call for entry: Small Favors An Exhibition of Diminutive Works

Applications will be accepted through January 15, 2016. No paper applications will be accepted.

View works from past Small Favors Exhibitions.

Small Favors engages artist’s creativity in new and exciting ways with
the challenge of making pieces on a very small scale. For some artists,
the work they create is similar to what they normally make but at a
reduced scale. Others use it as an opportunity to break away from what
they create in their daily studio practice. Regardless of this choice,
the works exhibited are incredibly varied in material, form, and
aesthetics. Though small in scale the artworks created for this
exhibition are huge in impact. Each work is exhibited in a four-inch
plexiglas wall mounted cube. Small Favors will be on view from March 25 –
May 1, 2016.

Conceived of in 2006, Small Favors grew out The Studio’s efforts to
offer accessible, high-quality artworks that appeal to art enthusiasts
of all ages: for seasoned collectors who are challenged for space it
allows them to continue to collect work by artists they love. For young
art collectors it provides a financially accessible entry point.

It is our sincere hope that offering a juried exhibition of this kind
brings to light new makers and broadens the audience we reach through
the display of these unique works of art.

A complete application consists of the following:

  • Personal contact information
  • Up to three digital images (.jpeg files) no more than three pieces
    maximum. Images must be of works available for inclusion in this
    exhibition with no measurement exceeding 3.75”
    Corresponding image information: title, medium, size, and date
  • $25 Application Fee

To apply please visit our SlideRoom portal.

Notification will be made via email on or before February 1, 2016 with
selected work shipped to arrive at The Clay Studio no later than
February 15, 2016.

Selection Process and Details

All work selected for inclusion in this exhibition must be available for
sale with The Clay Studio receiving a 50% commission for all work sold
and paying for the return shipment of any unsold work providing the work
is being shipped to a US address. The Clay Studio will not cover the
cost of international return shipping. A $20 Surcharge will be added to
the retail price of all selected works to cover the cost of the Small
Favors plexi cube. Email Jennifer Zwilling, Curator of Artistic Programs
at [email protected] if you have any further questions.

– See more HERE.

call for entry: The Clay Studio National

The Clay Studio announces a call for entries to clay artists nationwide.

2016 marks the second iteration of The Clay Studio National, a
biannual exhibition showcasing the best contemporary ceramic art being
made in the United States now. Through this juried exhibition we will
highlight a diverse range of work, from functional to sculptural – and
from traditional production techniques to cutting edge manufacturing
technology. The jury will consist of Clay Studio Curator of Artistic
Programs, Jennifer Zwilling, and two guest jurors. The Clay Studio
National will be on display in our Harrison and Reed+Smith Galleries
from May 6 to June 19, 2016.

Artwork selected for the exhibition must arrive at The Clay Studio no
later than April 25, 2016. All artwork must be for sale, The Clay Studio
retains a 50% commission on all sales. Costs of shipping to The Clay
Studio are the responsibility of the artist, return shipping to the
origin of the work will be covered by The Clay Studio.

Send us functional pots, figurative sculpture, process-based art,
digital clay… or even videos of performance-based work. Whether your
references are historical, functional, alchemical or pure science
fiction, show us what you’ve got!

Applications are due no later than April 1, 2016. Application Fee $35.
Artists will be informed of the jury’s decisions on April 6, 2016.

Apply through SlideRoom HERE.

GET INVOLVED – Across the Table – call for artists

NCECA celebrates 50 years of clay, learning and connection in 2016.
To foster a sense of community and show links to how our members connect
people and ceramics, on this occasion, we have invited Michael Strand
and Namita Wiggers to create Across the Table, Across the Land.
Because we also set a gorgeous table in this community, food and the
table serve as a link to bring it all together.  NCECA feels that the
table is a literal space – and an idea – and we want to hear your

To do this, the curators have developed a web app to make it easy to research how NCECA connects Across the Table and Across the Land.

NCECA is calling on you to participate by sharing projects or taking on the K12 Challenge. We invite responses in the form of your images and your words. This is a collection of your stories. All materials entered into the Across the Table web app become part of this celebratory project.
Michael and Namita are developing this online archive to document
what NCECA members are working on right now. From this archive, our
guest curators will create an exhibition for the Charlotte Street
Foundation in Kansas City, Missouri in conjunction with Makers, Mentors and Milestones, the March 2016 NCECA Conference.

