Summers, John
Tilton, Anne Tilton, James Tingey, Sandra Torres, Jack Troy, Sara
Truman, Mikey Walsh, Julia Walther, Julie Wiggins, Philip Wiggs, Tara
Wilson, Lana Wilson, Suzanne Wolfe, May Wong, Crisha Yantis, &
Future Retrieval.

Charlie Cummings Gallery portfolio submission guidelines. We welcome portfolio submissions from artists working in clay and printmaking.

Please include the following in your portfolio packet:
-Cover letter with contact information: address, phone, email, etc.
-10 to 15 digital images or a link to your website with up to date work.
-Digital copies of your resume and artist statement in word or PDF format.

Email submissions to: [email protected]