call for entry: Graphic Clay: A Survey of Illustrated, Printed and Innovative Surfaces.

Jason Burnett – Juror

exhibition will highlight what is happening now in studio ceramics. It
will showcase new talent and highlight known experts in the field. All
forms will be considered that include graphic and illustrative surfaces
including, but not limited to: sgraffito, mishima, china paint, and
print processes on clay; image transfers and decals. Professional,
novice, emerging, all artists highlighting these processes are
encouraged to apply! It will be an exhibit that’s vibrant in content and

Additionally, the Baltimore Museum of
Art will have a print show on exhibit and Graphic Clay will be one of
many exhibits on the collector’s tour they are organizing. This will be
an exciting time in Baltimore! Lark Books will also be releasing in the
Spring of 2015 Graphic Clay: Ceramic Surfaces and Printed Image Transfer
Techniques, a book highlighting traditional and current surface methods
and filled with many interviews of artists. 

January 16, 2015:  Application submission deadline
February 13, 2015:  Notification on Website
March 6, 2015:  Work due at Gallery
March 14, 2015,  6-8PM:  Opening Reception
May 9, 2015: Exhibition Closes

For more information regarding the exhibit click here:
Click here to apply:
Juror Biography:
Jason Bige Burnett graduated from Western Kentucky University
with a BFA in ceramics and BA’s in both printmaking and graphic design.
He continued his education as a core fellowship student at Penland
School of Crafts in western North Carolina. Since then he has exhibited
nationally, been featured in Ceramics Monthly, American Craft Magazine,
and regional magazines Carolina Home + Garden and WNC Magazine.
Jason’s work is featured in 500 Prints on Clay (Lark Books) and he’s
the author of Graphic Clay (Lark Books, 2015). A recent
Artist-In-Residence at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts Burnett now
lives and works as a studio artist in Bakersville, North Carolina with
his husband and two dogs.

Due November 1st 2014

Hamilton Artists Inc. is currently accepting applications for both
its James and Cannon Galleries as well as its Cannon Project Wall space.

The Cannon Gallery is a juried exhibition space, accepting local,
national and international applications and paying full CARFAC fees. The
Cannon Project Wall is an outdoor exhibition platform measuring 8′ x
36′. Artists may also choose to apply to the James Gallery which is
primarily a members exhibition space. There are four specific calls for
the James Gallery listed below. Please refer to the descriptions of the
Galleries to decide which is more appropriate for your needs/ practice.

CLICK HERE to download a floor-plan of Hamilton Artists Inc.’s exhibition spaces.
A 3D sketchup model of the gallery can be accessed HERE

Full details here.

call for entry: Monumental Ideas/Intimate Scale: A National Juried Exhibition

Open to all artists 18 years or older presently residing in the United States and territories.

Benjie Heu, Professor of Ceramics, Southeast Missouri State University
Benjie Heu has a M.F.A degree in ceramics from Ohio University (1998) and a bachelor of fine arts degree from the University of Montevallo (1994) with an emphasis in ceramics, sculpture and printmaking. In between degrees, he studied ceramics at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth (1995). Benjie maintains an active exhibition record of solo, group, juried, and invitational exhibitions.

Cash awards will be given for Merit Award and Best of Show.
Awards will be announced at the Opening Reception on Friday, February 6, 2015 from 5 – 7 pm. Sales and Commissions Southeast Missouri State University refers interested buyers directly to the artist. The University does not take any commission on sales of artwork.

All 2D and 3D media are eligible. Entries must be original art completed in the last three years (2012 – 14).
Maximum size of the artwork is 9”x9”x9”, including frame or case.
Two – dimensional works must be framed and wired for installation.
Three – dimensional wall pieces must include hanging hardware.
Please note that the gallery walls are drywall on metal studs – there is no plywood backing.

The Juror reserves the right to disqualify any work not suitably presented or that varies from the submitted image.

