Through the Awards Program, FUSION: The Ontario Clay and Glass Association
• recognizes
ceramics and glass community volunteers through the FUSION Volunteer
Appreciation Program and through nominations of individuals for the
Ontario Crafts Council John Mather Award for outstanding service to the
crafts community
• supports
ceramic and glass education in the province of Ontario by recognizing
graduating students enrolled in a ceramics or glass program at an
accredited Ontario college or university through Student Awards
• nominates outstanding individuals demonstrating excellence in their field for national awards
• encourages excellence by supporting member guild exhibitions through its Design Award
• assists
those in financial need seeking to pursue further education in the
field of ceramics or glass by bursaries provided through the FUSION
Scholarship Fund.
applications may be submitted at any time during the year. Awards are
announced or presented at the FUSION Annual General Meeting in May, and
are listed in the Annual Report. For additional information please call
the FUSION office.
must apply for awards by writing the FUSION Awards Committee, outlining
the award for which they would like to be considered. All required
documentation must be included in the letter of application as described
all cases the decisions of the awards committee are final. The
committee reserves the right not to give an award if, in its judgement,
there are no suitable candidates.
Fusion Scholarships
FUSION Scholarship Fund provides funding for clay or glass artists
wishing to further their education. Workshops, summer courses, formal
education programs through universities and colleges, travel assistance
and research projects are all formats that may be included for
consideration. The jury will have the final decision as to how many
recipients will receive a scholarship each year, and how much money each shall receive based on merit and funds available.
Application guidelines:
• Apply
by writing a letter to the FUSION Awards Committee. Applicants are
required to provide details of the educational program they wish to
pursue and what they hope to gain from the program.
• Applications
must be accompanied by 5 high quality digital Jpeg images of recent
work, an artist’s statement describing the kind of work you do and your
philosophy in making of not more than 200 words, and a current resumé.
• Applications
may be forwarded to the FUSION office at any time during the year.
However, to be considered for selection by jurors, applications must be
received by January 31 in any given year. Award notifications to be sent
by March 31st. FUSION is interested in supporting innovative artists
who excel in their chosen medium – clay or glass. The jury is asked to
evaluate (1) design excellence, (2) quality and workmanship, and (3)
originality in the work submitted. The applicant should also (4) be able
to articulate how the educational program will advance their long-term
artistic practice, the dissemination of their work, or their career
member Guild (affiliated) or Association is entitled to give one FUSION
Design Award to a participant in the guild’s juried exhibition to
honour excellence in design. The award consists of admission to a FUSION
Conference, and a one year FUSION membership.
Application guidelines:
• A letter of request for the award, including names of the juror(s) must be forwarded to the FUSION office.
• The guild must provide FUSION with the name and address of the recipient within 30 days of the award presentation.
• To
be considered for publication, images and copy regarding the exhibition
and award winners should be forwarded to the editor of FUSION Magazine.
year individuals who have volunteered outstanding service to FUSION are
recognized at the FUSION Annual Conference. The Award consists of a
certificate, gift, and recognition of the activity in FUSION NEWS.
Nominees for the award may be proposed by FUSION Board members, guild
executives, or individual members. A letter from either guilds or
individuals describing their rationale for proposing a volunteer for the
award is due at the FUSION office April 30. Maximum length for
nominations is two pages.
enrolled in ceramics and glass departments at accredited Ontario
universities and colleges are eligible for FUSION Student Awards. Each year, students nominated by faculty are eligible to receive awards.These
awards are based on technical achievement,community involvement and
merit. Faculty should request award packages for presentation at their
awards ceremony from the FUSION office. Students must notify the FUSION
office of their current address to receive the award.
1981, to honour a founding member and former treasurer John Mather, the
Ontario Crafts Council presents three awards annually for service to
crafts over an extended period. The OCC award consists of a medal and a
life-time membership in the Crafts Council. As an affiliate of the OCC,
FUSION is eligible to make nominations.
Application guidelines:
• Nominees must be residents of Ontario
• Nominees need not be craftspeople.
• Each nominee must be proposed and seconded by the nominating group
• Application must be accompanied by the nominee’s resume
• Applications must be accompanied with nominator’s rationale for proposing the individual for the award.
• Maximum length for nominations is two pages.
• Nominations are due at the FUSION office March 31 and will be forwarded to the OCC by the published deadline in any given year.
Mail letters of application to:
The FUSION Awards Committee
1444 Queen Street East
Toronto, Ontario
M4L 1E1
Or e-mail applications to: [email protected]
gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the Ontario Arts Council. The
Ontario Arts Council is an agency of the Government of Ontario
To download a PDF of awards information, please click on this link:
FUSIONAwardsProgram 2015 draft.pdf