call for entry: Ceramic Art York 2015

Application deadline: February 2, 2015

Ceramic Art York, presented by the Craft Potters Association and York Museums Trust,
is an exciting new showcase of contemporary ceramic art, with
exhibitors drawn from the UK, Europe and worldwide. This new event is
taking place to mark the opening of the new Centre of Ceramic Art at
York Art Gallery.

Ceramicists interested in exhibiting at Ceramic Art York 2015 are now invited to apply for selection for this prestigious event.

Ceramic Art York offers ceramicists a unique opportunity to exhibit
and sell their work in a prestigious central York location and provides
exhibitors with an invaluable opportunity to reach new audiences and to
network with established collectors and gallery owners.

Ceramic Art York will represent the best in contemporary studio
ceramics, with the selected work exhibited in a specially commissioned
exhibition pavilion in the beautiful surroundings of York Museum

Ceramic Art York is a major selling fair and exhibition targeted at
an enthusiastic and art-loving public. A daily programme of talks,
discussions, demonstrations and films – by well-known figures in the
ceramics world – is included to attract a wide spectrum of collectors,
ceramics enthusiasts and to establish new audiences.

Contact details:
Craft Potters Association of Great Britain
63 Great Russel St.
[email protected]
Phone: 020 3137 0750

call for entry: Dirty South Mug Competition

Application deadline: December 17, 2014

Open to: all artist working in clay residing in the United States. Work no larger than 10x10x10.

us your best mug! To celebrate River Oaks’ 30 year anniversary, the
arts center is looking for a few good mugs to include in its’ 1st Annual
Mug Call to Artists/Competition. We are looking for ceramic mugs that
encompass exemplary creativity, experimentation and imagination,
showcasing what can be accomplished with ceramics. Up to 125 artists
will be chosen for this inspiring Southern event, because we all need a
good mug for our tea and coffee and if not, we always need a good
conversation piece!

Please complete and email images to CaFe with credit card information no later than December 17, 2014 at 5pm.
Call Link:

Exhibit Dates: April 7th ~ May 23, 2015
Exhibit Reception: April 24, 2015 5-8 p.m.

The 2015 Dirty South Mug Competition is a national, juried exhibition.
Up to 125 artists will be chosen to display traditional or
non-traditional ceramic mugs at River Oaks Square Arts Center,
Alexandria, Louisiana.

• Entry Fee: $25 per artist, up to three entries (credit cards
preferable/checks mailed to ROSAC) • Work may not be larger than 10” x
10” x 10”. • Open to all artists working in the medium of clay, residing
in the United States.

• Functional & Non-functional, traditional and non-traditional pieces accepted

• All work must be for sale. No single work may exceed $500 in value.
Artists will pay a 30% commission to the Gallery on all sales.

• Artist responsible for shipping/insurance cost to the Gallery. All
work must include a Return LABEL for return shipment. Return postage
will be absorbed by ROSAC . Weight Limit 15 lbs. River Oaks is not
responsible for any damage during shipment.

• Digital entry only, JPEG format, 300 dpi and no more than 2100 pixels
at the longest dimension. All files must be labeled with artist’s first
initial and last name followed by entry number (ie, e.smith01).

• River Oaks will be utilizing the™, also known as
CaFÉ™, an online application and adjudication system for exhibits and
more. Go to to complete your application form – the direct address is

• River Oaks Square Arts Center reserves the right to photograph
exhibited work and use these or the artists digital images for
reproduction in both printed and electronic materials for publicity.

• Entry free must be paid at the time of application submission

Tom Coleman is considered to be one of the greatest potters in
America. His relevance to the field of ceramics can be confirmed by the
many artists whom his work has inspired. A graduate of the Northwest
College of Art and a resident of Nevada since 1987, Tom continues to
grow as an artist and shares his discoveries and enthusiasm through
numerous workshops, years of university teaching experience and as a NCECA presenter. For
over fifty years, Tom Coleman has been developing his craft as a
hand-built potter working with both porcelain and stoneware, each
equally refined and well-balanced. His work and lectures have gained him
numerous awards and notoriety in the field of ceramics. Tom Coleman’s
work is featured in a number of different galleries and has been
included in numerous exhibits throughout the United States. He has
written much on the subject of ceramics and has himself been the subject
of much published review.