Exhibition Calendar
Nov. 21, 2014 Deadline for Entries to be submitted
Dec. 8 – 12 , 2014 Notifications of Acceptance emailed
Jan. 20 – 27, 2015 Artworks received at the River Campus Art Gallery
Feb. 6, 2015 Opening Reception, 5 – 7 pm
Feb. 2 – 26, 2015 Exhibition dates
Feb. 27 – March 7, 2015 Return of artwork

Shipment and Delivery
Shipping artwork to and from the exhibit is the financial responsibility of the artist. All artwork must arrive in packaging suitable for return shipping with a prepaid shipping label with UPS or FedEx included. Artists are responsible for their own insurance during to and from shipping. Shipping cartons must be reusable and within shipping guidelines. Please use professional grade boxes. No packing peanuts allowed. Late or damaged work will not be exhibited. Hand deliveries would be accepted January 26 – 29, with prior arrangements made with the Gallery Coordinator at [email protected]. Works must be labeled with artist’s name, title of work, media, and price on the back or bottom of artwork.

Receipt of your submission constitutes your agreement with all conditions established in this prospectus. Although the utmost care will be taken in handling the artwork and there is always a Gallery Attendant on duty while the gallery is open to the public, Southeast Missouri State University will not be responsible for damage or loss. We recommend that you carry your own insurance. Consent to reproduce works photographically, for publicity purposes, is assumed to be granted.

Image Files
Up to three Image Files will be submitted via the website as listed below in Entry Procedure. Each image file should not exceed 1.5 MB. Please label each image file with the title of artwork (e.g., TitleofArtwork.jpg).

Entry Fee
The non – refundable entry fee is $20 for up to three works of art. Payment should be made by credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Discover) via the website listed below in Entry Procedure.

Entry Procedure
Please go to the following website to enter. Be prepared to submit the following:

1. Personal Contact Information (name, address, email, phone)

2. Up to Three Image Files (jpg files not to exceed 1.5 MB each)

3. Image Information for each image (Title, Media, Size, Year, Price/NFS)

4. Entry Fee Payment ($20 via credit card)

Notification of accepted work will be sent via email.

Any questions or concerns may be directed to the Gallery Coordinator at [email protected].

call for applications: Beyond limitations – Clay Mentoring

 Deadline Dec 15th 2015

Beyond Limitation, is a four-week mentoring, cultural exchange program between Australian and Korean artists.

program consists of six ceramic artists mentoring 12 early career
artists from both countries at the Gimhae Clayarch Museum in Gyeongsang,
Korea between 20 July – 20 August, 2015. 

Limitations seeks to deepen the cross-cultural understanding of the art
form, and establish international ties predicated on the common
appreciation for the ceramics.

Please visit the website for full details and application process.

call for entry: Biennial Plate Show @ Morean Arts Center

• Entry Fee: $30 per artist, up to three entries. • Work may not be larger than 20” x 20” x 20”.

• All work must be for sale. No single work may exceed $600 in value.
Artists will pay a 40% commission to the Gallery on all sales.

• Artist responsible for shipping cost to and from the Gallery,
shipping paid through FedEx only, all work must include pre-paid return
shipping label.

• Digital entry only, JPEG format, 300 dpi and no more than 2100
pixels at the longest dimension. All files must be labeled with artist’s
first initial and last name followed by entry number (ie, e.smith01).

• The Morean Arts Center reserves the right to photograph exhibited
work and use these or the artists digital images for repro- duction in
both printed and electronic materials for publicity.

Click here to download entry form


October 3rd, 2014 – Deadline to enter

October 10th, 2014 – Acceptance notification

October 30th, 2014 – Delivery of work, no later than 5pm 15, 2014 – Return of artwork

Juror: Adam Yungbluth

Adam Yungbluth received his Master of Fine Arts from The
University of Mississippi. After graduation, Adam became the Co-Owner of
the St. Petersburg Clay Company. As of March 2014, St. Petersburg Clay
Company has merged with the MoreanArts Center for Clay to become the
Morean Center for Clay. Adam is now the studio manager at the Morean
Center for Clay

Entry Form | Biennial PLate Show | November 1st thru 31st, 2014

Please complete and email images to [email protected] with credit card information, or mail with check or cash for entry fees no later than Ocotber 3rd 15th, 2014, 5pm.

Click here to download entry form