Visit for more information about this project.

Here’s a link to download the webapp

Want more information and background on the project?
(***this is well worth the read!)
Download the Field Guide at

Ready to share your story? Upload your project on the web-app here Look for the + sign in the upper right corner of your screen to add your contributions.

Want to get your K-12 school and students involved? Download the student/parent permission form and Potluck: A Portrait of School Communities through Clay and Food to help guide your lesson plans and teaching.

Questions? Email Michael and Namita at [email protected]

call for artists: Long Term Residency – Red Lodge Clay Center


Application Deadline: February 1st, 2016

The Long-Term Residency (September 1 – July 31) is ideal for committed
individuals in transition from post baccalaureate studies to graduate
school, as well as those pursuing the development of professional
artistic careers. Self-directed ceramic artists searching for the time,
space and resources needed to explore new ideas and create new work will
enjoy the rural mountainous setting. Accepted residents will be
provided with studio space, housing, utilities, and a monthly stipend in
exchange for twenty hours of work per week at the Clay Center.
Responsibilities will include assisting in the retail operation of the
gallery, teaching community clay classes, as well as cleaning and
maintenance of the studio and gallery. Residents will be responsible for
personal living expenses, as well as all material and firing expenses.
The application deadline is February 1st annually.

Application Fee: $40

The Red Lodge Clay Center welcomes applications from ceramic artists
who will thrive working as a team, in a community minded atmosphere.

The ceramics studio is located approximately six miles north of Red
Lodge, 463 Two Mile Bridge Road. A U.S. Driver’s License is required and
a form of transportation is necessary for the duration of the
residency. Resident artists have 24-hour access to the ceramics studio.
For more detailed information on material needs and studio equipment
please contact the Red Lodge Clay Center.

call for artists: Future Flux Prospectus for Concurrent Exhibition Proposals

Wednesday March 22 – Saturday, March 25, 2017
Portland, Oregon

NCECA is committed to the exhibition and expansion of contemporary
ceramic practice including diverse approaches that range from
utilitarian and designed objects to sculpture, installations,
site-specific works and performative events.

A member driven organization, NCECA is enriched by the innovation and
vision that emerges from our community to present ceramic art of the
highest caliber in the form of Concurrent Exhibitions (CEs). These
exhibitions represent an important feature of NCECA’s Annual Conference
experience bringing high visibility to the work of participating
artists. Moreover, NCECA’s efforts to site and promote Concurrent
Exhibitions expand awareness of and engagement with ceramic art for
audiences that travel to and reside throughout the conference’s host

NCECA promotes CEs through the print conference guide, app, website,
Blog and social media. While NCECA makes efforts to cluster the shows
within art/ cultural districts to maximize viewer attendance, it is not
able to guarantee that all exhibition venues will be included on tour

2017 Exhibitions Focus
NCECA seeks exhibition proposals that have conceptual resonance with the theme of its 51st annual conference, Future FluxThe
conference will take place in Portland, Oregon and NCECA specifically
seeks Concurrent Exhibition proposals that resonate with our theme.  As
journey’s end for Lewis and Clark in the early 18th century, expedition and discovery have
framed our imagination of the Pacific Northwest. As we pass beyond
NCECA’s first fifty years, the interconnection of mind, materials, and
transformation at the heart of ceramic process, art and education can
serve as trail heads to our future. Our creative work in the 21st century increasingly engages with hybrid practices, issues of diversity, notions of community and dynamic change. How
will more sustainable models of ceramic art and education continue to
evolve? What are the essential competencies and capacities for ceramic
artists and educators today and for the future? How can we continue to
draw from rich historic traditions while reinvigorating their relevance
in rapidly changing global societies? 
Portland, Oregon, a city of
rivers, makers, and entrepreneurs is an ideal vantage point from which
to investigate these questions and others. NCECA seeks Concurrent
Exhibition proposals that will help transport us to the ways that
ceramic art and education will continue to matter going forward.

All proposals and accompanying support materials must be submitted online by midnight Wednesday, February 3, 2016 (EDT).  

Full details here: