ceramic symposium: Walter Gropius Master Artist Program

The Walter Gropius Master Artist Program presents Linda Christianson, Justin Donofrio, Sanam Emami, Chris Gustin, and Michael Hunt and Naomi Dalglish of Bandana Pottery will be on view starting this Saturday!
The Walter Gropius Master Artist Virtual Ceramic Symposium begins on Thursday, Nov. 5, 2020, at 7 p.m., with an online public video lecture series, featuring all six Walter Gropius Master Artists. A free virtual symposium workshop will take place on Friday, Nov. 6, and Saturday, Nov. 7, beginning at 10 a.m., featuring videos of the six ceramic artists demonstrating their process.
Go to www.hmoa.org and follow HMA on Facebook for more information on this virtual event!

Live (and free!) demo with Arthur Halvorsen tomorrow!

As part of being Visiting Artist: virtually mind you: for Old Dominion University in Virginia.
@richardnickel & and I have decided to make tomorrow’s 2 Hour demo where I’m hoping to make 2 plates/platters showing my process on how I do, what I do to the public!
This is free to you thanks to @richardnickel and Old Dominion University for making this happen.
All you have to do is join the Zoom Meeting (all information below!)
This is very exciting! I can’t wait to show you all what I do live from my studio!
:::: Here’s the Details ::::
Who: Myself and Richard Nickel @richardnickel are hosting
What: I’ll be talking and showing how I do what I do in my studio covering my artistic process and I’ll be sharing my ideas behind my thought process too.
Where: I’ll be in my studio @mudflat_studios in Somerville MA, Old Dominion University in Fairfax VA coming to you via ZOOM!
When: Tomorrow, October 6, 2020 10am – 12pm eastern standard time:
Meeting ID: 326 938 9762
Extra info if needed::
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,3269389762# US (New York)
Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 326 938 9762
Find your local number: https://odu.zoom.us/u/ab5Gc4QrRl
Join by SIP
Join by H.323 (US West) (US East) (India Mumbai) (India Hyderabad) (Amsterdam Netherlands) (Germany) (Australia) (Singapore) (Brazil) (Canada) (Japan)
Meeting ID: 326 938 9762

Clay Feild Trip with Michelle Ettrick

t’s time for our next Talking Clay Field Trip Webinar! Hosted by Simon Levin and Jennifer Harnetty, this field trip will be heading to Tyrone, Pennsylvania, to chat with artist and educator Michelle Ettrick! This free webinar will be held on Monday, October 5th at 1 pm EDT USA.

Michelle’s work spreads a message of empowerment—of never giving up, even when the odds are stacked are against you. We’ll discuss how her own story reflects that message. She’ll also demonstrate some of her techniques for drawing on the clay surface!

Did we mention, it’s free? Save your spot today!

The Talking Clay Field Trip series was started in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, as a learning tool for potters who were suddenly left without access to a studio, or students and teachers who found themselves thrust into remote learning. We hope it helps provide a sense of connection with your fellow clay artists! Find other installments of the Talking Clay Field Trip series on CLAYflicks!

Clay Flicks Workshop From home with Lora Rust

Save Your Spot! Register for Lora Rust’s
Workshop from Home Webinar!

In an effort to help make up for missed classes and workshops due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are continuing our webinar series focused on techniques! We’re all used to working from home by now, so why not workshop from home?

Our next Workshop from Home webinar features ceramic artist and educator Lora Rust! In this demonstration, we’ll take a deep dive into Lora’s “pushing clay” texture technique, which was featured in the September/October 2020 issue of Pottery Making Illustrated!

Learn to use Lora’s pushing clay technique on a plate, bowl, and a vase
Discover how to make these decisive marks while maintaining the shape of your piece
Use design shortcuts like the grid and the contours of the tool to layout your decoration
Learn the secrets of making the surface pop when finished
and much more!

“I encourage both throwers and hand builders to participate. My work is all about texture and responding to the form. That form can be made with any technique—pinched, coil, slab, or thrown.”
–Lora Rust

It’s just like an in-person workshop, but you are guaranteed a front row seat! Ask questions throughout, or during the Question & Answer Session at the end.

Wednesday, September 30th at 1pm EDT

Registration fee: $35
Registrants can access a recording of the video for 30 days following the event to revisit techniques!
Space is limited—Register today!

Click here to register!

upcoming: Sydney Craft Week 2020 

Theme: Change Makers

Festival Dates: 9 – 18 October

Sydney Craft Week is about celebrating creativity and the handmade in all its forms. This festival creates the opportunity for the whole community to engage with craft, experience the benefits of making, and purchase local handmade work.

Be part of Sydney Craft Week, bringing together Sydney’s contemporary craft community in a city-wide festival.

Sydney Craft Week is the only festival in Sydney dedicated to making by hand. Led by the Australian Design Centre (ADC) and supported by an advisory group of craft sector professionals, Sydney Craft Week brings together contemporary crafts organisations and individuals in a celebration of craft across the city as part of a ten-day festival each year in October. The festival fosters community participation and creativity, with the opportunity for the public to meet artists, buy and learn about craft and get involved in making.

Each year, Sydney Craft Week puts out a Call for Entries for galleries, shops, cultural organisations and institutions, and individual makers to host events, ranging from large-scale exhibitions to one-off workshops encompassing the breadth and power of craft.

The festival takes place over 10 days in October. Sydney Craft Week invites all residents and visitors to experience Sydney’s vibrant craft scene. Most events are free to enter, with ticketed events managed by host organisations and venues.