Tom Coleman Workshop –
Working with Porcelain
Tom will be demonstrating his techniques for throwing porcelain, both
functional, thrown and altered pieces. There will also be an on going
discussion on glazing, firing and alternative decorative processes.
April 22 and 23
10:00 to 4:00
$40 per person/per day
Class size limited

Contact details:
River Oaks Square Arts Center
1330 Second St.
[email protected]
Phone: 318-473-2670

call for entry: Currents IMPACT

Application deadline: January 9, 2015

Show Date: March 9 – March 27
Open to: all ceramic artists. CURRENTS: IMPACT is a national juried
exhibition of contemporary ceramics artworks that explore social,
conceptual, and physical notions of the word impact.

Contact details:
School of Art and Art History,
University of Florida
101B Fine Arts Bldg. C, PO Box 115801
[email protected]
Phone: 708-228-1492

call for entry: Ceramics Monthly Emerging Artist

Attention all ceramic artists!
Do you know an Emerging Artist?

ceramic artists, both US and international, who have been actively
pursuing a career in ceramics for less than ten years, are eligible to apply as to our Emerging Artist competition, featured in our May 2015 issue.

Mail to submissions to:
Ceramics Monthly—Emerging Artist
600 N. Cleveland Ave., Suite 210
Westerville, OH 43082

Submissions arriving after the deadline will not be considered. Emailed
submissions and submissions containing more than five images will not
be considered. Please do not submit materials in binders or folders.
Submitted materials will not be returned. Due to the volume of entries,
we cannot acknowledge submissions. No phone calls please.

To be considered, please submit the following:
• Up to five high-resolution (300 ppi) digital images on a CD
• Full-size color print of each image, printed on US Letter or A-4 paper
• Complete caption information for each image, including materials,
processes used, dimensions, and date completed
• Contact information including email address
• Artist statement and résumé

The May 2015 issue of Ceramics Monthly will feature work by emerging clay artists
Arrival deadline:
February 17, 2015…/…/01/Emerging2015_full_web.pdf

call for entry: CURRENTS: IMPACT

About the exhibition

As ceramic artists, we are
constantly conscious of our physical impact on clay. Bending, folding,
wedging, throwing, and scoring. Our mark making is immediate and
literal. Through content, use, and integration into society, this
concept can be far more abstract or suggestive. Ceramics artifacts have
chronicled cultural growth, existence and decline. The CURRENTS: IMPACT
is a national juried exhibition of contemporary ceramic artworks that
explore social, conceptual, psychological, and physical notions of the
word impact.


show is open to anyone nationwide 18 years of age or older. Submitted
works should be at least 50% clay, and must have been completed within
the past two years.

Entry Procedures

Submissions are made in digital form via email to [email protected]. Entry fees are submitted via post.
must include a brief one paragraph statement of how your work relates
to notions of impact, resume, and up to three entries with one detail
image per entry. Entries must be jpg format, 1200 x 800 at 300dpi, no
larger than 3MB. Attached images should be labeled as such:
LastnameFirstnameEntrynumber.jpg. Please add “detail” when necessary.

Works that differ from submitted images beyond acceptable parameters will not be shown.

Application Information

is a non-refundable entry fee of $25 per artist, with a maximum of
three works per individual. This fee may be paid with credit card under
the application section or by a mailed check arrived by January 16th.
Please make checks payable to The University of Florida. Please mail
applications to:

Charity White
University of FL SAAH
PO Box 115801
Gainesville, FL

Application materials will not be returned.

Dates and Locations

opening reception will take place Friday, March 13th from 7pm to 9pm at
the Focus Gallery at the University of Florida. All accepted works must
be shipped and returned at the cost to the artist. If your work is
accepted, please deliver it with a return shipping form that has been
paid for in advance. All works that do not include return shipping will
be considered a generous donation to the H.O.T. Clay Club.