Call for Artists – Bridge for Emerging Contemporary Art

Double Solo Exhibition Opportunity: International Call to Artists, Architects + Designers **submission receive deadline is December 24, 2010** (For this specific exhibition opportunity, patron support has enabled a lower submission fee of $10 and it has also provided for 2 stipends of $250 each.)
The BECA Foundation is pleased to present the following exhibition opportunity to two artists, architects, designers, duos, groups or collectives to each exhibit new works of art or design at New Studio A.D. located at 312 Rosemont Ave NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico. This Call to Artists, Architects + Designers will remain open through December 24, 2010.

Those at least 18 years of age from all countries are encouraged to submit their works for consideration according to the guidelines below. Two artists, architects, designers, duos, groups or collectives will be selected by BECA Foundation directors + advisors to receive the exhibition opportunity from February 1 – 15, 2011 with an opening reception on February 4, 2011 from 5 – 8pm during Albuquerque’s First Friday ArtsCrawl. The space allocated for the exhibition is 650 sqft (60 sq meters) with a ceiling height of 14 feet (4.3 meters) allowing the exhibition to fill a full 9,100 cubic feet (258 meters cubed) of viewing space. Each of those two selected will be allocated either the front or rear areas of the exhibition space for the exhibition of their individual work and each of those two selected will receive a stipend of $250 for the exhibition of their work. Submitted works are not required to conform to any particular medium, style, theme or concept. Accepted works and mediums include but are not limited to: site-specific installations, painting, sculpture, mixed-media, drawing, printmaking, fiber, textiles, illustration, digital art, photography, video/new media, film, performance art, music and sound focused works, 3D animation, graphic design, product design, furniture design, haute couture fashion + accessories, architectural interventions/designs and functional art, etc. In other words, all creative culminations are welcome. You may view past BECA exhibitions at , and

BECA is an acronym for Bridge for Emerging Contemporary Art and the core belief system at The BECA Foundation is that “New art + new design fuels the best of what’s yet to come on this planet.” With a growing international BECA network now numbered just above 30,000, it is more important than ever for BECA to ensure that in addition to hosting the physical exhibition, the exhibition also be made available online at for those who are unable to attend in person. The exhibition remains online at in perpetuity for members of the public as well as journalists, writers, curators, collectors, gallery and studio directors in the US and abroad. In addition, our outreach efforts extend well beyond our own growing BECA network. This extended outreach results in the exposure of exhibiting artist’s + designer’s work to an estimated 750,000 members of the local, regional, national and international art + design communities.

Please download complete information and submission guidelines below by clicking onto the pdf file name.

Dbl_Solo-Exh_Call to A+D.pdf Dbl_Solo-Exh_Call to A+D.pdf
Size : 182 Kb
Type : pdf
Once you’ve read the information, please follow the guidelines for available submission methods. If you wish to complete your submission online, please proceed by clicking onto the following ‘submission fee’ button:


Museums and galleries not only house facinating collections, they are also the home of leading experts who love to share their passion for art, history and science. ‘Ask a Curator Day‘ on September 1st 2010 will open the door to these experts with a unique worldwide question and answer session which will let interested members of the public put questions to museum and gallery curators. We are using the popular website Twitter to host ‘Ask a Curator‘. You can find a list of participating cultural venues in the ‘who to ask?’ section of this website, or simply follow the hashtag #askacurator on September 1st to follow the questions other people are asking.via vaaa art blog

A site 2 see friday – Canadian Arts Coalition

From their website:
“About Us
Our Mission

The short-term goals of the coalition includes two specific asks to all parties:

  1. increase the annual budget of the Canada Council for the Arts to $300 million; and
  2. invest in a new market access and development fund – an investment measure aimed, in part, at replacing cut programs that supported international touring and dissemination.

The Canadian Arts Coalition is the largest consortium of arts, culture, and heritage supporters — business leaders and arts philanthropists, sponsors and volunteers, artists and cultural workers, and arts, culture and heritage organizations, — ever assembled in Canada.

We all believe that the future of our citizens, their towns and cities, and indeed, the nation itself depends on a rich, vibrant and diverse arts and heritage community. The viability of cities greatly depends on their cultural opportunities. Our artists are inventive and generous. But the arts can flourish only when they have adequate, stable, sustained investment.


The CAC was originally assembled to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Canada Council for the Arts and to advocate for the Government of Canada to further invest in stable, long term support that increases the Canada Council’s budget by an additional $100 million per annum. We believe the Canada Council is fundamental to the cultural infrastructure of Canada as the key public vehicle for supporting the promotion and development of the arts in Canada. In 2007, we applauded the federal government for a $30 million permanent increase to the Canada Council for the Arts.”Find out more and about ways to get involved here.


International Deadline: Ongoing – The Pollock-Krasner Foundation‘s dual criteria for grants are recognizable artistic merit and demonstrable financial need, whether professional, personal or both. The Foundation‘s mission is to aid, internationally, those individuals who have worked as professional artists over a significant period of time. Application Guidelines: The Foundation welcomes, throughout the year, applications from visual artists who are painters, sculptors and artists who work on paper, including printmakers. There are no deadlines. The Foundation encourages applications from artists who have genuine financial needs that are not necessarily catastrophic. Grants are intended for a one-year period of time. The Foundation will consider need on the part of an applicant for all legitimate expenditures relating to his or her professional work and personal living, including medical expenses. The size and length of the grant is determined by the individual circumstances of the artist. Grant Restrictions: The Foundation does not accept applications from commercial artists, photographers, video artists, performance artists, filmmakers, crafts-makers or any artist whose work primarily falls into these categories. The Foundation does not make grants to students or fund academic study. READ MORE >>