by Carole Epp | Aug 21, 2014 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Now open for applications: $4000 scholarship for your ceramic study in 2015
The Trudie Alfred Bequest Ceramic Scholarships 2015
The Scholarships are awarded annually and this year marks the fourth
round since it began in 2011. This bequest is open to all students
(currently enrolled), from second year onwards, of a ceramics
certificate, diploma or degree course (or an arts course with a major in

There are 5 awards, each worth up to $4000.
Applications for TTAB close 5pm, Friday 19 September 2014.
The scholarships will be awarded in November 2014.
Valued at up to $4000 + 1 year membership of TACA ᐧ open to students
enrolled in their second or subsequent year of a ceramic program ᐧ
selection panel of three Australian ceramic artists from different
states ᐧ must be currently enrolled at time of scholarship award ᐧ open
to Australian citizens or those with permanent residency ᐧ selection
criteria: academic achievement ᐧ quality of ceramic work ᐧ rationale for
funding not previously received this scholarship ᐧ written report
required at end of scholarship period.
Click HERE for an application form, terms and conditions.

Trudie Alfred (1922 – 2010) was a well- known Sydney potter and
teacher with a great passion for ceramics. She struggled financially to
sustain a ceramic practice in her early years as a potter and so, to
assist others in a similar position, she left a generous bequest to The
Australian Ceramics Association. Trudie specified that the funds be used
to support the work of students preparing to embark on a career in the
field of ceramics.
For further information, and AFTER you have read the Terms and
Conditions, please contact Vicki Grima at The Australian Ceramics
The Australian Ceramics Association
PO Box 274 / Rear 249 Bronte Rd
Waverley NSW 2024 AUSTRALIA
T: 1300 720 124
F: 61 (0)2 9369 3742
E: [email protected]
skype: australianceramics
by Carole Epp | Aug 21, 2014 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Biennial Cup Show

