by Carole Epp | Dec 10, 2015 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, technical tuesday
The Workhouse Arts Center (WAF) is proud to announce a call for entries for its 6th Annual Workhouse Clay International Ceramics Exhibition 2016. This 6th
Annual Workhouse Clay International Ceramics Exhibition is an “Open
Call” for functional and/or sculptural ceramic artworks. The Workhouse
Arts Center is excited to continue promoting the best of contemporary
ceramic artwork being created throughout the USA and for the first time
open it up to ceramic artists from Canada.
Juror- Jack Troy
Troy is a potter, teacher, and writer, from Huntingdon, Pennsylvania,
U.S. where he taught at Juniata College for 39 years. He has taught more
than 240 workshops in the U. S., Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Great
Britain, and other countries, and has worked at the Institute of Ceramic
Studies, Jingdezhen, China, and has been an Invited Artist at Japan’s
Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park. His education in ceramics has included
trips to 26 countries. Having published over 90 articles in ceramics
publications, he also wrote Salt Glazed Ceramics, Wood-fired Stoneware and Porcelain, and Calling the Planet Home,
[poems]. His work has been exhibited widely, and is in numerous
collections, public and private, including the Smithsonian Institution’s
Renwick Gallery, Auckland (NZ) Museum of Art, Kalamazoo (Michigan)
Institute of Art and Alfred University. He received the 2012 NCECA
(National Council for Education in the Ceramic Arts) Excellence in
Teaching Award, and gave the closing talk, “Anecdotal Evidence,” at the
49th NCECA conference in Providence, Rhode Island, in 2015.
Entry Guidelines
Open to all ceramic artists 18 years and older residing in the U.S.A. and Canada
works must be primarily ceramic. Mixed media works will be accepted
only if ceramic materials are the primary media. The juror will make
final determinations. Size is limited to artwork that fits through a
standard door. Floor works must be firmly stable. Large scale
installations shall be installed by artist. Wall-mounted pieces are
limited to 20 lbs. per section. Work must have been produced within the
last 3 years.
Please visit for details and to apply.
will be conducted from images of works. No substitutions will be
allowed. Artists may submit up to 3 entries with two images (including
one detail) of each, not to exceed 6 images. Please proof read your
entries carefully as this will be the information used to generate any
publicity information.
Image Submission Guidelines
Please be prepared to submit the following when applying online:
· Name
· Title
· Year completed
· Type of clay and firing method
· Size (inches) H x W x D
· Weight (lbs.)
· Insurance Value/ Retail Price
· A brief artist statement of no more than 150 words describing your work
* Artist must be ready to upload professional quality JPG images.
* The resolution of images should be 150DPI minimum; 300DPI maximum.
* Images need to be smaller than 15MB.
Entry Fee
All U.S. artists- $30
(Fee is non-refundable – payable thru PayPal when applying) for up to 3 entries (2 images (including one detail) per entry max.).
Entry form and application may be found online at
Best of Show- $500- Sponsored by AMACO/Brent
1st place-$350- Sponsored by Standard Ceramics, Inc.and Workhouse ceramics Program
2nd Place-$250-Sponsored by Workhouse Ceramics Program
2 Honorable Mentions
Detailed information and Registration form: Available online December 8, 2015
Entry Submittal deadline: May 4, 2016
Acceptance notification: after June 1, 2016
Acceptance Contracts due: by July 1, 2016
Delivery of accepted work-being shipped: Due by August 5, 2016
Delivery of accepted work-being hand-delivered: August 8, 2016 10am-5pm only!
Installation: August 8-August 12, 2016
Exhibition Dates: August 13– October 16, 2016
Opening Reception: August 13, 2016 from 6pm-8pm
Return of Shipped Artwork: Starting October 17, 2016
Pick-up of Delivered Artwork: October 17, 2016 10am-5pm only!
