by Carole Epp | Jan 3, 2010 | Uncategorized
I’m sure you’ve all been holding your breath in eager anticipation…so here we go:
The artist of the day who will be getting a little Carole Epp piece in the mail is Laura B. Cooper.
Tracey Broome will also be receiving a cup thanks to her comment regarding Jim Gottuso’s work. Congrats to both. In order to receive your prizes you’ll have to email me at [email protected] with your mailing address and then I’ll pop them in the mail for you.
Again many, many thanks to everyone that participated. This blog is what it is thanks to it’s readers.
On a separate, yet interestingly related note – in regards to how small the world really is – a while back I received a lovely email from someone who had purchased some of my work. Seems that they had also purchased some of Laura B Cooper’s work as well (what good taste indeed!) They were kind enough to forward me the following images of our works in their home, which is always so lovely to see. I’m sure you can agree with me that there is no greater joy in making art then knowing that what you have made from your heart and mind is cherished by another. These images made my day.
by Carole Epp | Dec 11, 2008 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Deadline January 21, 2009.
All Canadian artists are invited to visit the Web site for information on how to submit their completed application for Canada’s cultural program at Expo 2010 Shanghai. The Web site also includes the eligibility criteria and the criteria that will be used to evaluate applications. The criteria were established by Cirque du Soleil after consultation with the Department of Canadian Heritage and the Canada Council for the Arts.
Check out or for the most up to date info.
by Carole Epp | Nov 10, 2008 | Uncategorized
Every once in a while you run across work that just gives you goosebumps, it hits you somewhere internally in all the right ways and changes how you see things. Kate MacDowell’s work was just that for me recently so I wanted to share it with you. I’ve long dealt with environmental/socio-political topics in my own work, but when I came across Kate’s work via ARTAXIS I realized I had found someone who deals with such subject matter in the most beautifully poetic way and that that methodology was in fact extremely successful in portraying the importance of the subject matter.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Please check out her website for more info, images and contact details.