• Entry Fee: $30 per artist, up to three entries. • Work may not be larger than 16” x 16” x 16”.
• All work must be for sale. No single work may exceed $500 in value.
Artists will pay a 40% commission to the Gallery on all sales.
• Artist responsible for shipping cost to and from the Gallery,
shipping paid through UPS only, all work must include pre-paid return
shipping label.
• Digital entry only, JPEG format, 300 dpi and no more than 2100
pixels at the longest dimension. All files must be labeled with artist’s
first initial and last name followed by entry number (ie, e.smith01).
• The Morean Arts Center reserves the right to photograph exhibited
work and use these or the artists digital images for repro- duction in
both printed and electronic materials for publicity.
Click here to download entry form
September 5, 2014 – Deadline to enter
September 12, 2014 – Acceptance notification
October 1, 2014 – Delivery of work, no later than 5pm
November 15, 2014 – Return of artwork
Juror: Matt Schiemann
Matt Schiemann received his MFA from Southern Illinois University
Carbondale. After graduation Matt became co-owner of St. Petersburg Clay
Company. He is an adjunct professor for St. Petersburg College and
Eckerd College as well as the manager for the St. Petersburg Artist in
Residence at the Morean Arts Center for Clay. Matt shows his wood fired
functional work nationally and has been published in numerous
Entry Form | Biennial Cup Show | October 1st thru October 31st, 2014
Please complete and email images to [email protected] with credit
card information, or mail with check or cash for entry fees no later
than September 15th, 2014, 5pm.
Click here to download entry form
*** sorry for the short notice. I sometimes don’t see these calls until it’s late. I know that’s a pain. – Carole
by Carole Epp | Aug 2, 2014 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
THEME: Lively Experiments
DEADLINE: September 30, 2014
NCECA’s Emerging Artists
program recognizes exceptional early career artists highlighting them to
an international audience during NCECA’s Annual Conference and
promoting them year round through The awards include opportunities for increased exposure through exhibition and special events.
NCECA believes that those creating work offering
new/exciting/thoughtful perspectives on the ceramic medium, expanding
upon genres of creative production and inquiry are qualified as
candidates for its Emerging Artist awards. An Emerging Artist may be at
the early stages of receiving recognition for his/her work but is
currently underrepresented through exhibitions or publications that
might otherwise bring the work to wide attention. The intent of the
award is to recognize, cultivate and amplify vital, new voices of
creative endeavor in ceramics. The award enables these artists to reach
broader national and international audiences and impact discourse in the
Because the concept of emergence in the arts does not invariably
correlate with a specific age, or other quantifiable terms, NCECA
requires applicants to briefly describe why they perceive themselves to
be at an emergent point in their careers and how they anticipate the
award will impact the trajectory of their endeavors. The review
committee, at their discretion, may eliminate candidates that are
considered to be beyond “emerging.” Applicants are also required to
provide letters of support from two figures in the field who are
familiar with their work and drive to create. Letters should provide the
selection committee with a sense of confirmation of the candidates’
seriousness of commitment and potential for continued development.
Application deadline: September 30, 2014
Open to: artists working with ceramic materials/processes as a
significant component of their work. A current NCECA Membership, at the
time of application, is required to be eligible to apply for NCECA’s
Emerging Artists. Applicants may not be students.
Full details here.
by Carole Epp | Aug 1, 2014 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Las Vegas,
Nevada’s Clay Arts Vegas is pleased to present “WHAT
annual national juried art exhibition, October 1 –
October 31, 2014 at the Victor F. Keen Gallery in
Las Vegas, Nevada. “What Goes Bump In The Night”
will feature that which captures the art of the
sublime, creepy, scary, things that make your skin
crawl and captures the pain of personal suffering:
there are many things in life that go bump in the
night some physical some emotional and some
psychological. All work will use clay as the
primary medium and capture what we fear in the
There will be a
$300 award for best of show.
Requirements and Procedures
An artist may
enter up to 3 works, up to 2 images per work.
There is a
non-refundable jury fee of $10 per piece..
Application, Photos and fee must be received by
September 2, 2014
Work to be delivered by September 23, 2014
by Carole Epp | Jul 31, 2014 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Swope Art Museum – Halcyon Art Gallery
The Fifth Cup of Comfort International Ceramic Biannual 2014 – “Personal Voice”
ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists world wild18 years or older. All entries must represent original works of art or design and must have been completed in the last 3 years.
MEDIA: Clay work 2-D, 3-D and works must have primarily 60% clay material are accepted.
DELIVERY AND RETURN OF WORK: All work accepted for the exhibition must arrive ready to install. Works not gallery-ready or not exhibiting good craftsmanship, may be omitted from the exhibit. Accepted work that differs significantly from the entry images or suffers from poor presentation, will be disqualified. Work may be hand delivered or shipped. Shipped works must be sent in a reusable container WITH RETURN SHIPPING PREPAID. Works will be returned in the same manner as delivered. All work must arrive at Halcyon by the specified date (see calendar).
SALE OF WORK: All work must be for sale. Halcyon Gallery will retain a 40% commission on all works of art sold during the exhibition.
INSURANCE: The artist is responsible for insuring his/her artwork for the duration of the show and during transport. Halcyon assumes no responsibility for artwork that is damaged although every precaution will be taken by Halcyon to safeguard all art.
ENTRY FEE: A non-refundable fee of $30 must accompany the Entry Form. Artists may submit up to 3 works. Checks must be made payable to THE SWOPE ART MUSEUM. If CD/ FLASH DRIVE submission is delivered by hand, cash is acceptable.
DIGITAL FORMAT: Only digital images jpg format on CD/FLASH DRIVE will be accepted. All images must be on one CD/FLASH DRIVE and clearly labeled with the artist’s name and phone number. All submissions must be identified by the artist’s first and last name, followed by 1, 2 or 3, depending on the number of entries. For example: JohnSmith1.jpg, JohnSmith2.jpg, JohnSmith3.jpg
EMAIL SUBMISSION: Email submission is encouraged. Please email your entry to [email protected] and your check must mail to Swope Art Museum/ Halcyon Art Gallery, 25 South 7th Street Terre Haute IN 47807. Your entry without the entry fee by the deadline will not be accepted.
REPRODUCTION: The artist allows photography of artwork for the purpose of promotion or use by the media. Artist shall be acknowledged as sole creator of the artwork.
ENTRY DEADLINE September 30th
Dates of Exhibition: November 7th – December 26th, 2014
Date of Opening Reception: November 7th, 7:00PM -9:00PM, 2014
Awards Ceremony: November 7th, 8:00 PM, 2014
E – Notification: October 13th, 2014
Dates for Delivery of Work: October 14th – 30th, 2014
Dates for Pickup of Work: January 6th – 10th, 2015, 11:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Dates for Shipping of Work Back to the Artists: January 12th – 16th, 2015
Swope Art Museum – Halcyon Art Gallery
The Fifth Cup of Comfort International Ceramic Biannual 2014 – “Personal Voice”

Ray Chen, the current Halcyon Art Gallery Executive Director, received his MFA in 1997 from Rochester Institute of Technology, NY and BFA from Ohio University. He has been an Artist-in-Residence at Baltimore Clayworks in MD. Chen was an Associate Professor and the head of the Ceramics Department at the University of Southern Maine and former Assistant Professor and the head of Ceramics Program at Indiana State University, Department of Art. His ceramic works have been exhibited both nationally and internationally with numerous reviews and publications. He has been traveling and exhibiting as well as presenting lectures in Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Hawaii, Netherlands/Holland, Japan, Poland, Scotland, Switzerland, Taiwan and North America.
ENTRY DEADLINE : September 30th , 2014
Open to all artists 18 years or older
25 South 7th Street Terre Haute IN 47807
Contact: [email protected]
Phone: (207) 807-8799