Artists are responsible for shipping their work to and from
the Workhouse Arts Center and insuring it while in transit. Works may
be shipped or hand delivered to the Workhouse Arts Center. Works must
be shipped in reusable containers and packaging for re-packing and
return shipping. Artist must provide a pre-paid return shipping label
or check to cover return shipping costs*. Please! No Shipping Peanuts! If you must use them, please place in bags first!
Accepted work and contracts should be shipped/mailed to:
Workhouse Arts Center
Workhouse Clay International 2016
Gallery Bldg. W-16
9518 Workhouse Way
Lorton Virginia 22079
check received for return shipping should be for the same amount as it
costs to ship to the Workhouse Arts Center. When determining return
shipping cost, artist must be sure to use same address as it was sent
Insurance and Sales
Workhouse Arts Center agrees to hold safe the work(s) of art and
agrees, if unsold upon completion of the consignment period, to return
the work(s) of art in the same condition as received, less reasonable
wear and tear. Artists are encouraged to insure artwork(s). The
Workhouse Arts Center is harmless for any damage or loss whatsoever.
Workhouse Arts Center agrees to try to sell the work(s) of art at the
price listed on the online application. Prices cannot be increased or
decreased unless the Workhouse Arts Center receives those instructions
in writing.
Workhouse Arts Center will conduct all sales through their sales
gallery. A 40% commission on sales will be taken by the Workhouse Arts
Photography and Permissions
Accepted artists agree to allow the Workhouse Arts Center to photograph work while on display for educational and publicity purposes.
Images of accepted entries will be retained for the Workhouse Arts Center archives and may be reproduced and posted on its website and in printed materials.
is understood that works in the exhibition may be photographed,
telecast, and reproduced for press and publicity purposes including but
not limited to reproduction in newspapers, periodicals, magazines, in
television programs and on the internet in connection with the
exhibition and the Workhouse Arts Center.
An Opening Reception will occur on August 13, 2016 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Workhouse Arts Center-Vulcan Gallery.
by Carole Epp | Dec 5, 2015 | Uncategorized
Apply for the Arts Center’s world-renowned Arts/Industry residency
program! Up to sixteen exceptional artists from around the world are
chosen each year for two- to six-month residencies in the Pottery or
Iron/Brass Foundry and Enamel shop in Kohler Co.’s Kohler, Wisconsin,
plant. With the guidance of an excellent staff, artists of all
disciplines can explore new ideas and technologies in order to create a
body of work impossible in their own studio as well as new ways of
thinking and working. Previous experience with clay or metal sculpture
is not required.
accepted into the program receive housing, transportation, materials,
use of equipment, studio space, photography services, and a small
stipend. Artists-in-residence may work in the Kohler Co. Pottery, Iron
and Brass Foundries, and Enamel Shop to develop a wide variety of work
in clay, enameled cast iron, and brass including but not limited to
murals and reliefs, temporary or permanent site-specific installations,
and functional and sculptural forms.
Applications for the 2017 residencies are now being accepted from December 1, 2015 through April 1, 2016. Click here for the online application.
Required Application Materials
20 images of your strongest work
A resume or CV
Project proposal of 200 words or less accompanied by proposal images
List of four professional references
For more information on the application process, please contact the Arts/Industry coordinator at (920) 694-4548.
by Carole Epp | Nov 27, 2015 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, technical tuesday
Application deadline extended!!! JANUARY 1st, 2016
Entry Fee: $40 for up to 2 entries
Location: Missouri, Kansas City
Show Date: March 4 – March 31
Open to: Each piece must fit into an old Orton Cone Box (3″x3″x6″). Work
completed within the last 3 years and for sale. The show will be open
during NCECA in Kansas City.
Our Jurors will be Garth Clark, Greg Daly & Inge Balch. Accepted
artists will be posted online by the end of January, and the show will
open at the Hilliard Gallery in Kansas City in March.
Contact details:
Hilliard Gallery
1820 McGee St.
[email protected]
Phone: 785-594-4537